10th September 2013

Present: Steve Willis (Chairman) (SW); Calum MacLachlainn (Vice-Chairman) (CM);Ronnie Campbell (RC); Mike Shilson (MS); Billy McClymont (BM); Neal Goldsmith (NG); Fiona Brown (FB); Stewart MacDougall (SM); Jim Corbett (JC); Susan Campbell (SC); Jane Stevens (Treasurer) (JS). Also present:Councillor Fred Hall (A&BC) (FH); Janna Greenhalgh (Round and About) (JG); Sergeant Mark Stephen (Sgt. MS); Bill Thompson (BT); Siân Scott (Minute Secretary) (SS).


1.Apologies: Rory Forrester (RF);Sarah Fraser (SF);Bert Leitch (BL); Joanne MacDougall (JM); Councillor Alistair MacDougall (A&BC) (AM); Graham Alexander (GA); Councillor Mary Jean Devon (A&BC) (MJD).

2. Reports Received

  • Moray Finch (MICT).
  • No otherreports received.

3.Minutes of the Previous Meetings (13th Aug 13)

3.1Corrections & Approval

There were no corrections. Minutes approved by CM and seconded by MS.

3.2Outstanding Issues & Actions from Previous Meetings

Issue/Discussion Topic / Latest Update / Actioner
Date Raised: 09/07/13
4. Issues at Bowman Court:The two key issues: 1. The available provision to serve future need. Concerns raised that all flats are now let and that leases may not allow for change of tenancy in the case of a dependent dying and leaving a resident partner. 2. The type and suitability of provision. Concerns raised that provision is inappropriate to serve those with high-dependency needs. / 10/09/13: Issue 1 confirmed, as the lease agreementstates that tenancies are heritable. The PCC Partnership agreement document was reviewed but does not confirm the service provision in detail and therefore not helpful to provide evidence in relation to issue 2. As background and evidence, BT provided a dossier of historical information relating to the PCC planning and development phases. New Action: Agreed that Nicola Sturgeon should be held to account on her statement that no resident should have to leave the islands as a result of their care needs. MS to review the historical information and FB draft a letter to Nicola, copy to Mike Russell, FH, MJD and Roddy McCuish. FH confirmed his commitment to supporting the resolution of the issues. FH suggested the issues should be tabled at an Area Committee meeting with the agencies involved invited to explain how the issues will be addressed.
Outstanding Actions Carried Forward: SW to send headline and details on issues to the national press and BBC. Agreed to wait until further evidence has been gathered before going to the national press. / MS/FH/MJD/FB
Date Raised: 09/07/13
5.1 Issue with Maternity Services on Mull:Expectant mothers currently have to pay for the costs themselves and then claim back from the NHS. This is causing financial difficulty for some. / 10/09/13:Agreed MCC to write letter to MJD in support of the proposal to that the Health Board pays for pre-birth accommodation costs up front. Action still outstanding. Carried forward. / SW/MJD
Date Raised: 09/07/13
5.4 Dental Services in Ross of Mull and Iona: AM proposed monthly dental visits to either Fionnphort or Ionaas the number of complaints receivedconfirmcurrent arrangements, although temporary, are unworkable for people on the Ross (travelling to Craignure to the dentist means a 7 hour round for those using public transport). The arrangements are supposed to be temporary to manage work load, while a new dentist is recruited. Agreed MCC should seek clarification on why this provision in place and why provision on one or two days a month could not be provided on the Ross. Also to request that patient transport is made available. / 13/08/13: No response from NHS Highland.
10/09/13: Carried forward. / SW
Date Raised: 09/07/13
5.5 Problems with Sheep in BunessanVillage / 10/09/13: Off-island contact unable to help.The area concerned is croft land and as a result no legal action can be taken. Sgt. MS to speak to the crofter involve and suggested that the Crofting Commission should be contacted. / Sgt. MS
Date Raised:09/07/13
5.7 Changes to Meeting Schedule and Agendas: The following reports will now be received, via email, 7 days before each meeting: Police, Calmac, MICT and Councillors’ reports. MCC members will be responsible for reading the reports in advance of the meeting and raising any non-urgent queries direct with the authors. Any urgent matters, requiring MCC action and/or decision should be raised through the Chairman. Agreed MF no longer required to attend meetings unless in the case of an urgent and/or controversial matter relating to the MICT report. The new agenda will comprise: Minutes of previous meeting (corrections/approval), Apologies, Main Business Items, AOB and Date of Next Meeting. / 10/09/13:Following the August meeting, JG confirmed that although she originally agreed to publish the MCC agenda and any reports in advance of the meeting, on the Round and About website, due to a number of constraints this is not possible. Agreed agenda would be published on the new