Creating your MyMathLab Courses for FALL 2014 – Revised 8/4/14

Step #1

Step #2

160C [Lecture is CONNECT, not MML]

140 [Arch Custom Combo Lecture] FA 14 CourseID: elliott33796 [Please don’t copy courses from before SPRING 2014]

140 [Arch Custom Combo LAB/WEB] SP 14 CourseID: elliott97768 [Minor changes to assignments. Changes to offline categories]

030 [Arch Custom Combo Lecture] FA 14 CourseID: elliott78234 [Please don’t copy courses from before SPRING 2014]

030 [Arch Custom Combo Lab]: Sandy will create these courses and give you your courseID

020 [Arch Custom Combo Lecture] FA 14 CourseID: elliott19244

020 [Arch Custom Combo Lab]: Sandy will create these courses and give you your courseID.

Then click on “Go”

Step #3: Type in a “Course Name” (this name will be seen by the students when they log in)

Note: Course Dates are now required to be entered. I would set the enrollment start date and the course start date the same as the date you are creating the course. I strongly recommend setting the enrollment end date and the course end date for 1 year after their start dates.

Then click on “Create Course Now”

Help Resources:

John Elliott J Office: (314) 984-7468 Email: I am always glad to help faculty with any questions about MyMathLab. Pearson is no longer providing MyMathLab code folders to me, so I can do little to help students that need to return their books.

Steve Day Work: (405) 329-0561 Cell: (405) 740-2889 Email: Our MML Pearson Representative

Tim Wilson Cell: (314) 330-3851 Email: Our Pearson Book Rep

Instructor Tech Support: (888) 695-6577 24 hours a day/7 days a week

MML Student Tech Support: (800) 677-6337 24 hours a day/7 days a week

Bonus Tech Support for Students and Faculty at STLCC: (855) 875-1797 24 hours a day/7 days a week

Training Resources & How-to-Videos from Pearson

Many questions that you have about how to do things in MyMathLab can probably be answered by watching one of the how-to videos at There are also links to free online, live, web-ex training sessions.

Go to the Meramec Math Web Page where I have handouts in digital format under “Links”


1. MyMathLab finally has the ability to add multiple offline categories!!! I changed all lab classes (020, 030, and 140) so that the “offline items” are split into separate categories for attendance and notes. The 140 lab/web also has the final exam listed as a separate category.

2. The free tutoring session for up to 30 minutes will no longer be available after the XL summer release. The “Connect to a Tutor” learning aid button will be removed from the player

3. HTML5 Mobile Player – information from Pearson

“The XL Player has been updated with a new streamlined mobile friendly design. The updated player will allow instructors and students accessing their courses from iPads and Android tablets to work in the Player and review completed assignments. Initially the updated player will be enabled only for tablets, but we anticipate making it available on desktops and laptops in the future.”

For more updates you can go to

OR go to and scroll down to “News”