Agency Financial Reporting System
Payment Maintenance Screen IN. 2
May 2006

November 2000PM-1

November 2000PM-1

Table of Contents


What Is Payment Maintenance?PM- 1

Payment Write ProcessPM- 2

MaintenancePM- 3


Payment Maintenance Command InputPM- 4

Payment Maintenance Screen In.2– ExamplePM- 4

Payment Maintenance ProcessPM- 5


Multiple Vendor Entries Per PaymentPM- 7

Payments from Multiple FundsPM- 7

What Is Payment Maintenance?

PaymentMAINTENANCE (IN.2 screen) is an AFRS system function for on-line entry of payment commands to control the print, release or deletion of payment write transactions. Payment maintenance commands are applied during the AFRS nightly batch process and then deleted.

The payment-in-process transactions, which are controlled by the payment maintenance commands, are stored on the Payment Write File. The payment transactions on the Payment Write File are initially entered in AFRS by payment creating accounting transactions. The payment accounting transactions are identified on the transaction code decision table by having a value of 1 (warrant or EFT) and 7 (IAP) in the payment field. Credit transactions in the payment process are marked with a 3 or an 8. Non payment transactions have a value of 0 (zero) in the payment field.

The Payment Write transactions result from payment producing transactions (such as transaction code (TC) 210 or 216). TC 210 has payment write value of 1 (debit) and TC 216 has a payment write value of 3 (credit).

If the payment write accounting transactions pass the edits during the AFRS nightly batch process, they will post the payment accrual activity to the AFRS master files and move to the Payment Write File. If these payment write transactions on the Payment Write File are released by a payment maintenance command(s) during the AFRS nightly batch process, they will print the agency's warrants, EFT’s or IAP’s. At the same time, the system creates a second set of AFRS accounting transactions which post the payment producing activity (liquidating the accrual and disbursing the funds) to the AFRS master files. These system-created AFRS accounting transactions are referred to as payment print "wrap around" transactions (the payment write transaction to TC 210 is TC 398). The AFRS wrap around transactions are automatically interfaced to AFRS on the next nightly batch process after the payment batch due date.

Also, the screen IN.2 displays a system generated PAYMENT DATE each morning. This date can be changed, but it is not advised. There is a CONTACT PHONE NUMBER on the screen, which prints on the face of the warrant to assist the recipient with information to contact the agency is needed.

Payment Write Process

The sequence for processing payment write transactions is as follows: On workday 1, the payment write accounting transactions are input to AFRS. These payment write accounting transactions can be batched with non-payment write accounting transactions. The batch header contains the warrant batch due date, which if left blank, defaults to the current date. The system automatically adds the PRINT command using the current date (workday 1) as the print selection date on the Payment Maintenance screen (IN.2). Warrants will be available and can be picked up at the Office of State Treasurer (OST) the next working day (workday 2). The EFT settlement date will be the third working/banking day after the day of input (workday 1).

If you wish to review a printed report of the payment write transactions before payments are released, you should input a future payment due date of at least the next working day (workday 2). The daily report for workday 1 will list the payment write transactions in daily report DWP8221 and on the Payment Write File (MI.8). The system entered PRINT command on *workday 2 will release the payments to print and warrants will be available and can be picked up at OST on *workday 3.

(*These dates will vary according to the future due date the user enters.)

Time Period / Payment Write Process
Workday 1 / Before entering a batch, add Vendor Numbers to Vendor Edit Table.
Prepare batch
-Complete payment vouchers including:
Vendor Number
Payment Write transaction code (payment write indicator of 1 or 7)
Coding elements required by the transaction code
-Complete AFRS Batch Header with:
Payment batch due date
(If you do not need to preview a printed list of payments, use the system generated date (current date) which creates a payment batch due date of workday 1).
Enter the batch.
System adds a 'PRINT' command on Payment Write Transaction Input screen (IN.2) with a Print Selection Date of workday 1
Night 1 / Payment Write transactions post, and warrants are printed, IAP’s and EFT’s are released.
Workday 2 / Regular warrants are available.
Consolidated Mail Service mails inserted warrants.
Night 2 / Payment Print (Wrap) transactions post for payments printed on night 1. These were held for assignment of the payment number to be added to the transaction.
Payment Print (Wrap) transactions, which posted to AFRS, are posted to the Disbursement Reporting System.
Workday 4 / EFT Settlement Date


The purpose and functionality of the Input/Correction/ Menu screen (IN) is to access other screens for financial transaction input.

1.To access the Input/Correction Menu screen (IN):

EnterIN on the AFRS Primary Menu.


From other AFRS screens, type INin the transfer field TR: ___and press [Enter].

=== AFRS =(IN)======INPUT/CORRECTION MENU ======C105P05B ===

TR: ______






  1. Select 2 to enter Payment Maintenance Screen.
  1. Press [Enter].

Payment Maintenance Command Input

The PAYMENT COMMAND provides for the input of payment maintenance commands to:

PRINT to write warrants and release payments (EFT, IAP and IFT), print Remittance Advices, Warrant Registers, and produce the Warrants Outstanding data for OST. The system automatically enters a new PRINT command daily on working days with that day’s due date.

DELETE a payment transaction from the Payment Write File.

OVERRIDE [ERRORS ONLY] to print a warrant or release payments with errors by individual transaction or an entire batch.

SELECT to print a warrant or release payments by individual transaction identification, or an entire Batch, regardless of the duedate.

