COLT Managed Business Email– Configuration Guide
COLT Managed Business Email – Customer Configuration Guide
1. Microsoft Antivirus, Anti-spam and content filtering 3
1.1. Background 3
1.2. Technical support 3
2. Service set-up 3
2.1. Quick-start information 3
2.2. Connecting to the Antivirus Anti-Spam Portal 3
2.2.1. Administration Centre 3
2.2.2. Quick Search 3
2.2.3. Welcome Pane 3
2.2.4. My Account 3
2.2.5. Frequently Asked Questions 3
2.2.6. Sign Out 3
3. Managing organisations through the Administration Tab 3
3.1. Domain Management 3
3.1.1. Add a New Domain 3
3.1.2. Transfer Settings 3
3.1.3. Validate a Domain 3
3.1.4. Domain Settings 3
3.2. Managing mail domain settings 3
3.2.1. Default Outbound Service 3
3.2.2. Outbound E-Mail Filtering 3 Edit Domain Services 3 Virus Filtering 3
3.2.3. Manage Notification Settings 3
3.3. Modify DNS Settings for a Domain 3
3.4. Manage Spam Action Settings 3
4. Managing user accounts 3
4.1.1. User Account Management 3
4.1.2. To add a new user account by using the Administration Centre 3
4.1.3. To create a list of users as a CSV file 3
4.1.4. Import the CSV user file 3
4.1.5. Use Secure FTP to Add User Accounts 3
4.1.6. File Validation Checking 3
4.1.7. Specify the Directory Service Option 3
4.1.8. Specify Domains and Users 3
4.1.9. Specify Virtual Domains 3
4.1.10. Add End-of-File Tag 3
4.1.11. To add user accounts by using SFTP 3
4.1.12. To enable or disable a user account 3
4.1.13. To delete a user account 3
4.1.14. To enable or disable Hosted Filtering settings for a user acco unt 3
4.1.15. To edit Hosted Archive settings for a user account 3
4.1.16. To add additional e-mail and IM addresses to a user account 3
4.1.17. To edit user account settings 3
5. View accounts 3
6. Create an E-mail Footer for Outbound E-mail 3
7. Change Your Password 3
8. Adding administrative rights/Assigning Permissions to a User 3
8.1.1. About User Roles and Permissions 3
9. Policy Rule Options 3
9.1. Inbound Policy Filter Actions 3
9.2. Outbound Policy Filter Actions 3
Ø Expiration Date 3
Ø Comment 3
Ø Regex Capabilities 3
Ø Notifications 3
10. Reports 3
11. Support 3
COLT Managed Business Email – Customer Configuration Guide
1. Microsoft Antivirus, Anti-spam and content filtering
1.1. Background
COLT uses a service from Microsoft to scan inbound email for Antivirus and Anti-spam. To perform inbound mail filtering, a change to your MX record is needed. All MX records for mail domains that require filtering must have a single entry that resolves (points) to
If COLT does not manage your Domain Name registration you will need to contact your DNS host in order to change your MX record. Once initiated by your DNS Host this could take up to 72 hours to complete.
In order to configure and manage this service customers use an administrative portal. This document provides guidance on how to use this portal. Currently Microsoft provides this portal in English language only.
1.2. Technical support
The person you nominated as system administrator can obtain technical support from the help desk by using the contact details contained in your welcome letter.
2. Service set-up
2.1. Quick-start information
This service will work without any customisation in the following way: All email will be scanned for viruses and filtered for spam by Microsoft spam filtering, then all email that passes these tests will be forwarded to your COLT Managed Business Email inbox. If any email is tagged as spam, then a spam quarantine box will be created for the destination email address automatically. You will need to log into the Microsoft Spam Quarantine Portal to see these quarantined emails.
The service will also scan for viruses all outbound emails you send to mailboxes outside your company.
