The “All Jacks Kennel” has been recognized by ENCI-FCI in 2010,
born from two different experiences, but from an identical passion for the breed.
Owners: Monica Fonzo and Olaf Garetta
I have been involved with Jack Russells for more than twenty years, before this fantastic dog became renowned, but I had never actually owned one; Romeo was the Jack who had pulled my grandmother out of her sorrow after the passing of my grandfather: they were so ‘together’ that the great grandkids started calling her Granny Memeo!! Romeo isn’t with her any more and she’s approaching 90’s in the company of Giulietta, Romeo’s daughter.
For my 40th birthday she gave me Molly, a white-tan puppy with an irresistible face; a joy for my 4 children. In September 2007 Molly had her first litter; the experience was so wonderful, we decided we wanted more and thus began the idea of complementing our other agricultural activities with a JRT kennel.After having increased my knowledge of this adorable breed, I came to realize that today it was senseless to breed only from English blood lines; it is necessary to study and use Australian lines as our breed standard has been written in that country. The (British) Kennel Club still considers the Jack Russell as a working breed, whereas the Australian National Kennel Club (ANKC) considers it a show dog. The British blood lines are apt for aptitude tests (TAN), burrow, agility, coursing, etc.; the Australian lines are more apt for bench shows.
Group: Group 2 (Terriers)
History: Origin:England Development: Australia
General Appearance: A strong, active, lithe working Terrier of great character with flexible body of medium length. His smart movement matches his keen expression. Tail docking is optional and the coat may be smooth, rough or broken.
Characteristics: A lively, alert and active Terrier with a keen, intelligent expression.
Temperament: Bold and fearless, friendly but quietly confident.
Head And Skull: The skull should be flat and of moderate width gradually decreasing in width to the eyes and tapering to a wide muzzle with very strong jaws. There should be a well defined stop but not over pronounced. The length from the stop to the nose should be slightly shorter than from the stop to the occiput with the cheek muscles well developed. The nose should be black.
Eyes: Small dark and with keen expression. MUST not be prominent and eyelids should fit closely. The eyelid rims should be pigmented black. Almond shape.
Ears: Button or dropped of good texture and great mobility.
Mouth: Deep wide and powerful jaws with tight-fitting pigmented lips and strong teeth closing to a scissor bite.
Neck: Strong and clean allowing head to be carried with poise.
Forequarters: Shoulders well sloped back and not heavily loaded with muscle. Forelegs straight in bone from the elbow to the toes whether viewed from the front or the side and with sufficient length of upper arm to ensure elbows are set under the body with sternum clearly in front of shoulder blades.
Body: Chest deep rather than wide, with good clearance and the brisket located at the height mid-way between the ground and the withers. The body should be proportioned
marginally longer than tall, measuring slightly longer from the withers to the root of the
tail than from the withers to the ground. Back level. Ribs should be well sprung from the spine, flattening on the sides so that the girth behind the elbows can be spanned by two hands - about 40 cms to 43 cms. The loins should be short, strong and deeply
Hindquarters: Strong and muscular, balanced in proportion to the shoulder, hind legs parallel when viewed from behind while in free standing position. Stifles well angulated and hocks low set.
Feet: Round, hard, padded, not large, toes moderately arched, turned neither in nor out.
Tail: Docked: The tip of the tail should be on the same level as ears. May droop at rest.
When moving should be erect. Undocked: May droop at rest. When moving should be erect.
Gait/Movement: True, free and springy.
Coat: May be smooth, broken or rough. Must be weatherproof, preferably unaltered.
Colour: White MUST predominate with black and/or tan markings. The tan markings can be from the lightest tan to the richest tan (chestnut).
Sizes: Ideal Height: 25 cms (10 ins) to 30 cms (12 ins)
The weight in kg being equivalent of 1 kg to each 5 cms in height, i.e. a 25 cm high dog
should weigh approximately 5 kgs and a 30 cm high dog should weigh 6 kgs.
Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the
seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. However, the following
weaknesses should be particularly penalised:
(a) Lack of true Terrier characteristics
(b) Lack of balance, i.e. over exaggeration of any points
(c) Sluggish or unsound movement
(d) Faulty mouth.
Notes: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Our dogs love children and all people in general, and you will see this when you come and visit. Our JRT interact well with other dogs and can be taught to respect other animals, as long as they are taught how to behave.
We will tell you all you need to know about dogs, and more. All our dogs have pedigrees going back 3 or 4 generations; puppies are sold with a proper contract.
We want you to meet our dogs but we also want to meet you and your family. We care for our dogs and want to know where, how and with whom they will live for the rest of their lives. Please do not feel offended if we will ask you questions like:
Are you active people? Jack Russells like to work for you and run loads of km for you. The more active you are the better as far as JRTs are concerned. You are about to introduce an extremely energetic dog into your life!
Do you have a strong character? Do you have firn attitude with the dog?Terriers are very independent working dogs and need a master with a tougher character than theirs
Are you thinking of formally training your puppy?
Do you know how long it takes to have a well educated dog? In the beginning, a lot of your time will be spent educating your dog. Were you aware of the fact that Jacks are convinced they are 2 meters tall, and act accordingly? You will have a small dog in a large package!
