PART 1: IDENTIFICATION / No / 1 / 6 / 1-4 / 1-99A / B / C / D
A: 1. Guntur, 2. Gajah B. Form number, C. Visit number ..? D. Participant number..
- Name of household head
- Address
Dukuh/dusun / 1b.1.3.
RT RW / 1b.1.4.
Village : / 1b.1.5.
Subsdistrict: 1. Guntur 2. Gajah / 1b.1.6.
Telephone number / 1b.1.7.
- Mother's name
- Father's name
- Place and date of birth of father
- Education
- Occupation
- Grandmother's name
- Number of children
- Child's name
- Sex
- Boy
- Girl
- Date of birth of child
- Birth weight
- Length at birth
- Body weight (now)
- Length (now)
Interviewer's name: ______Sign ______
Date of interview……………………………………... / 2 / 0Visit number / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / d / d / m / m / y / y / y / y
Supervisor's name ………………………………………….Sign ………………………….
Date of checked ……….…………………...... ……… / 2 / 0d / d / m / m / y / y / y / y
I want to ask you a little bit about yourself and your activities related to breastfeeding
Did you have plan to breastfeed your baby? / 1. Yes / 2. No, go to Part 2 / 1b.2.1.If yes : For how long you have breastfed your baby? / ______/ months / 1b.2.2.
How deep do you want to breastfeed? /
- I really want to breastfeed my baby,
- Sometimes I want to breastfeed my baby, sometimes I do not want
- Sometimes think, a better formula
- I think a better formula
- Not sure
How confident are your ability to breastfeed? /
- Feel confident with my ability to breastfeed
- Feel not confident with my ability to breastfeed
- Do not know
How is your husband's view on breastfeeding /
- Prefer if I breastfeed
- No matter how I breastfeed
- Prefer if I bottlefeed
- Supports in 2 ways: breastfeeding and bottle feeding
- Do not know
How is your mother's view towards breastfeeding? /
- Prefer if I breastfeed
- No matter how I breastfeed
- Prefer if I bottlefeed
- Supports in 2 ways: breastfeeding and bottle feeding
- Do not know
How is the voluntary health worker's view toward breastfeeding? /
- Prefer if I breastfeed
- No matter how I breastfeed
- Prefer if I bottlefeed
- Supports in 2 ways: breastfeeding and bottle feeding
- Do not know
How is the village head's view toward breastfeeding? /
- Prefer if I breastfeed
- No matter how I breastfeed
- Prefer if I bottlefeed
- Supports in 2 ways: breastfeeding and bottle feeding
- Do not know
How is the Muslim scholar's view on breastfeeding? /
- Prefer if I breastfeed
- No matter how I breastfeed
- Prefer if I bottlefeed
- Supports in 2 ways: breastfeeding and bottle feeding
- Do not know
How is the health staff's view toward breastfeeding? /
- Prefer if I breastfeed
- No matter how I breastfeed
- Prefer if I bottlefeed
- Supports in 2 ways: breastfeeding and bottle feeding
- Do not know
How is the midwife's view toward breastfeeding? /
- Prefer if I breastfeed
- No matter how I breastfeed
- Prefer if I bottlefeed
- Supports in 2 ways: breastfeeding and bottle feeding
- Do not know
Now, I would like to know about your baby's feeding practices
Where did you give birth to (NAME)? /- At home
- Hospital
- Maternity
- Other ______
Who assisted with the delivery of
(NAME)? /
- Doctor
- Midwife
- Nurse
- Traditional birth attendant
- Kader
- Relatives / friends
- Other, please specify ______
- No one
How long after birth did you first put
(NAME) to the breast?
(Breastfeeding initiation) /
- Less than one hour … minutes
- 1-24 hours : ….. hours
- More than 24 hours :……. days
- Do not remember
- Do not know
Before doing breastfeeding initiation, had midwife anything done during waiting? /
- Yes
- No
- Do not know, go to 5
If yes, what did she do? /
- Cleaning the baby with a soft cloth
- Bathing the baby
- Checking baby
- Waiting for me, I was tired
- I do not want
- I do not know
When was the first breast milk come? / …………………..hours after birth / 1b.3.6.
How much? / spoons / 1b.3.7.
Did you give the first yellowish breastmilk? /
- Yes
- No
Before putting (NAME) in the mother's chest for the first time, was there any drinks / food offered to your baby? /
- Yes
- No
- Do not know, go to 5
If yes, what was offered? /
- Plain water
- Honey
- Water Sugar / Sugar
- Milk formula
- Other, specify ......
Before the first breastmilk came, was there any drinks / food offered to your baby? /
- Yes
- No
- Do not know, go to 5
If yes, what is offered? /
- Plain water
- Honey
- Water Sugar / Sugar
- Milk formula
- Other, specify ......
