Bi- Monthly Meeting Minutes, Stable Room, North Somercotes, Thursday 5th March 2009
Meeting opened at 7.00 pm
Present: - Chairman Shirley Morton with Councillors Rowena Benton, Denise Day and Nigel Seamer
Public Session – There were no members of the public in attendance
1. Apologies – Mr Bell, Mrs Chatterton, Mrs Hewson and Mr Palmer
2. Review of Minutes held on Thursday 8th January 2009 – Minutes of the meeting were proposed as a true record by Mr Seamer seconded by Mrs Benton and all agreed unanimously
3. To receive any declaration of interest on any item on the agenda – No declarations of interest.
4. Matters arising from the minutes of last meeting –
·  Northern Area Meeting – Mrs. Morton attended the meeting on 4th February which discussed speeding, library service and the First Contact Service, a leaflet was passed on first contact to Mrs Day to put on the notice board, the minutes of the Northern Area Meeting were put into circulation.
5. Finance
Treasurer’s report & Jubilee Field Account
·  The clerk had forwarded a report of all the bank accounts prior to the meeting the report was accepted and the cheques were signed by Mr Seamer and Mrs Benton.
·  Audit/Internal Auditor/VAT – the clerk asked if the councillors were happy for her to pass the audit firstly to the internal auditor H.Poppleton from G&H Accountancy if the internal auditor is happy with the audit the clerk will pass to the council to check, all councillors were happy for the clerk to go ahead and prepare the audit paperwork.
·  Councillor Hewson signatory details – Mrs Hewson has received another lot of paperwork from the bank as the previous lot had been lost once handed in at the bank, the clerk will complete and pass back to Mrs Hewson to sign.
6. Planning Matters –
N/162/00058/09 – Straw Pellets Ltd, Rookery Farm, Louth Road – change of use of existing agricultural building to site a straw pelleting plant to include the construction of a concrete apron. The councillors were in support of the application if there was no additional noise, traffic and working hours. The clerk will find out and if no change the clerk was asked to support the application by Mr Seamer, Seconded by Mrs Day and all agreed unanimously.
7. Jubilee Field
·  The seat has been moved from the centre of the field to the edge, eventually it maybe that we put some slabs under the bench; this will be discussed at a later meeting.
·  Future Funding of Jubilee Field – The field has enough funds for grass cutting for the next few years but if we want to level the field we will need to raise more money. There will be a Village Fete to be held on 6th September at Jubilee Field this will be discussed at a later meeting. Mrs Morton will start to look at Portable Toilet and Bouncy Castle prices. The clerk will ask Veolia once again for prices for leveling the field.
8. Highways/Lighting Problems
·  Fly tipping – This was reported as having been removed and needs to be checked that it is cleared.
·  Warning Bend Sign has Ings Lane/Skidbrooke Junction – to be checked to see if the sign has been placed.
·  Anglian Water Building East Row – The Clerk reported that Linx Homes have said that they do not plan to remove the old sewerage building as it is not dangerous or a problem to anyone, the clerk will find out if anything can be done regarding redundant buildings.
·  Dog Pooh/Multi Use Bin - This has been sited on the fence and advertised in communication.
9. Churchyard
·  Public Pathway through Churchyard/Grant – The clerk had received some correspondence to say there will be a meeting whereby Lincolnshire County Council will decide if the pathway is to be put on the definitive map, the clerk will be notified when the meeting is.
·  Plaque in front of Yew tree in Churchyard – Mrs Wells is having the Plaque fixed and it will be placed shortly.
·  Grass cutting payment – the clerk has filled in an account form for Veolia who will not bill us until we have an account even though they have billed us previously. We should now receive the bill.
10. Website – Clerk will bring laptop to next meeting so all councillors can see the website. Mrs Dainton has given the clerk some interesting historical items but the clerk is just checking with the writers/photographers that the items can be used.
11. To receive Correspondence
·  Leaflet from Lincolnshire Police – R Crompton
·  Invitation to Comment on draft landscape policy (posted out)
·  Local Council Advisory Service
·  ELDC Improvement of Services
·  Sustainable Communities Act
·  Update on Wingas
·  Invite from ELDC Chairman Quiz Night – Posted out
·  Call Connect Brochure for notice board
·  Town and Parish Standard
·  Sign of the Times postcard
13. Any pertinent business
·  Shorelne Re-alignment meeting at North Somercotes is to be held on 31st March 6.30 for 7.00 pm start at North Somercotes Primary School
·  Notice board – the notice board will be refurbished shortly, siting of notice board to be put on next agenda
·  Communication – the clerk read out the next communication items and asked for any additions
·  The Clerk reminded the councillors that the date for the Annual Parish Meeting is Thursday 30th April at 7pm at St Peters Church.
Next bi-monthly meeting date is Thursday 7th May which is also the date of the AGM
The meeting closed at 8.30 pm
Yours Sincerely Debbie Dobson - Debbie Dobson- Clerk

Minute Reference 285