This is a very simple default configuration that will probably be suitable for most customers. However, the rest of this guide will help you to provide a far more secure platform for your email system.
2.2. Connecting to the Antivirus Anti-Spam Portal
The Microsoft Administration Centre is an internet portal that allows you as your company administrator to configure and manage your Microsoft Antivirus and Anti-Spam service for all users. End users also have access to a Spam Quarantine portal. A separate user guide sent in your welcome pack explains how to use this service.
To log into the Administration portal browse to
Enter your email address, or admin email address, in the username box and your password in the password box and click Log on.
2.2.1. Administration Centre
The features of the Administration Centre are organized into four tabs. The core features of each tab are explained below, with links to related topics where you can learn more about the feature and related tasks.
Information: The Information tab displays service announcements and alerts, and provides reports at the company and network levels.
Administration: The Administration tab provides you with a single point of administration for all of your hosted services. From this tab, you can manage both Microsoft Exchange Hosted Filtering and Microsoft Exchange Hosted Archive (if chosen) settings for your company, domains, users, and policy rules.
My Reports: Here you can create and run reports for all of your services. You can access reporting data within an hour of a message being processed by the Microsoft Exchange Hosted Filtering service. You can view reports on all domains, or on specific domains, using a variety of options to filter the information. Reports provide customers with access to historical message filtering summaries. This reporting data is made available to customers for informational purposes only. It is not a representation of all the data that is stored by the Hosted Filtering service.
Support: From the Support tab, you can trace messages and view service events by using the Audit Trail feature.
Advanced: If you are an Administrator with permission to more than one company using this service, then you will have access to the Advanced tab. The Advanced tab displays a list view of all of the Companies which a user has permission to view. This tab is not displayed if the user has permission to view only one company.
2.2.2. Quick Search
The Quick Search feature allows you to quickly find domains, users, or policy rules without having to navigate through the Administration Centre user interface.
1. At the upper right of the Administration Centre, click Quick Search.
2. In the Quick Search dialog box, select the type of item you want to search for.
3. Enter the name of the item in the corresponding search box, and then click Search.
,for the item ou were searching for.
2.2.3. Welcome Pane
The Welcome pane in the centre of the Information tab provides users with the most up-to-date information about the filtering services. Announcements are separated into sectional sub tabs.
· Announcements—This sub tab includes general information and new feature announcements.
· Network Alerts—This sub tab includes information about any scheduled maintenance updates or service-wide issues.
· Virus Alerts—This sub tab may include specific information on high-risk virus threats.
· Resources—This sub tab is updated regularly with links to service documentation and Technical Support information.
· Training—This sub tab contains links to automated, self-paced training.
· Configuration—This sub tab displays the list of IP addresses that correspond to outbound Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) data centres for your filtering services.
You should check the Welcome Pane frequently as it always offers the most up-to-date information on the service.
2.2.4. My Account
In Administration / Users Tab
This holds the current configuration and settings for the account you are currently logged on with and shows your current admin rights.
2.2.5. Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the Resources tab on the Welcome pane and there is a list of resources available including an FAQ section.
2.2.6. Sign Out
Logs out of the web portal.
3. Managing organisations through the Administration Tab
The Administration tab provides users with a single point of administration for all of their hosted services. From this tab, administrators can manage service settings for their company, domains, users, and policy rules.
The Administration tab is separated into four sub tabs:
Company—Update your company-wide settings including default language and time zone settings, contacts, company security settings, and Hosted Archive settings (if chosen).
Domains—View and modify domain-level settings for each domain in your company. This tab not only allows you to edit domain setting options for your Hosted Filtering service; it also allows you to edit retention periods and Legal Hold settings for your Hosted Archive service (if chosen).
Users—From the Users sub tab you can create and delete user accounts, change passwords, assign permissions, and modify user account service settings.
Policy Rules—The Policy Rules sub tab is where administrators can create new policy rules for their domains. Administrators can update Hosted Filtering and Hosted Archive (if chosen) policy rules from this sub tab.