Do you currently breastfeed your baby? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.3.13.
Do you give your baby any drink / dairy / food? / 1. Yes / 2. No, go to 10 / 1b.3.14.
a. Have you given any food/drink since yesterday? (recall 24 hours) / 1. No
2. Yes
Note drink/food/supplement below / Age when fed in weeks / 1b.3.15.
weeks / 1b.3.16.
weeks / 1b.3.17.
weeks / 1b.3.18.
weeks / 1b.3.19.
weeks / 1b.3.20.
weeks / 1b.3.21.
weeks / 1b.3.22.
weeks / 1b.3.23.
b. Have you given any food/drink since 7 days ago? (recall ) / 1. No
2. Yes
Note drink/food/supplement below / Age when fed in weeks / 1b.3.24.
weeks / 1b.3.25.
weeks / 1b.3.26.
weeks / 1b.3.27.
weeks / 1b.3.28.
weeks / 1b.3.29.
weeks / 1b.3.30.
weeks / 1b.3.31.
weeks / 1b.3.32.
c. Have you given any food/drink since birth? (recall ) / 1. No
2. Yes
Note drink/food/supplement below / Age when fed in weeks / 1b.3.33.
weeks / 1b.3.34.
weeks / 1b.3.35.
weeks / 1b.3.36.
weeks / 1b.3.37.
weeks / 1b.3.38.
weeks / 1b.3.39.
weeks / 1b.3.40.
weeks / 1b.3.41.
I want to ask you about breastfeeding difficulties you have ever felt since 2 months ago.. / 1b.3.42.
Have you ever felt your baby was often fussy / crying? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.43.
How to cope?
Continue breastfeeding / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.44.
Stopping breastfeeding / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.45.
Mother drink herbal medicine, specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.46.
Feeding / drinking baby, please specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.47.
Go to the doctor, clinic, health workers, midwives / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.48.
Do nothing / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.49.
Other, specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.50.
Have you ever felt the baby refused to breastfeed? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.51.
How to cope?
Continuing breastfeeding / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.52.
Stopping breastfeeding / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.53.
Drink herbal medicine mother, specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.54.
Feeding / drinking baby, please specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.55.
Go to the doctor, clinic, health workers, midwives / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.56.
Do nothing / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.57.
other: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.58.
Have you ever experience with breast engorgement ? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.59.
How to cope?
expressing milk / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.60.
Compress with warm water / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.61.
continue breastfeeding infants / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.62.
Smearing lotion, cream, oil / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.63.
Compress with the plants / cabbage, etc / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.64.
drink herbal medicine / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.65.
Stopping breastfeeding / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.66.
Go to the doctor, clinic, health workers, midwives / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.67.
Other (specify) ...... / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.68.
Do nothing / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.69.
Do not know / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.70.
No response / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.71.
Have you ever experienced nipple pain / cracking? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.72.
How do you cope?
Smearing with breast milk and let dry / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.73.
Smearing lotion, cream, oil / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.74.
Smearing with gentian violet / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.75.
Mother drinking herbal medicine, specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.76.
Cold compress powder, tumbuh2an / cabbage, etc / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.77.
Go to the doctor, clinic, health workers, midwives / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.78.
Continue breastfeeding infants / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.79.
Stopping breastfeeding / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.80.
Other, please specify: ...... / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.81.
Do nothing / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.82.
Do not know / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.83.
No response / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.84.
Have you ever felt the breast milk is not enough / clear / watery? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.85.
How to cope?
Continue breastfeeding infants / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.86.
Stopping breastfeeding / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.87.
Mother drinking herbal medicine, specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.88.
Feeding / drinking baby, please specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.89.
Go to the doctor, clinic, health workers, midwives / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.90.
Do nothing / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.91.
Other, please specify: ...... / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.92.
Have you ever felt the hungry baby? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.93.
C / How to cope?
Continue breastfeeding infants / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.94.
Mother drinking herbal medicine, specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.95.
Feeding / drinking baby, please specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.96.
Go to the doctor, clinic, health workers, midwives / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.97.
Do nothing / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.3.98.
Other (specify): / 1b.3.99.
Have your husband ever given support to provide food / drink other than breast milk? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.1.If yes, what kind of support? / 1b.4.2.
Have your grandmother ever given support to provide food / drink other than breast milk? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.3.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.4.
Have midwives ever given support to provide food / drink other than breast milk? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.5.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.6.
Have health workers ever given support to provide food / drink other than breast milk? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.7.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.8.
Have cadres ever given support to provide food / drink other than breast milk? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.9.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.10.
Have Muslim scholars / public figure ever given support to provide food / drink other than breast milk? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.11.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.12.
Have a neighbor / friend ever given support to provide food / drink other than breast milk? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.13.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.14.
Was there someone who have ever given support to provide food / drink other than breast milk? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.15.
