Wisner, Nebraska June 13, 2016 – June 17, 2016


Today I ran the scale again and pretty much did the exact same thing I did Friday. I also got to grill some burgers today for our Global Safety Week lunch. Dustin Ballinger and another ASOM from Fremont came and visited the facility today as well.


Today Bjorn and Sam Ward came by and Damon and I gave them a tour of the facility and then chatted with them for a while before they left. After that, Joe, Damon, and I checked out the top of the leg on three because the sensor on the rub block went off indicating something was rubbing against it and heating it up. We went up there to check it out and we shimmed it up to try and move the belt away from it. Frank is coming by tomorrow to check it out and see what else needs to be done.


The first thing I did today was give my safety presentation for Global Safety Week which I chose to do on the dangers of Farmer’s Lung. Then I helped out at the ground pile for a bit, moving the skid steer around and grading the stones out where the trucks were driving so they wouldn’t get stuck. After that, I started mowing the lawn and cleaning up around the facility. We also had the fire department come in and give us a demonstration on how they put out propane fires, which was pretty cool.


It was pretty slow today as far as incoming and outgoing trucks went, so the main focus was on moving the ground pile. Since I couldn’t drive a truck I mainly worked on general housekeeping items such as mowing and weed whacking. I also helped Damon clean up around some of the bins outside just so everything looked cleaner and was safer. I also, briefly, helped out at pit 4 with some of the inbound and outbound trucks.


I did a little bit more grounds keeping tasks this morning, but then I got busy running pit 3 and helping with pit 4 which took up most of the rest of the day. I also helped Chris put a door back on bin 305 at the end of the day which pretty much finished me out.