Honor Council Application


Cell Phone Number: ______


Worner Box Number:______

Graduation Year:______

Dear Applicant,

Please write a letter, not to exceed two typed pages, double-spaced, to the Council, addressing the following questions:

  1. Why do you wish to serve on the Colorado College Honor Council?
  2. What does academic integrity mean to you?
  3. How do you promote integrity in diverse communities?
  4. What are the main challenges to upholding standards of academic integrity and fairness on a college campus?

Please draw on relevant personal experiences that demonstrate your ability to act with integrity and responsibility.

Along with your written letter to the Council answering these questions, pleaseattach a one to two-page résumédetailing any and all relevant jobs, extra-curricular involvements, and leadership experiences. In your résumé, please do not include your grade point average or your high school. Pleaseindicate below whether or not you are in good academic standing with the College, as this is a requirement for joining the Honor Council.

Are you in good academic standing with the college? [Is your grade point average above 2.5?]



Please note that your written application, résumé, letters of recommendation, and intervieware the only opportunities to demonstrate your qualifications for joining the Honor Council and will be the only components that will be evaluated during the deliberation process.

Please return this cover sheet, your letter, and your résumé, in a sealed envelope, to the Worner Desk or send them by email to , byNovember 15, 2016 at 7:00 PM.

In addition, for your application to be considered, you must attend one of themandatory information session listed below:

  1. [October 25, 2016 at 1:15 PM (WES Room)]
  2. [October 27, 2016 at 1:00 PM (WES Room)]
  3. [October 31, 2016 at 1:15 PM (WES Room)]

If you are unable to make one of these three sessions because of extenuating circumstances, please email William Pak ().

Finally, along with your application, you must submit two letters of recommendation. The first recommendation is to be completed by a member of the faculty or a college staff member. The second recommendation is to be completed by another CC student.Current Honor Council members are not allowed to write recommendation letters for applicants. Recommendersare to turn these letters in to the Worner Desk by November 14, 2016 at 7:00 PM. The letters must be turned to the Worner Desk, in a sealed envelope, and only by the person who completed them, not the applicant. You will be contacted during the first week of 4thBlock to schedule your interview. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either of the Honor Council Co-Chairs:

Mayss Al-Alami –

Brittany Camacho –

You may also contact the Council’s Officer for Recruitment and Retention: William Pak ()

We look forward to meeting you, and thank you for your interest in the Council!


The Honor Council

Faculty or Staff Member Recommendation

Please write a brief statement commenting on the character of the applicant. Speak specifically about the applicant’s ability to act with integrity, to interact with students from a variety of backgrounds, to behave in a professional manner, and to think critically about challenging topics. Why do you think this student would make an exceptional Honor Council representative?In addition to this, do you think this student is organized and consistent enough to handle the heavy workload, logistics, and scheduling matters that will be demanded of them by the Honor Council?

Please return your recommendation to the Worner Desk,in a sealed envelope,before November 14, 2016 at 7:00 PM. Please note that the applicant cannot turn in the recommendation for you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the Council Co-Chairs:

Mayss Al-Alami –

Brittany Camacho –

Thank you in advance for your support of the Council and for your input in this very important process.


The Honor Council Co-Chairs

Peer Recommendation

Here is a summary of the Honor Council’s function, aims, and standards that may provide some clarity, concerning what qualities its members strive to embody and practice. The Council is a student-run organization that serves to uphold the Colorado College Honor Code and the values of honesty, integrity, and fairness, especially in their application to academics. In selecting new members, the Council looks for those who are able to interact well with others and operate under duress, while maintaining a respectful, sensitive, and compassionate attitude. In your recommendation of your peer, while they may certainly be an excellent friend and confidant, please keep the following in mind. Try to imagine how they would be as a representative of an organization that is dedicated to the three aforementioned values and how they would be, as someone tasked with handling difficult and potentially life-changing social and academic situations.

Please write a statement commenting on the character of your fellow student. Specifically speak about the applicant’s ability to act with integrity and reliability, to engage with others from a variety of backgrounds, and to take initiative in confronting challenging situations. Why do you think this student would make an exceptional Honor Council representative?

Please return your recommendation to the Worner Desk,in a sealed envelope,before November 14, 2016 at 7:00 PM. Please note that the applicant cannot turn in the recommendation for you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the Council Co-Chairs:

Mayss Al-Alami –

Brittany Camacho –

Thank you in advance for your support of the Council and for your input in this very important process.


The Honor Council Co-Chairs