Lenzie Golf Club Bylaws

The Bylaws of the Club can be amended by the General Committee at any time if its deemed it in the interests of the Club.

1. / Membership
Unless otherwise stated, all Categories of members shall transfer to the next level if they have reached the qualifying age as at the 31st December of the preceding year, as detailed in that category of membership.
Lenzie Golf Club consists of the following types of members, the numbers of each category are as set out at the Annual General Meeting:-
1.1 / Full – Pays full Subscription as determined by the Club in General Meeting, has no restrictions on play and has full voting rights
1.2 / Veteran- Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting, has no restrictions on play and has full voting rights. Members who attain the age of 65 years prior to 31st December and have completed 20 years as a voting member, can qualify for Veteran membership by applying in writing to the General Committee.
1.3 / Life- Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting, has no restrictions on play and has full voting rights. Application for Life membership of the Club may be made at any time to the General Committee, which reserves to itself, the right to refuse any such application. It is a condition of Life membership that the applicant shall have paid not less than 40 years’ subscription as a voting member, from the age of 18 years old, unless otherwise determined at the discretion of the General Committee
1.4 / Associate- Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting has restrictions on play and has no voting rights. An Associate has no voice in the running of the Club. Associate Members can not compete for Club trophies but can play in medals for the purpose of handicap. Associate Members can be picked to represent the Club in Team match events. Play is restricted as shown below
(a) No play may commence between 4:00pm and 6:30pm on a Tuesday.
(b)No play may commence between 5:00pm and 6:30pm on a Thursday.
(c)No play may commence before 4:00pm on a Saturday.
(d)No play may commence before 12 Noon on a Sunday.
This form of Membership is currently closed to any new applicants.
1.5 / 5 Day Peak- Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting, has restrictions on play and has no voting rights. 5 Day Peak Member has no voice in the running of the Club.5 Day Peak Members can not compete for Club trophies but can play in medals for the purpose of handicap. Play is allowed any time between Monday and Friday, inclusive, subject to other course uses.
1.6 / 5 Day Off-Peak- Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting, has restrictions on play and has no voting rights. 5 Day Off-Peak Member has no voice in the running of the Club. 5 Day Off-Peak Members can not compete for Club trophies but can play in medals for the purpose of handicap. Play is must commence between 10:am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday,inclusive,subject to other course uses.
1.7 / Country Membership- Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting,has no restrictions on play and has no voting rights. Country Member has no voice in the running of the Club. Country Members can not compete for Club trophies, with the exception of the Club Championship, but can play in medals for the purpose of handicap. In Order to qualify for Country Membership, the applicant requires to reside at least 50 miles by road from the Club.
1.8 / Intermediate- Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting, has no restrictions on play and has no voting rights. Intermediate Members have no voice in the running of the Club. Intermediate Members can play in all competitions. Intermediate Members are those who are aged between 26 & 29 inclusive.
1.9 / Senior Youth- Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting, has no restrictions on play and has no voting rights. Senior Youths have no voice in the running of the Club. Senior Youths can play in all competitions. Senior Youths are those who are aged between 22 & 25 inclusive.
1.10 / Youth- Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting, has no restrictions on play and has no voting rights. Youths have no voice in the running of the Club. Youths can play in all competitions. Youth Members are those who are aged between 19 & 21 inclusive.
1.11 / Junior - Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting, has restrictions on play and has no voting rights. Juniors can play in all categories of competitions as determined by the Match and Handicap Committee. Junior Members are those who are aged between 11 &18 inclusive.
Play is restricted during the following times:-
(a)No play may commence between 1:00pm and 6:30pm on a Tuesday.
(b)No play may commence between 5:00pm and 6:30pm on a Thursday.
(c)No play may commence before 2:00pm on a Saturday.
(d)No Play may commence before 10:30 am and between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on a Sunday.
1.12 / Cadet- Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting, has restrictions on play and has no voting rights. Cadets can only play in categories of competitions as determined by the Match and Handicap Committee. Cadet Members are those who are aged between 8 &10 inclusive.
Play is restricted during the following times:-
(a)No play may commence between 1:00pm and 6:30pm on a Tuesday.
(b)No play may commence between 5:00pm and 6:30pm on a Thursday.
(c)No play may commence before 2:00pm on a Saturday.
(d)No Play may commence before 10:30 am and between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on a Sunday.