3.1. Domain Management
The Domains tab of the Administration Centre allows administrators to update service settings for individual domains. You can get a quick view of some of the basic settings of your domains such as whether they are enabled, configured as a Catch-All domain, if they are virtual domains, or when they were initially created in the Administration Centre.
You can complete tasks such as adding new domains, disabling or deleting domains, or enabling domains so that they can be used as part of your service.
3.1.1. Add a New Domain
You can add domains for your companies in the Administration Centre, by using the Domains sub tab on the Administration tab.
· To add a new domain to your company
1. On the Administration tab, click the Domains sub tab.
2. In the Tasks pane, click Add Domain.
3. In the Add New Domain dialog box, type the name of the domain that you want to add, and then click Save.
· Note:
The domain will be added to your company’s list of domains; however it cannot be used until it has been validated. For information about how to validate a domain, see Validate a Domain.
3.1.2. Transfer Settings
When you add new domains you have the option of using the settings configured previously on an existing domain as a template for the new domains. You can also use the Transfer Settings button to transfer the domain settings of one domain to the all of the selected domains in the active page of the domains list view. Enter a source domain, and then select the settings you want to transfer.
· Important
If you have selected the Transfer Settings (all pages) option, the settings will be applied to all domains for the current view. Doing this will override any existing domain settings for your target domains, so ensure that only domains that should be modified are selected.
You can transfer the following settings from one domain to another:
Language, time zone, and IP addresses
Spam filtering (enabled/disabled)
Virus filtering notification
Policy filtering (enabled/disabled)
Policy rules
Spam, policy quarantine, and notifications
Directory-based edge blocking
Deferral monitoring notifications
3.1.3. Validate a Domain
Before you can begin using the Microsoft Exchange Hosted Filtering service with a newly added domain, you must validate the domain in the Administration Centre. When you validate a domain, you ensure that your company is the owner of the domain and that you have the right to send and receive e-mail from that domain.
· To validate a domain
1. On the Administration tab, click the Domains sub tab.
2. In the Domains list, click the domain that you want to modify.
You can search for a specific domain name by using the search box.
3. In the Tasks pane, click Validate domain.
4. In the Validate Domain dialog box, add the CNAME entry that was created for your domain to your DNS settings.
5. Add the new CNAME entry to your domain’s DNS records.
For information about how to do this, see Modify DNS Settings for a Domain.
· Note:
It takes between 15 minutes and 72 hours for the alias you created on your domain registrar account to propagate through the Internet.
6. After you have successfully added the new CNAME entry to your DNS settings and enough time has passed to ensure that the changes have been applied correctly, click Start to begin the validation process.
A CNAME query is conducted to verify the entry. A successful match indicates that the domain has been validated.
3.1.4. Domain Settings
From the list view on the Domains sub tab on the Administration tab, you select the properties for any of the domains in your company.
· Preferences
You can edit your domain settings to match your domain’s preferred language and time zone settings. The Language and Time Zone preferences can be configured at the company or user level also. The most specific setting will be applied. Language preferences are applied to Spam Notifications and the Archive Viewer web pages.
· Default Outbound Service
The Default Outbound Service domain can be checked for one domain within an organization. The services set for this domain are applied to outbound messages from an organization's IP address, when the “from” address is not a domain defined within the organization. Messages which are routed outbound through the Filtering Service from domains not configured in the Administration Centre are more likely to be flagged as suspicious mail by the outbound spam filters.
3.2. Managing mail domain settings
3.2.1. Default Outbound Service
The Default Outbound Service domain can be checked for one domain within an organization. The services set for this domain are applied to outbound messages from an organization's IP address, when the “from” address is not a domain defined within the organization. Messages which are routed outbound through the Filtering Service from domains not configured in the Administration Centre are more likely to be flagged as suspicious mail by the outbound spam filters.