Payment Maintenance Screen In.2– Example

=== AFRS =(IN.2)======PAYMENT MAINTENANCE ======C105P065 ===
TR: ______AGENCY: 1050
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: ( 360 ) 664 7761
______PRINT___ 061906
_ 000807CH013000110 SELECT__ ______
_ 00080701021000050 OVERRIDE ______
D 000907FT200001000 DELETE ______
C 000907FT201000000 ______

1.To access the Payment Maintenance screen (IN.2):

Enter IN on the AFRS Primary Menu;

Select 2 on the Input/Correction Menu.


From other AFRS screens, type IN.2in the transfer field TR:___and press [Enter].

2.Type the appropriate FUNCTION as follows:

A=Add a payment maintenance command(s).

C =Change a payment command for a transaction.

D=Delete a payment maintenance command(s). (See step 8 below)

V=View a list of maintenance command(s) waiting for the nightly batch process by

transaction identification sequence

N=Next page to continue listing payment maintenance commands.

3.Type the CONTACT PHONE NUMBER that is to be printed on your agency’s warrants. A phone number entered on the Payment Process Controls table (Screen VE.6) will override the phone number on this screen

4.The EFT EFFECTIVE DATE displayed represents the settlement date of an EFT vendor payment which is three working/banking days after processing day Use of this process is covered in a separate manual: Payment Options Manual.

5.The FLAG Column is used for (C) changing or (D) deleting a payment maintenance command waiting for the AFRS nightly batch process. (See Step 7 & 8 below.)

6.The TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION is a seventeen position field which identifies a specific batch or financial transaction. This field is used with commands entered in the Payment Command field, except when the PRINT command is selected. The transaction ID can be found on the AFRS Payment in Process Report (DWP8221) or on screen MI.8. The transaction ID consists of the following fields preceded by the agency:


Batch Date (YYMMDD) Batch Type

Batch Number

Transaction Sequence Number

Duplicate Indicator

To refer to a batch, enter zeros in the Transaction Sequence and Duplicate Indicator.

Transaction ID is validated against a specific batch or payment write transaction on the Payment Write File. An error message (L01 – TRAN ID NO MATCH) will appear if the transaction ID entered is not found on the Payment Write file.

7.The PAYMENT COMMAND field has eight alphabetic positions. The Payment Command identifies which payment maintenance command to perform on the payment write transaction(s) during the nightly process. Valid Payment Commands are as follow:

A.The PRINTcommand is automatically added by the system on working days with today’s due date. The payment write transactions on the Payment Write File with a Due Date on or before the Print Selection Date are selected for payment print or release if no errors are found.

  1. Type SELECT command and enter individual transactions identified, or the entire batch identification, by the transaction ID, regardless of due date, and they will be selected for payment print or release.
  1. Type OVERRIDE command and a payment transaction identified by the transaction ID, or an entire batch, will be selected for payment print if there have errors.
  1. Type DELETE and a payment transaction identified by the transaction ID or an entire batch will be removed from the Payment Write File. When 'DELETE' is used, a subsequent accounting transaction must be entered by journal voucher into AFRS to reverse the original payment write accounting transactions out of the master files. For payment producing transactions (i.e.,TC 210 (6505/5111)) use TC 290 (5111/6505). For credit/discount transactions (i.e., TC 216 (5111/6505)) use TC 296 (6505/5111). The original transactions should be reversed the the same account coding as they were originally input (see report DPW 7101 “Daily History Transaction Report” for the original account code information.)
  1. The auto generated PRINT SELECTION DATE is a six digit field (MMDDYY). Payment transactions with a due date on or before the Print Selection Date are used to print warrants or release payments. This field is only used when the PRINT Payment Command is selected. Only one PRINT Payment Command is permitted for the AFRS nightly process.
  1. To CHANGE a payment maintenance command, first view the transaction. Type a C in the FUNCTION field and then type a Cin the FLAG column next to each payment maintenance command to be changed. Make the changes to each line and press [Enter]. If you do not put the C in the FLAG column you will get a system message: “MARK ENTRY TO CHANGE WITH C.”

10. To DELETE payment maintenance commands, first view the transaction. Type a D in the FUNCTION field and then type a D in the FLAG column next to each payment maintenance command to be deleted and press [Enter]. If you do not put the D in the FLAG column you will get a system message: “MARK ENTRY TO DELETE WITH D.”

Multiple Vendor Entries Per Payment

Multiple payment write transactions within the same batch when released at the same time will combine payments together if the vendor information is identical. The combining of payment write transactions will create one vendor payment. Each payment write transaction retains its input batch identification. For payments made by warrant, the combining will only occur within the same batch. If the vendor information is identical in two different warrant producing batches that are released at the same time, then two payments will be produced, one for each batch for the vendor. The vendor information that must be identical is the vendor name and the vendor address 1 and city, and if entered, the vendor number and vendor number suffix. The other transaction coding information such as fund, appropriation, and program may be different and will not effect the combining of payment write transactions. (NOTE: Payments by EFT and IAP will combine batches and list each agency, contact phone number and batch type on the remittance advice.)

Payments from Multiple Funds

The maximum number of funds allowed for a payment to a single vendor is ninety nine (99). If an agency enters payment write transactions to more than 99 different funds in a batch for a vendor and releases these transactions together for payment write, then two payments will be created. One payment is for the first 99 funds and the other payment is for anything over 99.

Treasury and treasury trust fund types can be combined on the same payment. Local fund and treasury fund types cannot be combined to create one payment.

May 2006PM-1