Ms. Donna DeGiobbi - Foothill High School

English 9 – College Prep

Course Description: English 9 represents Freshman level college preparatory English and focuses on the following selections of core text and literature books: Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar, Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes, John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, Heroes, Gods and Monsters of Greek Mythology, Homer’s The Odyssey, and William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. This material will also be supplemented with poetry, short story selections, and Melba Patillo Beals' memoir, Warriors Don't Cry. Reading, analyzing and writing on various themes within literature will be a prime focus of this course. Other areas of focus include the following: vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, essay writing, MLA format, analysis of poetry and poetic devices, class discussions, and public speaking.

Assignments:Class work and homework will consist of selected readings, prepared writing assignments related to literature, SAT vocabulary and quizzes, grammar lessons utilizing literature based learning, essay writing and speech preparation. The English Department requires that each student must submit a quarterly essay in order to pass any English course, regardless of other points accrued which may equate to a passing grade. Without completion of these writing assignments, the student will fail the course. In order to complete the course requirements, the writing must be made up, even if all of the points possible have been lost due to a lack of timely submission. Outside reading is a requirement of Pleasanton Unified School District and a requirement of this class. Therefore, students will be given some time in class for reading their outside selected materials and will be expected to complete one speech/presentation a quarter based on a book they have read for their outside reading project.

The assignment grading scale is as follows:Writing Assignments – 45%

Reading Assignments – 35%

Speak/Listen/Participation- 20%

Grades: Grades will be based solely on points and participation. Here is the breakdown of percentages and their corresponding letter grade:

100% = A+ 98-91% = A 90% = A-

89% = B+ 88-81% = B 80% = B-

79% = C+ 78-71% = C 70% = C-

69% = D+ 68-61% = D 60% = D-

59% or less = F

The Foothill H.S. English Dept. wants all of our students to grow as critical thinkers, readers and writers. We design lessons to engage and challenge them with this goal in mind. The English Department's Grading Policies include the following Common Agreements:

  1. Make-up work will be accepted after an excused absence as per the policy stated in the Foothill planner.
  2. Late work will be accepted, but with a penalty* (due the next day with a 50% reduction)
  3. We do not give Extra Credit.
  4. We do not give points for non-academics (bathroom passes, etc.)
  5. We do not curve tests or quizzes.
  6. We do not round grades. We will adhere to the standard grading scale. (as outlined above)

Grades will be posted periodically on Q Connection. Feel free to contact me, via email () if you have questions about the curriculum or about your student; however, please be advised that I will not discuss a student's grade with a parent or guardian prior to the student coming to discuss his/her grade with me first. Most grading questions can be easily cleared up between the student and myself through an in-person conversation. I will not discuss grades with a student via email; it must be done in person.

Expectations: Students are expected to be cooperative and ready to begin working at the start of each class period.

Cellphone usage, Tardiness and Unexcused absences: All in accordance with Foothill's policies and procedures

Foothill High School

4375 Foothill Road

Pleasanton, CA 94566

August, 2016

Dear Parent or Guardian,

I thank you for taking the time to read this course description. I ask that you feel free to call me or email me at Foothill High School, if you have any questions about the course description, grading policy, rules, and/or consequences or with any other questions or concerns you may have.

Please detach and sign the bottom portion of this letter and have your son or daughter return it to me at your earliest convenience.Please be advised that this is an assignment and is worth 10 points of your student’s grade. I look forward to spending this year educating your son or daughter and look forward to sharing their strengths and accomplishments with you. Thank you.


Ms. Donna DeGiobbi

English Teacher

Please return bottom section as the first assignment of the Semester


Student’s printed name & Class period Student’s email address


Student’s signature


Parent or Guardian’s printed name and phone number


Parent or Guardian’s email address


Parent or Guardian’s signature

**Please write any concerns or special instructions on the back of this paper. **