MCC website once sent up and printed copies available on request and in public places (e.g. halls, surgeries, An Roth, MESS etc.). Approval to place an advert in Round and About for a web designer was given. Draft tender brief will be circulated by the end of September. It was noted that MCC should retrieve access to the original domain name, the details of which are understood to be held by Alan Parker. SS to progress with Alan. Agreed that Councillors can provide reports at meetings as before, as given their limited available time, they are finding it difficult to provide a written report in advance. Sgt. MS stated his preference for the Police to continue attending the meetings. Agreed the Police will attend and provide an updated on any relevant issues. / SS
Date Raised: 13/08/13
4.1 Community Council Elections to be held on 31st October 13 / 10/09/13: SS to email all the nomination packs and post hard copies to those who don’t use email. / SS
Date Raised: 13/08/13
5.1 Day Tripper Visitor Leaflet:Idea received to produce a leaflet for distribution to bus tour customers encouraging them to make a return visit. MCC agreed a new road sign would also help re-enforce the message. / 10/09/13:MS presented a banner design for mounting on the new railings, in front of the bus lanes in Craignure. The meeting approved the banner, with the inclusion of the words ‘Produced by the Mull Community Council’ under the graphic. MCC to pay for the banner. MS to progress. / MS
Date Raised: 13/08/13
5.2 Craignure Recycling Bins Location: Representation received regarding aesthetic and access concerns about their current location. / 10/09/13:BM and SC to speak with the person involved and look at alternative sites. Carried forward as representative currently off-island. / SC/BM
Date Raised: 13/08/13
6.1 Driving Awareness Signage: Agreed to design and erect signs reminding drivers to keep left; not to park in passing spaces; use passing spaces for allowing overtaking in English, German and French. / 10/09/13: MS presented the design for the sign. Agreed to order two, for positioning either side of the link span, following agreement with Calmac. Design to be amended to include only the graphic and not the words.It was noted that if public opinion on the sign is favourable, more could be commissioned for the roadside. SW to contact Neil Brown regarding the technical and planning requirements for this. In addition the design (with the wording) will be used as an A4 flyer for handing out to vehicles stopping at the Oban ferry kiosk (again subject to Calmac approval). MCC to pay for both. MS to obtain a price for both. SW to contact Calmac. / MS/SW
Date Raised: 13/08/13
6.2 Local Councillor Surgeries: MJD asked if AM would hold surgeries in the Ross of Mull. / 10/09/13: No update received. Carried forward. / AM
Date Raised: 13/08/13
6.4 Signage & Gate on Grasspoint Road: Issue raised regarding unsightly signage and access restrictions at the end of the Grasspoint Road. / 10/09/13:The Council has removed some of the signage and correspondence received from the land owner, requesting a meeting with the MCC to resolve the issues (including a possible new car parking area nearer the pier). MCC to be mindful of how any works would be funded, the distance from the pier and size of any new car parking area. SW to arrange the meeting. / SW/CM/BM
Date Raised: 13/08/13
6.5 Neglect and access issues at DugaldMacPhailMonument, Ardura / 10/09/13: The Council has confirmed there is no general fund for monuments, only specific funds, for certain sites. Charles Reppke is reviewing the records to check if this site has a fund. SW to chase up if required. / SW
Date Raised: 13/08/13
6.6 Pine Martins Predating Poultry and Damaging the Islands’ Wildlife / 10/09/13: SNH are re-doing their Pine Martin survey work to inform their policy. SW to chase up if required. / SW
Date Raised: 13/08/13
6.7 Winter Bus Timetabling: With the new bus operator there is an opportunity to try to improve the winter bus timetabling. / 10/09/13:No response received from Colin Craig regarding a meeting, despite leaving numerous phone messages. SW to try to contact him via the Mull Operational Manager. It was noted that the opportunity to influence the winter timetables has probably now passed, as timetabling decision by now are likely to have been made. Agreed a meeting would still be beneficial. / SW
Date Raised: 13/08/13
6.8 Replacement of Broken Sign in Bunessan / 10/09/13: No response from the Road Department yet received. It is understood that the sign is in fact faded not broken. FH to follow up. / FH
Date Raised: 13/08/13
6.9 Visitor Driving Leaflets Distributed by Calmac: Leaflets are not being given out at the Oban desk, as previously agreed. / 10/09/13: SW reported that Calmac have run out of leaflets. Agreed the new A4 flyer should replace the leaflet. SW to progress with Calmac once flyers printed. / SW
  1. Main Business Items Not Covered Above

