The Moro City Council met for a regular Council Meeting, Tuesday, October 4, 2016, 7:00 p.m. at the Moro City Hall. The following were present Mayor Andy Anderson; Councilors Bert Perisho, Seth vonBorstel, Jim Payne and Bryan Cranston; Kya Mabe-City Administrator (CA), John English-Director of Public Works (DPW); John and Nancy Kusky – J&N Cable, Teresa McCallum, Perry Thurston, Nell Melzer, and Marylou Dennis.

CONSENT AGENDA-MINUTES-BILLS-FINANCIAL REPORT- There was a motion (vonBorstel/Cranston) to approve the September 6, 2016 Council Meeting minutes. Motion Carried.

There was a motion (Perisho/Payne) to approve August’s bills totaling $74,729.81, check numbers 11636-11655 and 15030-15031. Motion Carried.

PAST DUE WATER/SEWER ACCOUNTS – There were 6 disconnect notices delivered. All paid a portion due.


·  John and Nancy Kusky – J&N Cable – John and Nancy were at the meeting to discuss a franchise transfer to Home Telephone Company. Mayor Anderson commented on the 1% franchise agreement and mentioned that most cities have a 3%-8% franchise agreement. At this point the franchise agreement has 5 years left on its term and will be renegotiated at the end of the 5 years. There was a motion (von Borstel/Cranston) to approve the franchise transfer from J&N Cable to Home Telephone Company.


·  There were no comments from citizens regarding agenda items.

RESERVOIR UPDATE– John English (DPW) shared we are about ready to go, and have begun to fill the cistern. Mr. English stated there is a leak on the right side under the control room. Mr. English plans to take dip stick measurements to determine how much water loss we have. Mr. English shared he feels it is too risky and we should keep the cistern offline, the councilors agreed and the plan now is to fill the cistern and use it as backup for fires, perhaps even hook a water hydrant to the cistern line. Mr. English feels we should be ready to go mid-late October. Kya Mabe (CA) is working on getting bids out and hopes to have them out by the end of the week.

LANDSCAPE PROJECT – Mayor Anderson shared he does not have an update. Ms. Mabe (CA) is hoping to pick up some large planters in the next week and will hopefully plant bulbs and other donations from Councilor Perisho.

SIGNS – PUBLIC PARKING/RESTROOMS – John English (DPW) shared he has ordered a 60x10 inch sign to go under the Moro City Park sign and it should be ready soon.

MAIN STREET TREES – John English (DPW) shared the tree trimmers started work earlier in the day and they are doing a great job.

DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PROGRAM APPLICATION – The council went over changes that have been made to the application. There was a lengthy discussion on the master revitalization plan and whether it included all of Main Street or just a portion and whether or not the program is available to business owners or all property owners along Main Street. The scope of responsibility for the downtown committee was also discussed. The committee was to help create the program and application process and to make recommendations back to the council on those items. There will be further changes made to the application and again reviewed at the November 1, 2016 meeting.

LIGHTSPEED NETWORKS – FRANCHISE – Kya Mabe (CA) shared she sent the franchise template out for legal review. There were a few changes suggested and discussed at the meeting. The councilors agreed with all suggestions, except one. The changes will be made and LSN will be at the November meeting discuss the changes.

VERIZON – The City discussed an offer from American Tower, offering to change from a monthly franchise fee to a lump sum. Councilor von Borstel stated he would like to table this until we have a better idea of the reservoir repair costs. Councilor Cranston shared if he was to go with a lump sum offer he would choose to go with the 10 year offer of $15,000 per year for a total of $150,000. Councilors agreed to table this until next month.


·  There were no comments from citizens concerning items not on the agenda.


·  Councilor Payne shared he really hopes everything works out with the reservoir repairs; John English (DPW) has put in a lot of work.

·  Councilor Perisho shared the street repairs on Dewey and Sampson turned out great, it will last another 15 years. Councilor Perisho also stated the first letter received from the County about the County fiber project came after Lightspeed Networks came to us.

·  Councilor vonBorstel added to Councilor Perisho’s second comment about the County fiber project, the County never came to the City about the project, nor did they set up a franchise agreement. Mayor Anderson will go to the next County Court meeting.

·  Councilor Cranston came back to the Verizon discussion and shared for the amount we bought the land that Verizon is using, it would be a huge rate of return.

Next Council Meeting is scheduled for November 1, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.


Mayor, City of Moro Attest Date

City of Moro

Council Meeting Minutes

October 4, 2016