1.13 / Novice- Novice membership is for a fixed term no longer that 1 year and is not renewable. It is open to adults who are new to golf/do not hold a golf handicap/are not currently a playing member of any golf club. Novice Membership will have no voting rights and no voice in the running of the Club.Novice Membership will have no access to BRS on line booking system (All access to booking for the Course should be made through the Pro-Shop)
Playing times are restricted to off peak: –
(a)Monday to Friday 10:00am -2:30pm & after 7:00pm,
(b)Weekend- after 3:00pm on a Saturday and a Sunday
1.14 / Social Member- Pays subscription level as determined by the Club in General Meeting. They shall enjoy the privileges of the Clubhouse only, shall have no vote and no voice in the running of the Club and shall not, play on the Course or practice facilities. Social Members have to be at least 18 years old. Social Members can only transfer to playing membership if there is a space available and on payment of the appropriate subscription and joining fee. The Committee can expel a Social Member should it become known that they have played golf on the Course or Practice areas without Committee consent. Social Members can apply in writing to the Committee to play on the Course. The Committee will set the Green fees and the number of times that this can be applied for in a season.
1.15 / Temporary Member- Shall be a visitor to the area who intends to be resident for less than six months. Such members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club, but shall have no voice in the business and affairs thereof and shall not be eligible to take part in any of the Club competitions nor to introduce any guests to the Club. The charges payable by temporary members shall be fixed by the General Committee. A list of Temporary members shall be exhibited in a prominent place in the Clubhouse, showing their names and the period for which they have been admitted.
1.16 / Honorary Membership- A person may be admitted as an Honorary member for distinguished service to the Club and shall not be required to pay any entry money or subscription, nor any Levy, Loan or Debenture, but as such, shall have no voice in the management of the Club. Their election must be by a unanimous vote of the General Committee at a meeting called for that purpose
1.17 / The admission of new members shall be in the hands of the General Committee.
1.18 / Every application for admission as a member of the Club may be proposed and seconded in writing by two members on a Form prescribed by the General Committee, and shall contain the full nameof the applicant and shall be signed by the applicant.An application can be accompanied by a letter of introduction from a Secretary of another club or by another person who will bear testament to the character of the applicant. The Committee will determine if any such testament is suitable to accept the application. Application with no proposer or seconder can be referred to the General Committee for approval or otherwise.
1.19 / Application forms showing the names of persons proposed as members shall be exhibited on the Notice Board in the Clubhouse for at least one week. Any Member can object to an application by writing to the Committee stating their reasons for any such objection. The application and any written objection shall thereafter be considered by the General Committee at its next meeting.
1.20 / In the event of an application being rejected, intimation to that effect shall be given to the applicant and also to his Proposer and Seconder. No member or applicant shall be entitled to demand or receive an explanation of any rejection.
1.21 / On the admission of an applicant, the General Committee shall ensure that written confirmation of membership is issued to the applicant. This shall include a copy of the Constitution and the Bylaws of the Club. No applicant shall be entitled to the privileges of the Club until the appropriate Entrance Fee, Subscription and any Loan, Levy or Debenture has been paid. If payment has not been received within one month of the acceptance, any such application shall be void.
2. / Finance
2.1 / The Financial Year end will be the 31st October.
2.2 / The whole management and control of the funds and expenditure of the Club shall be vested in the General Committee, which shall ensure proper Books of Account are kept with respect to:
(i)All sums of money received and expended by the Club and the matters in respect of which such receipt and expenditure takes place: and
(ii)The assets and liabilities of the Club.
2.3 / Subscription – for members, shall be fixed from time to time by the Club in a General meeting by a majority of voting members present. Membership discounts may be given, such as Family, as the General Committee shall from time to time determine.
2.4 / EntranceFee – The General Committee shall determine the amount of any Entrance fee required to join the Club.
2.5 / All Subscriptions, Levy’s, Compulsory Loans or Debentures must be paid by 31st March. Any member whose subscription Levy, Compulsory Loan or Debenture is by 31st March, shall receive a notification to that effectfrom the General Committee by post, and if the subscription, Levy, Loan or Debenture shall further remain unpaid for fourteen days after such notification, such member’s name may be posted in the Clubhouse as being in default and shall be removed from the Membership Database.
2.6 / No member whose Subscription, Levy, Loan or Debenture is in arrears shall be allowed to vote or take part in any business of the Club. No member whose Subscription, Levy, Loan or Debenture is in arrears shall be allowed to compete for prizes, play in competitions or participate in any advantages or privileges of the Club, until all arrears due are paid.