Have you had dogs in the past? What happened to them? A dog is for life! People who no longer want their dog because the dog is no good anymore, have to have a good and long explanation for this.
Are you willing to be put to shame by your Jack Russell? You will certainly not be the first who waits in vain, whistling for their dog to come back to them whilst it is happily running after a rabbit or some other animal. People will stare at you rest assured!
What is the composition of your family? Do you have children? How old are they?
Do you have a full time job? If so, where would your dog be staying whilst you are gone during the day? Will he be left alone all the time? If the dog will be staying alone for 8 or more hours every day, we surely will not give you one of our puppies!
If you work part-time, we will want to know how many hours you will be gone: is it half a day every day or two full days a week? Do you have an alternative to keeping your dog alone all day?
A dog that whines or barks all the time whilst you are gone, will be a nuisance for you and your neighbours. In the end the dog will be the victim of this situation, and it might be forced to move or worst yet, be euthanized! Dogs are pack animal who need companionship; not like cats who don’t mind spending time on their own.
If you deem the above questions to be ridiculous, please don’t bother to call us; if, on the other hand you think “these people really love their dogs and will go out of their way to find them proper families”, you will always be welcome.
We refuse to sell dogs to minors and we want to make sure both parents want the dog; it’s the adults who will ultimately educate and take care of the dog. A child might be willing to help but cannot be made responsible for the puppy’s whole education and well being. A child is usually not very firm and disposed.
This has nothing to do with affection but only to the ability to educate a dog. A MISBEHAVED JACK RUSSELL IS A REAL NUISANCE!!
If you agree with our philosophy you can be added to the waiting list for the next litter. Jack Russell Terriers are very popular at the moment and most of the reputable breeders have a waiting list. If you are in a hurry, may we suggest you contact another breeder.
We do not wish to compete with other kennels so we suggest you visit more than one breeder before making a decision. We strive to match sound, healthy puppies with serious owners.
Wherever you go, please look around, ask all the questions you want; a reputable breeder will love to show you around, will be proud to talk about his dogs, he loves them all. If on the other hand you deem that the situation is not ideal, search somewhere else. Never buy a puppy on impulse! Remember, a dog is for life!
Now it’s up to you to decide what you want to do with all this information; we hope to have enlightened you somehow. If you wish to know more, please do not hesitate to call or write to us.
As a breeder I deem it is very important to participate in these events; first and fore most one’s dogs are judged by an expert, secondly it is a good opportunity to learn from people who have been producing this wonderful breed for 10-15 years. Confrontation is the best way to improve one’s work and strive to better the breed.
Photos to show you our Jacks, photos because we like them, photos to keep in touch with our puppies and their new families as they grow....
C-Litter arrived on April, 10th, 2011. Puppies will be rough coated, white and tan.
The E Litter is arrived : Original Master’s Voice FireFox x Knottelitten’s Picc-A-Dilly. The litter is born agoust 10 th 2011.
Pupps will be rough coath, White and Tan. They will be ready for the new home around october 10th 2011.
The Litter F arrived on september 4th, 2011, Multi Ch.Saltisgarden Music Maestro x Saltisgarden Cosmic Dancer. The F litter is composed by 2 males and 2 females. Puppies will be rough coated, white and tan. They will be available from november 4th, 2011.
Litter G arrived on september 13th 2011: 2 males and 2 females all perfectly coloured. They will be broken to rough coat. Available since november 13th, dewormed, vaccined, microchipped and with pedigree ROI ENCI-FCI
We are glad to announce litter H from All Jacks Be Special “Bic” with beautyful Goldsand’s Pearl B.
Litter H is born on december 10th, 2011 . three females and two males . The puppies will be all rough coat, white and tan, pedigree ROI ENCI-FCI.
They will be available around mid february 2012.
Litter I is coming: we mated on dicember 18th All Jacks Be Special “Bic” x Touchstar Freestyle “Bianca”; Litter I Should arrive after mid-february. Puppies will be rough coat white-tan. They will be available from mid-april, Pedigree will be ROI ENCI-FCI.
Frazione Chiavolino - Pollone - Biella
Pollone is a quaint village on the Biella Pre-Alps, 8km from the town of Biella, towards Ivrea, up the easy road that takes you straight into the village and goes on to Sordevolo. The Chiavolino district is the highest area in Pollone, 768 a.s.l.
Arriving from Milan on the A4 motorway, take the Carisio exit and drive towards Biella along the Trossi road, make a left on the thruways’ round-about, towards Ivrea – Mongrando until you reach the indications for Pollone.
Arriving from Turin on the A4 motorway, take the Santhià exit, make a left towards Biella, through Cavaglià, Salussola and Vergnasco, where, making a left you will reach the thruway to Ivrea- Mongrando. Continue on the road until you reach the indications for Pollone.
Once you have reached the centre of Pollone, make a left and continue for about 200 metres, passing under an archway. At the stop sign in Piazza San Rocco, make a left and go up the hill continuing on the same road for about 1400 metres. You will see the Chiavolino district above the road.
For further information: e