Scottish Modellers - Statement of Purpose
Scottish Modellers is formed to promote and foster interest in the modelling of Scotland’s railways in all eras and scales by:
(a) Collecting and correlating information about both prototype and modelling which is likely to be of value to modellers.
(b) Collecting and consolidating opinions from members of The Society and public with which to influence manufacturers and traders, thereby achieving adequate recognition of the needs of modellers of the railways of Scotland.
(c) To provide for the interchange of knowledge, experience and ideas among modellers of Scottish railways by means of an Egroup – Scottishmodellers on the Yahoo! Groups network.
(d) Achieving fuller recognition of Scottish modelling in the model railway press.
(e) Should the required support be available, and if invited, provide a stand at model railway exhibitions. This shall be of any form available to The Society and as agreed by the members and the exhibition manager.
(f) Should the required support be available by providing a public exhibition which displays the work of The Society and other like minded bodies either of a profit or non profit making nature.
The Constitution and Rules of Scottish Modellers
1. Name: The Society shall be known as “Scottish Modellers”. (Hereinafter referred to as “The Society”.)
2. Objectives: The objectives of The Society shall be stated in the “Scottish Modellers – Statement of Purpose”.
3. Management: The Society shall not have a Committee – it shall be managed by the members. The members shall nominate a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary as the executive body. However, all decisions of a financial nature require the agreement of the majority of members. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman has the casting vote.
5. Membership and Subscriptions: Membership of The Society is by invitation only. Current members can nominate persons for membership. Subject to agreement of the majority of members, nominated persons shall be invited to become members. Each member can nominate a maximum of 3 persons each membership year. Subscriptions shall be paid annually, the sum payable to be agreed by the members and to be reviewed at each Annual General Meeting. The subscription shall be effective from the 1st of January to the 31st of December of each year. Members failing to renew their subscriptions within thirty days of the commencement of The Society year shall be deemed to have terminated their membership. (The members have discretion with the application of this rule should individual special circumstances necessitate).
6. Annual General Meeting (AGM): The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the first quarter of the financial year, as defined in (5) above, and at least one months’ notice shall be given to all members of the date and place of the meeting. At any General Meeting, the venue of that for the following year shall be decided.
7. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM): At the written request of the majority of members an Extraordinary General Meeting will be convened within 30 days for the discussion of any specific business.
8. Accounts: The Society shall keep a record of all financial transactions and shall prepare accounts each year made up to the 31st of December. Where practicable the Accounts shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting, but where this should prove impossible each member shall be acquainted with the financial position of The Society by such means as necessary. These Accounts will be audited annually by two members appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
9. Chairmans Report: The Chairman shall present to the Annual General Meeting each year a Report of the activities of The Society for the preceding year. Where appropriate the Secretary and Treasurer may be requested to provide a report.
10. Voting Rights and Quorum at Meeting: All members shall have the right to attend all meetings of The Society. The quorum at any meeting of The Society shall be no less than half of the current members entitled to vote. The Chairman shall, at all times, have the casting vote.
11. Affiliations: Any affiliations considered by The Society must be in accordance with the purpose of The Society.
12. Amendments to Rules: These Rules may be amended at a General Meeting of The Society by resolution passed by a majority of members present and voting, but only if the intention to propose the amendment has been published and distributed to members prior to the General Meeting.
13. Matters Not Covered by Rules: A meeting of members will be called to decide all matters not specifically covered by these Rules, in the event of the suspension or expulsion of a member from The Society for conduct to the discredit of The Society the member concerned shall have the right to attend that meeting and present their case.
14. Liability: The Society is an unincorporated body. All members thus have a liability
15. Copies of Rules: Every member of The Society shall have a copy of these Rules, together with the “Constitution and Rules of Scottish Modellers” and membership of The Society shall be deemed to be a member’s acceptance of these as binding.
16. Misuse of the Name of The Society:
(a) No member or person may, without prior written permission of the management Committee, use the name of The Society in any communication. Any breach of this Rule renders the member concerned liable to immediate expulsion.
(b) Any financial or other commitment entered into in misrepresentation of The Society will be the personal responsibility of the person or persons concerned.
17. Disbandment - Disposal of Funds: In the event, for any reason, of the disbandment of The Society, or if its ceasing to function by the lapse of one calendar year after any known activity, all funds and assets then known to remain shall be collated by the Chairman, or in the event of that person being unable to do so, by the last persons holding the offices of Honorary Auditors. Such persons shall, after taking responsible steps to discharge known debts, call a meeting of all currently paid up members of The Society to distribute the remaining assets between those members of The Society, and or, to one or more model railway clubs or societies that have similar interests. In this event any such decision by the members of The Society shall be absolute.
18. Data Protection Act 1984 and subsequent amendments: It is a condition of membership of The Society that personal data, consisting of members’ names, addresses, telephone numbers and email details together with a record of payment of subscription be held on a computer system and used for the purposes of The Society only. Such use shall include the supply of member information to any affiliated body providing such request is accepted by the membership should it occur.