2.7 / At any time when additional money is required for specific purposes and/or for the efficient management of the Club, the members may, by a majority of those attending and voting at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose, impose a levy, compulsory loan or debenture to be paid or contributed to by every member of the Club (other than Honorary members).
2.8 / Any member failing to intimate to resign from the Club, before the Annual General Meeting, will be held liable for his subscription for that financial year and for any Levy, Loan or Debenture imposed at the Annual General Meeting or during the then current financial year.
2.9 / The General Committee will enable various ways to pay the Annual Subscriptions, however,members should ensure such methods of payment must be in place to enable payment to be made by no later than 31st March
2.10 / The General Committee, may from time to time, promote incentives to increase membership numbers and maximise visitors income.
2.11 / As per Section 7.4 of the Clubs Constitution the amount set by Committee which requires two signatures from two of the following the Captain, Vice-Captain, Finance Officer, Finance Convener, Secretary and General/Development Manager to authorise payments is £5000
3. / Management
3.1 / Sections 5 and 6 of the Constitution define The General Committee and the mandatory sub-committees.
3.2 / The General Committee shall determine and set up such other sub-committees and special interest groups as are necessary
3.3 / The General Committee shall have the power to invite non-members of The Club, with relevant expertise, to attend meetings of The General Committee or appropriate sub-committees to assist with specific issues. Such attendees may only advise on issues and have no decision making role.
3.4 / The General Committeeis accountable to the Members for all aspects of The Club’s activities and will represent the interests of the Members by ensuring The Club is financially viable and achieves the objectives set out in section 2 of the constitution.
3.5 / The General Committee shall provide governance and direction for the affairs of The Club within an established framework of policies and procedures governing The Club. It shall also set up procedures to provide for regular scrutiny, supervision and review of the business of The Club, including compliance with all relevant legislation and associated guidance. The General Committee shall have the authority to decide how this is to be done and the control of the resources required appropriately.
3.6 / The Committee shall have the power to create such positions that are necessary to run the Club and to appoint the appropriate persons to such posts. These shall be and not limited to:-
Secretary- To be responsible for General Committee minutes, Nominations sub committee minutes and correspondence, the calling of any General Meetings of the Club and recording the proceedings.
Match & Handicap Secretary- To administer club competitions, maintain all members’ handicaps in accordance with CONGU rules and all other matters relating to club participation in interclub competitions
Course Manager- To ensure that the Golf Course is maintained to the highest standard, to manage green-keeping staff and to ensure budgets are adhered to.
Web Administrator- To manage and run the Clubs Website, liaise with Committee and Officials to promote lines of communication with the membership.
Bar Chargehand- To Manage and run a bar service, in liaison with the Finance Officer, to prepare control and check the bar returns and cash flow, to ensure that adequate stocks are maintained in the Club bar, and to ensure that regular bar stocktaking is undertaken. In conjunction with the Development Manager, recruit bar staff, ensure bar staff are adequately trained, compile duty rotas for bar, and maintain the Club diary ensuring that all events are properly entered.
Finance Officer- To maintain accurate books and accounts, ensure the Club’s financial records are accurate, the general monitoring of the Club’s financial health, the issuing of subscription invoices to members and collection of same, and the reconciliation of final accounts to trial balance.
General/Development Manager-Responsible for - Maximising the Club’s income, promoting new membership, maximising sponsorship income, communicating with members as efficiently as possible, assisting the Club Secretary in issuing of General Meeting notices, dealing with correspondence, providing regular reports on activity for the General Committee, supporting staff and liaising with club suppliers.
PGA Professional-The General Committee may also appoint a PGA Professional to provide a service to members including the teaching of golf and the sale or rent of golf equipment. Such an appointment will not be as an employee of the Club but shall be contracted to provide such services.
3.7 / General Committee Meetings shall be held at least quarterly but will normally be held on a monthly basis.
3.8 / The Captain, whom failing the Vice Captain, shall preside at all meetings of The General Committee. In the absence of both, the meeting will appoint one of its members to preside. Decisions shall be reached either by agreement or by a show of hands with a majority decision being binding on all members of The General Committee and on any Members affected by it. The Chairman shall have a deliberative and a casting vote.
3.9 / A quorum of any meeting of The General Committee shall not be less than 50% of its members.
3.10 / The General Committee shall compile, maintain and publish a complete set of Bylaws. Such Bylaws shall include the Member’s priority times, Member’s guest entitlements, clubhouse and associated opening hours, dress code, discipline, code of conduct, and competition rules and conditions. Other rules shall be prepared as required.