Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name:Dr. Reem Farhan Odea Al Ma’aita

Place of Birth: Adr/ Al-Karak/ Jordan

Nationality: Jordanian

Religion: Islam

Marital Status: Married

Place of Residence: Amman

Work address: Al-Balqa’a Applied University

Technology Engineering College/

Humanities Department

Amman / Jordan


Area of Specialty: Arabic Language /Morphology, Phonetics and Dictionaries


·  PhD (2003), Arabic Literature, University of Jordan, Dissertation: “The Structure of Arabic Verbs in Verb Dictionaries: A Phonological and Morphological Study”. With honor.

·  M.A. (1999), Arabic Language, Mu’tah University. Thesis: “Language Pragmatism and its Role in Forming Word Structure”,Linguistics Study. With honor.

·  B.A. (1995), Arabic Language and Literature, Mu’tah University. With honor.

Work Experience

·  23/11/2010 – present: Associate Professor, Technology Engineering Faculty, Al-Balqa Applied University.

·  25/4/2007: Assistant Professor, Technological Engineering Faculty, Al-Balqa Applied University.

·  18/7/2005: Lecturer, Technological Engineering Faculty, Al-Balqa Applied University

·  21/9/2003: Full-time lecturer, Technological Engineering Faculty, Al-Balqa Applied University

·  16/9/2001-20/9/2003: Full-time lecturer of Arabic, Al-Hussein University, Jordan.

·  1999-2000: Part-time lecturer of Arabic, Mu’tah University, Jordan.

·  1995-2001: Arabic teacher, Ministry of Education, Jordan.

·  1995: Researcher, Heritage Revival Committee, Mu’tah University. 1995

Training Courses, Conferences and Awards

-  Educational Development Course, Ministry of Education, 1995/1996

-  Educational Excellence Awards, College of Art, Mu’tah University, for the years 1995 & 1999.

-  Member of Language Editing and Wording Commission, Al-Hussein Thought and Heritage Conference, Al-Hussein University, 2002

-  Member of International Council for the Arabic Language, Beirut, 2007

-  International Computer Driving License (ICDL), 2007.

-  TOEFL/ IBT, Al-Balqa Applied University, 2009.Rating excellent.

-  Member of Faculty Evaluation Committee, Technology Engineering Faculty, Al-Balqa Applied University, 2006-2008.

-  Member of School Curricula Review Committee, Ministry of Education, Jordan 2010.

-  Member of Tenure, Promotion and Personnel Committee, Human Sciences Department, Al-Balqa Applied University, 2010/2011.

-  Member of Examination and Programs Committee, Human Sciences Department, Al-Balqa Applied University, 2010/2011.

-  Fourth International Linguistics Department Conference ‘Protecting Language and Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalization’, Menia University, Egypt, April 23-25, 2007.

-  First International Conference on the History of Sciences of Arabs and Muslims, Sharjah University, March 24-27, 2008, Paper presented: ‘The Effect of Arab and Islamic Sciences in the Service of Humanity’.

-  International Conference on ‘Terrorism in the Digital Age’, Al-Hussein University, July 10-13, 2008, Paper presented: ‘A Linguistic Perspective of the Term ‘Terrorism’’.

-  Conference “Mirror Images: The Challenges for Arab and Islamic Studies”, Connelly Center of Villanova University in Villanova, Greater Philadelphia Area, April 1 - 4, 2009. Paper presented:

-  “Substantiation of the Existence of Morals in Arabic during the Pre-Islamic Era: Burying Newborn Girls Alive and Its Abhorrence as Proven in Literature and Religion as Model”.

Published Books and Research

1-  Al-Maita, R.(2008) "Language Pragmatics and Its Role in Forming the Word Structure". 1st ed. Dar Al Yazouri and Greater Amman Municipality, Amman.

2-  Al-Maita, R. (2008). "Structure of Arabic Verbs in Action Dictionary". Dar Azmineh and Ministry of Culture, Amman.