If yes, who? / 1b.4.16.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1b.4.17.
Maternal weight / kg / 1b.4.18.
Maternal height / cm / 1b.4.19.
Number of children living / child / 1b.4.20.
Number of children ever born / child / 1b.4.21.
The number of children ever breastfed / child / 1b.4.22.
The average amount of income the father / month / IDR / 1b.4.23.
The average amount of income Mother / month / IDR / 1b.4.24.
The average amount of other income / month / IDR / 1b.4.25.
Since your child born, was there someone who helps lighten your burden so much easier to breastfeed? 1 yes 2 no, go to section 5 / 1. Yes / 2. No, go to part 5 / 1b.4.1.
Was any support from the husband? 1 Yes 2 No / 1.Ya / 2.Tidak / 1b.4.2.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1b.4.3.
a. Offering help taking care the other children / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.4.
b. Helping the housework (washing, cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc., please specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.5.
a. Encouraging for breastfeeding / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.6.
b. Encouraging mothers / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.7.
c. Holding a baby, bathing, burping, changing diapers, etc.: please specify / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.8.
d. Other, specify ...... / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.9.
Was there any support from grandma? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.10.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1b.4.11.
a. Offering help taking care the other children / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.12.
b. Helping the housework (washing, cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc., please specify: / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.13.
c. Encouraging for breastfeeding / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.14.
d. Encouraging mothers / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.15.
e. Holding a baby, bathing, burping, changing diapers, etc.: please specify / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.16.
f. Other, please specify ...... / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.17.
Was there any support from the midwife? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.18.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1b.4.19.
a. home visits / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.20.
b. training / counseling / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.21.
c. share experiences / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.22.
d. Other, please specify ...... / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.23.
Was there any support from doctors, nurses, health center staff? / 1.Yes / 2.No
If yes, what kind of support? / 1b.4.24.
a. home visits / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.25.
b. counseling / training / counseling / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.26.
c. share experiences / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.27.
d. Other, specify ...... / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.28.
Is there any support from voluntary health worker? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.29.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1b.4.30.
a. home visits / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.31.
b. training / counseling / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.32.
c. share experiences / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.33.
d. Other, please specify ...... / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.34.
Is there any support from Muslim scholars / village device? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.35.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1b.4.36.
a. home visits / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.37.
b. education / training / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.38.
c. share experiences / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.39.
d. Other, please specify ...... / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.40.
Is there support from the urban village / sub-district head? / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.41.
If yes, what kind of support? / 1b.4.42.
a. home visits / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.43.
b. counseling / training / counseling / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.44.
c. share experiences / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.45.
d. Other, please specify ...... / 1.Yes / 2.No / 1b.4.46.
Do you and your child sleep together after giving birth? / 1. Yes, / 2. No / 1b.5.1.During childbirth, have you ever received a milk / food formula? / 1. Yes, go to number 4 / 2. No / 1b.5.2.
If so, when? / 1. After giving birth
2. When treated in the delivery
3. When going home
4. Other: ______/ 1b.5.3.
The answer can be more than one / 1. in the place of delivery
2. at home
3. Other: / 1b.5.4.
Where? / 1. Yes, go to 7 / 2. No / 1b.5.5.
After giving birth, have you ever purchased milk / food formula? /
2. midwives
3. others / 1b.5.6.
Where? / 1. After giving birth
2. When treated in the delivery
3. When going home
4. Other: ______/ 1b.5.7.
When? / 1. After giving birth
2. When treated in the delivery
3. When going home
4. Other: ______/ 1b.5.8.
Have you ever use a bottle? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.9.
Have you ever use kempengan / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.10.
Who ever visited you after giving birth? / 1b.5.11.
a. Doctors, ...... time / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.12.
b. Midwives, ...... time / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.13.
c. Nurses, ...... time / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.14.
d. Health center staff, ...... time / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.15.
e. TBAs, ...... time / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.16.
f. Voluntary health workers, ...... time / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.17.
g. Friends, ...... time / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.18.
h. Other, please specify: ...... time / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.19.
Have you ever given counseling on breastfeeding / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.20.
What was delivered? / 1b.5.21.
a. Benefits of breastfeeding / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.22.
b. Early initiation of breastfeeding / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.23.
c. Giving colostrum, not giving food prelacteal / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.24.
d. Exclusive breastfeeding, only breast milk until the age of 6 months / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.25.
e. Breastfeeding on demand, at least 8 times a day / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.26.
f. the mother should let her baby finish one breast before she offers the other breast / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.27.
g. Good position and attachment / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.28.
h. Breastfeeding difficulties / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.29.
i. Food Food portions for mothers / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.30.
j. other: / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.31.
