Learning Together Through Faiths
Key Stage 3 - Sikhism
Beliefs and Concepts / Authority / Expressions of Worship and SpiritualityOne God - Satnaam Waheguru, (eternal reality) and the Mool Mantar as an expression of the nature of God.
Beliefs about life and death:
· Birth and death at the command of God
· Reincarnation and achievement of nirvana through prayer and good deeds.
· All faiths to be respected as of equal worth. / Rehat Nama as the main authority for living including external appearance and rules for day to day observations.
Guru Granth Sahib has the philosophy of Sikh faith, their relationship to God and the core principles for Sikhs to live by.
Janam Sakhi (the life story) has teachings of Guru
Nanak including story of the rich man and the needle.
The values of Sikhism as expressed through the lives and teachings of the ten Gurus. / Akhand Path
Worship in the Gurdwara and the home
Pilgrimage to the Golden Temple and other historic Gurdwaras.
Melas (especially Baisakhi)
The Khalsa
· The birth of Khalsa and relationship to Hinduism.
· The taking of Amrit
· Keeping the 5 Ks
Rites of passage
Ethics and Relationships / Rights and Responsibilities/Global Issues
and Interfaith Dialogue / Religion and Science
Honest living
Sharing food (as seen in the langar)
Daily prayers
Family responsibilities / Freedom to practice one’s faith.
Human rights and social responsibility
Opposition to forcible conversions. / Creation (ongoing)
Avoiding superstitions.
1) In what ways does the lifestyle of a Sikh reflect Sikh beliefs?
2) What, where and how, do Sikhs worship?
3) What does the idea of honest living involve?
4) In what ways does the idea of the equality of all humans underpin Sikh values and behaviour?
5) In what ways are the relationships between Sikhism and Hinduism similar to / different from the relationships between Judaism and Christianity?
Lewisham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2009
KEY STAGE 3 – 7.8