3-  Al-Maita.R. and Yusef Al Majali. (2009). “Arabic Language between Theory and Application". Dar Qandeel, Amman.

4-  Al-Maita.R (2007). “Sound differentiation in enriching the Arabic dictionary”.Scientific Journal of Science House “. Minya University, No.15.

5-  Al-Maita. R. (2007). “The effect of language pragmatics on the development of hamzeh”. Languages and Translation Journal, Al Minya University. Volume 3, No. 2, April.

6-  Al-Maita.R.(2008). “A view on the term “Terrorism”. online on the University of

Al-Hussein Ben Talal website.

7-  Al-Maita.R (2009). “Theoretical, semantic and aesthetic aspects of the diminutive in Sibawayh Book”. Dirasat: Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Jordan, Vol. 36, No. 2.

8-  Al-Maita.R (2009). “The effect of sound in Sibawayh Book”. Journal of King Faisal University.

Vol: 10, No: 2. 1430.

9-  Al-Maita.R and Omar Shahadeh. (2010). “Poetry of Waraqa Bin Nawfal: Compilation, Verification and Investigation. The Scientific Journal of the King Faisal University, Humanities and Management Sciences”, vol. 10, issue 1.

10- Al-Maita.R. (2009). “Gustave le Bon position on the Arabic language issues in his book Arab Civilization”. Arab Studies Journal, Faculty of Science, Minya University, No.19.

11- Al-Maita.R. (2010) “A view on obligatory omitting of the subject and predicate.”Arabiyeh Journal of Humanities and Science entitled, University of Kuwait, 110, 28, pp.57-91.

12- Al-Maita.R. (2009). “An attempt at a computerized description of the verbal clause”. The Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature, Mu’tah University.Vol. 6 ,No. 3

13- Al-Maita.R and Hassan Al-Bukur. (2011)” “Ethical trend in the romantic poetry of Abbas bin Ahnaf”, The Journal of Literature Faculties Federation, Yarmouk University, Vol8, No, 2.PP.529-559.

14- Al-Maita.R. (2011) “Abu Al-Hasan Al-Hunai's methodology in his book Al-MunajjadFillugah”.Al-Manara Journal at Al Al-Bayt University.Vol.17, No.3.

15- Al-Maita.R. (2013) “Nuun Al-Tawkeed's effect on the Arabic verbs' construction at the phonetic level”. Al-Qaseem Journal University for Arabic and Humanities Sciences.Vol.6, No.2.

16- Al-Maita.R.(2013.) “Effect of university environment on students' language: A sound study in the light of sociolinguistics". Journal of Najah National University. Vol.27.No.12.

17- Al-Maita.R .and Abdel Baset Shurman. (2013). “Running between pre-Islamic literary heritage and modern physical education: A comparative study”. Dirasat Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences, Jordan University. Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 687-701.

18- Al-Maita.R. (2013).” Kura'a Annaml's morphological opinions in Lisan Al-Arab dictionary: Consolidation Study". The Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature. Mu’tah University. Vol.10, No.4.

19- Al-Maita.R". (2013.). “Ashshafi’I linguistic Position”. Journal of Arts in King Saud University.Vol.26.No.1.

20- Al-Maita.R. “The culture of dialogue with the other: Samples from pre-Islamic literature”. Journal of Al-Qaseem University, Humanities and Social Sciences branch.Vol.7, No.2.

21- Al-Maita.R (2014), “Qutrub’s linguistic reflection on Lisan Alarab dictionary” , The Jordanian Journal in Arabic Language. Mutah University.Vol.10,No.4.

22- Al-Maita (2014). “Abu Saeed Alsukkari’s reflections on the odd plurals in the poetry of Huthali people: a study case” .Dirasaat Journal, University of Jordan.

23- Al-Maita.R. (to be published). “Suggested criteria for the utterance meaning in Arabic”. Journal of AL manar: Al albayt University.