What you've been doing? / 1b.5.32.
a. Put the baby in the mother's chest immediately after birth / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.33.
b. Giving colostrum, not giving food prelacteal / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.34.
c. Exclusive breastfeeding, only breast milk until the age of 6 months / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.35.
d. Breastfeeding baby likes it, at least 8 times a day / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.36.
e. Emptying the breast first before giving them / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.37.
f. Position and good attachment breastfeeding / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.38.
g. Overcoming Difficulties breastfeeding / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.39.
h. Eat, how many times? ...... times / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.40.
i. Drink, how many cups? glass ...... / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.41.
j. other: / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.5.42.
Since the last 2 weeks, has your child ever loose or watery stools per day more than 3 times? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.1.Did you seek help? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.2.
If so, where? ______/ 1b.6.3.
Since the last 1 month, has your child ever loose or watery stools per day more than 3 times? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.4.
Did you seek help? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.5.
If so, Where? ______/ 1b.6.6.
Since the last 2 weeks, has your son ever had cough? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.7.
a. If yes, was accompanied by rapid breathing or breathing difficulties? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.8.
b. Did your son have a blocked nose? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.9.
c. Did you seek help? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.10.
d. If so, where?
Since the last 1 month, has your son ever had cough? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.11.
a. If yes, was accompanied by rapid breathing or difficulty breathing? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.12.
b. Did your son have a blocked nose? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.13.
Did you seek help? / 1. Yes / 2. No / 1b.6.14.
If so, Where? ______/ 1b.6.15.
Now, I will say a few things related to breastfeeding. Please, give your statement what I say True or False. (Put a check mark √ in the column: true or false)
No / Statement / True / FalseColostrum, the first yellowish breastmilk should be thrown out / 1 / 0 / 1b.7.1.
Colostrum is the baby's first immunization / 0 / 1 / 1b.7.2.
If within 1-2 days after birth, breasts produce less milk, babies need to be given formula or other foods / 0 / 1 / 1b.7.3.
Baby born will decrease weight, and will be back to birth weight in 2 weeks / 1 / 0 / 1b.7.4.
Onday1-2, ababy's stomach is about thesizeof a shootermarble / 1 / 0 / 1b.7.5.
Baby suckles at the nipple rather than at the breast / 0 / 1 / 1b.7.6.
If the mother has breastfeeding difficulties, the baby can be given formula or other foods / 0 / 1 / 1b.7.7.
Babies cry because of a hunger / 0 / 1 / 1b.7.8.
Babies crying is a sign that breastmilk are not enough / 0 / 1 / 1b.7.9.
Giving only breastmilk until the age of 6 months and then start another foods / 1 / 0 / 1b.7.10.
The mother should let her baby finish one breast before she offers the other breast / 1 / 0 / 1b.7.11.
Breast care is important. Breasts need to be washed before breastfeeding / 0 / 1 / 1b.7.12.
Expressing breastmilk will not increase the supply of breastmilk in the breast / 0 / 1 / 1b.7.13.
A large breasts will produce more breastmilk / 0 / 1 / 1b.7.14.
A thin milk is a sign of a poor quality of breastmilk / 0 / 1 / 1b.7.15.
* You can see the answer by highlighting the column
Give your opinion on the statement which I will read.
(please mark X in the bottom of the column strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree)
No / Statement / Strongly agree / agree / Disagree / Strongly disagreeBreastfed children are often thin and do not grow well / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.1.
Actually breast milk alone can satisfy the baby until the age of 6 months / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 1b.8.2.
Mother feels disgusted if the baby continues to be placed on the mother's chest immediately after birth / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.3.
A mother could be lazy to breastfeed at night / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.4.
Sore nipples in breastfeeding is normal / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.5.
One of the ways that the father can be closed to the baby is to bottle feed the baby / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.6.
The baby's father feels ignored when mother breastfeeds their baby / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.7.
I feel ashamed to breastfeed my baby / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.8.
Breastmilk is good, but it would be better if the children were given formula milk as well / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.9.
Breastfeeding will make breasts saggy / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.10.
Breastfeeding is a hassle / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.11.
Pacifier is good for calming a fussy baby / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.12.
Breastfeeding is an simple thing / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 1b.8.13.
Bottle feeding is easier than breastfeeding / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.14.
Breastfeeding can lose mother's body weight after giving birth / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 1b.8.15.
I feel that breastfed only until 6 months may not fulfill the baby's needs. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.16.
Breastfeeding is ancient (less modern) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.17.
It is very difficult to give only breast milk until the age of 6 months / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.18.
I feel pity if the baby cries often so that the baby should be given formula or other foods / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1b.8.19.
20 / Need to learn how to breastfeed / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 1b.8.20.
Please observe and note interesting things during the interview
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this study.
1.UNICEF, BBS. Bangladesh Monitoring the situation of children and women. Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS). Progotir Pathey 2006: United Children's Fund (UNICEF) and Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS); 2007.