IV. Increase and improve connection, communication and coordination between health and education systems.
Michigan’s Early Childhood Outcomes / Component Area(s) / Overall Strategy (Goal) / Objective(s):Born Healthy
Healthy, Thriving & Developmentally on Track
Ready to Succeed at School Entry
Reading Proficiently by end of 3rd grade / Pediatric and Family Health
Social and Emotional Health
Early Care and Education
Parenting Leadership
Family Support / IV. Increase and improve connection, communication, and coordination between health and education systems. / A. Strengthen awareness of community resources and information exchange among providers and families / Target Group Members: Effie Alofoje-Carr, Jessica Baker, Barbara Ball-McClure, Wendy Boyce, Lisa Chambers, Dorothy Cooks, Camiah Dear, Deb Hill, Kellie Jones, Fran Jozefowicz, Jennifer Lamphere, Wendy Ridenour, Sarah Riggs, Thais Rousseau, Stephanie Thelen, Jamie Yeomans
Activities / Responsible Entities / Target Dates / Resources Needed / Progress Measures / Progress and/or Activities:
1. Evaluate and strengthen the 211 referral protocol and capacity to provide information on resources. / CAUW, GSC Workgroups, Infant Mortality Coalition / Year 1 / 211 Promotional Materials,
Asset Independence Coalition’s use of 211 / Monitoring of the information will identify accuracy and currency of information available/provided. / · Wendy followed up with MC; parent resource guide shared with 211—the question remains how to make it the most useful for that service.
· The 211search terms at 211 are decided at a national level. Wendy and MC will work with 211 to identify their broad taxonomy terms so that our programs and services are findable on the 211 database; while also gleaning that information from providers/consumers.
· Parent resource guide added to LLG orientation guide
· Table postcard project
· 211 not invited to November 2015 meeting; plan for representative to attend a future meeting (possibly March 2016)
· Lisa will develop draft of survey to include on GSC Facebook page and with clients. This information can be used to better inform future conversations with 211.
· Each member of connections group to try to find resource on 211 by January meeting (by phone or online).
2. Promote opportunities for health and education providers to network regularly to share screening information- ASQ-SE, MCHAT. / CANEY, LLG, Social Emotional Workgroup, Central Resource Center / Year 2 / Meeting schedules of local networks, Central Resource Center Lending Library / Survey families and providers regarding the fidelity to the protocol for conducting screenings.
A working referral loop will be evident with information being shared back and forth using appropriate releases of information. / · Power to Thrive summit scheduled for Feb 25 at MPHI focusing on preschool expulsion.
· Future Raising of America sessions will be scheduled as they are released.
· Sparrow lunch event held—GSC, HV hub, and other organizations attended and staff were able to network.
· Infant Mortality summit held in September and good data shared along with community resources.
· FIMR expected to start in January 2016.
· Social-emotional workgroup met in October; trauma identified as key area for work this year. Lots of community representatives. Group will meet three times per year—one professional development opportunity and 2 face to face meetings.
· Trauma 101 held for home visitors and child care providers in summer 2015; a second grant was awarded and will focus on secondary trauma.
· Collaborative between CMH and DHHS that will focus on trauma awareness and screenings for children in foster care/cps. Will eventually move to private foster care agencies.
· Head Start pursuing how to support their families (known as Head Start Trauma Smart).
3. Target community resource outreach to law enforcement, DHS, doctors who serve high needs families and coordinate outreach efforts amongst education sector – preschool, home visiting, child care, Great Start to Quality / HV Hub, LLG, IISD, BCAL / Year 1 / Outreach materials,
IISD Family Learning Connection / Increase in referrals to home visiting hub and early childhood joint application.
Shared messages will be used with referral sources. / · Outreach plan for spring
· 818 people attended baby fair (70% were family participants, 30% attended at no cost, 13% of single people attended at no cost).
· Breastfeeding and money management classes being held at willow tree.
· Secondary trauma training will be held in spring 2016.
· Wendy followed up with Sue Carson about inviting emergency staff (law enforcement, EMT)
· Effie to follow up with Rodney about event at Frances Park.
· Work to identify other members of GSC who have connections with law enforcement and other professionals.
· Michelle invited Carlyn Tishner from LSD to attend the GSC meeting.