5 June 2017

D Fletcher (in the Chair)

M D F Fletcher (P)

T C Bowles (P) P Kembery (P)

J Brain (A) E Lewis (P)

R Climmer (A) D Marriott (P)

D Fletcher (P) M Manning (P)

J Godwin (P) M Newport (A)

J Amos (A) C Thorne (P)

P Hemmings (P) P Willis (P)

M Goodman (P) P Dyer (A)

Evacuation Procedure – leave via the fire door and assemble in the play area – Noted.
Cllr. Fletcher signed to declare his Acceptance of Office.
18.05/17 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Brain, Dyer, Climmer, Amos and Newport.
19.05/17 Declaration of Interest Under the Localism Act – None
20.05/17 To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8 May – Approved.
21.05/17 To note the Minutes of the Planning Committee meetings of the 8 and 22 May- Noted.
22.05/17 To note the Minutes of the F&GP Meeting of 22 May and approve any recommendations – Noted
The following grant was approved:
South Gloucestershire Citizens Advice - £400
23.05.17 Clerk’s Report
Work to the soft pour areas have been completed in the park at the Greenfield Centre and the courtyard between Little Bears and Big Bears.
Repairs have been carried out to the basketball court at the Recreation Field.
Concerns have been raised by a local resident about the speed of traffic using Hicks Common Road. Members felt some temporary speed visors would help raise awareness to motorists of the correct 30mph speed limit. Clerk is to contact South Gloucestershire Council to request them to assess the site regarding this. Cllr. Goodman is also trying to encourage more speed watch training so the Winterbourne area can be covered as well as Winterbourne Down.
Construction of the new Skateboard ramp in the recreation Field is commencing this week.
A meeting is to be arranged week commencing 12th June to obtain a 3rd quote for the car park adjacent to Hambrook common.
Following antisocial behaviour at the Monks Pool nature reserve, a lock has been fitted to the gate to stop access by scooters. This doesn’t affect access for pedestrians or horses.
24.05/17 – Tenancy of Tuckett Field
Cllr. Lewis raised his concerns that the issues regarding the field being used for grazing this year have still not been resolved. The farmer has some concerns that the stone stiles may not keep the young calves in the field. His main concern is that the field needs to be fenced. Cllr. Lewis proposed that the Parish Council should provide the fencing, subject to a reasonable cost, and Cllr. Thorne seconded this. All other members were in agreement.
Cllrs. Hemming, Kembery and Fletcher will liaise with Cllr. Dyer to ascertain the exact cost.
25.05/17 Items from the public - None.
26.05/17 Items from Members
Cllr. Thorne advised phase 1 of the work on Pearce’s Hill in Frenchay has been completed, but it is likely to be closed for a further 6 months due to the amount of work that still needs to be done.
Cllr. Goodman enquired regarding up to date information for the work that is going to be carried out on the Bromley Heath Viaduct. Another series of engagement meetings are scheduled including one at the Greenfield centre on 27th June. Further details will be posted on the web site and notice boards.
Cllr. Goodman also advised that the local speed watch team usually patrol approximately every fortnight in Winterbourne Down. They are encouraging extra training so hopefully it can be extended to Winterbourne as well.
A reminder is to be sent to the solicitor regarding the lease for St. Elizabeth’s Hall in Hambrook.
Cllr. Manning is to contact South Gloucestershire Council regarding concerns about the entrance to Travis Perkins on Hicks Common Road. He feels a dropped kerb is required to enable easier crossing for disability scooters.
Cllr. Kembery requested use of Frenchay Common on 17th June for the annual Frenchay Cricket day. All members were in agreement to this. A request is to be made to our contractor for the grass to be cut a few days beforehand.
He also advised that engineers and the traffic management team from the Bromley Heath Viaduct works have offered to assist with the traffic management of the Frenchay Flower Show, as part of their community engagement project. This is much appreciated.
27.05/17 – AOB
Hambrook Cricket Club has requested written confirmation from the Parish Council that they can use the Common indefinitely as there is no formal tenancy agreement. This is required for them to secure a loan for a new mower. Cllr. Godwin is to draught a letter.
Following a request from Story Films Ltd for filming to take place in the Winterbourne area, members agreed to this providing all 3rd parties involved have no objection.
Members feel that they would like to have a memorial in respect of Clerk Lyn Iles, who sadly passed away on 15th May. Thoughts are to be given as to what is the most appropriate way to commemorate her long service to the Parish Council.
All Members of the Council would like to express their sincere condolences to Lyn’s family, and their great appreciation of her 14 years of service.
Meeting concluded at 7.55pm. / Clerk
P Hemmings
P Kembery
D Fletcher
P Dyer
M Manning
J Godwin
All members