Discussion Topic/Action/Decision / Actioner
4.1MCC Communications
The two issues:
1.MCC has to date been publishing unapproved, draft minutes and monthly reports for Round and About. This is not allowed in the rules governing Community Councils. All Councillors agreed that minutes are now to be published only once they are approved at the subsequent meeting.
2.Historically a separate monthly report has been produced for publishing in Round and About. The ongoing production of this report was reviewed, as it is time consuming, involves significant rework of the minutes, may not provide enough detail and could be confusing as may not fully reflect the approved minutes. JG raised concerns that some members of the public rely on this report as their only source of information re the MCC. This point was accepted and it was agreed that the MCC should try to make it as easy as possible for people to find information on their work. It was also noted there is no legal requirement to publish reports or minutes in the newspaper, the only requirements are for minutes and agendas to be made available to the public and meetings open for them to attend and participate in. Members of the public themselves have a responsibility to take an interest and request/seek out MCC information. The Minute Secretary’s role is time limited and the current Minute Secretary is already working in excess of her paid hours (as was the case for those previously employed in the role). The current Minute Secretary is unable to provide any further time to the MCC work so if a separate report is still required another element of her work would need to be dropped/taken on by someone else or a new Minute Secretary would need to be sought. Agreed there is no perfect solution but the MCC is committed to working more efficiently, while maintaining good communications and levels of transparency. A suggestion was made to print the full, approved minutes in Round and About, instead of the report. JG confirmed that due to space constraints this would not be possible,even if MCC paid for any additional space used. As a result of the constraints noted above, all Councillors agreed to no longer provide a separate report. Instead a list of the topics discussed at the previous months meeting, with a note to confirm that full minutes will be available on the MCC website once approved, with printed copies available from the Minute Secretary on request and in public places (a list of locations will be provided) will be provided. It will also be noted that if any member of public has a question/concern/requirement for further informationbefore the minutes are published, they should contact their local MCC member (a list of names and contact details will be provided). / SS
  1. Other Business Items Not Covered Above

Discussion Topic/Action/Decision / Actioner
5.1 Hospital Build Signage
SC reported phone call to M&K MacLeodregarding removal of the hospital build signage. They will remove it when they complete the building snagging activities.
5.2 Councillors Reports
1. FH reported ongoing correspondence with West Coast Motors regarding the introduction of a mid-morning bus service to Fionnphort.
2. FH has written to Visit Scotland to ask what is being done to better promoteOban, Lorn and the Isles.
  1. AOB

Discussion Topic/Action/Decision / Actioner
6.1 Correspondence Received From Argyll and Bute Council on a new Memorandum of Understanding for Wild Camping. MCC gave full support to the proposal. SS to send reply to this effective. / SS
6.2 The Frequent Closure of Salen Toilets. FH to investigate and report back on why this is occurring. / FH
6.3 Question Raised by Member of the Public about Road Ownership in Salen. Issues unclear so SW to seek clarification from the representative. / SW
6.4Request for MCC to write to Kaz Bailey, seeking to include the dropping of kerbs in Salen, to improve access for those with disabilities and/or with prams/push chairs, as part of the road works for thenew water main. SW to action. / SW
6.5Incorrect Signage in Lochdon. Replacement sign arrived but fixing rails were missing so could not be mounted. Work to be completed once rails arrive.
6.6Bench on Route to Java (Craignure) Overgrown and Unusable. FH to raise with the relevant Council officers. / FH
6.7MCC Finance Reports. Agree JS to provide simple summary report, one week in advance of the meeting. SS to circulate with all other reports. MCC members to review and raise any questions with JS before the meeting. If questions not resolved, they should be raised with SW for inclusion on the meeting agenda. / JS/SS
6.8Next Meeting Chair. SW on holiday and CM may also be away. MS to Chair if required.

7. Date of Next Meeting: 8th October 2013, 8pm, Craignure Hall