Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Mayock House
In Attendance: A. Arid, K. Bedell, R. Brown, S. Carr, E. Crook, S. Dodd, M. Dresch, D. Ellis,
S. Kinsella, D. Klein, K. Kramer, R. Kreider, V. Krimsley, J. Lawton-Haehl, R. Lee, F. Lozano, L. Moeller, R. Morales, R. Perez, K. Smith, J. Stewart, L. Stubblefield, L. Tenney, E. Rocha (ASB).
I. Opening Items
a. Call to order at 3:00 pm by Debbie Klein
b. Welcome to the last meeting of Spring Semester, Faculty of the Year and nominees
c. Agenda Adjustments - none
d. Approval of Minutes from 4/21/09
No additions or corrections. MSC (K. Kramer/A. Arid). Vote: unanimous.
II. Comments from the Public - none
III. Reports
a. ASB – Evelyn -ASB elections begin on Wednesday, continue through Tuesday.
b. President – Steve thanked everyone for a successful year. We have had great
enrollment and student successes.
c. VP Instruction – Victor thanked everyone for a great two years. It has been a great pleasure working with Senate and offered best wishes for future accomplishments.
d. VP Student Services – Rachel thanks everyone for all their help while she is covering for John Pruitt. We can be grateful that there have been no students diagnosed with Swine Flu. We will continue to distribute information to students.
e. GECA (Gilroy Early College Academy) - no report
f. Basic Skills Committee – no report
g. Budget Committee – no report
h. Tech Committee – no report
i. PTCOC – Ali thanked Senators for having the PTCOC Recommendations as one
of the Goals for this year. A survey will be going out to P/T Faculty to get more
feedback to substantiate information that has come to Senate.
j. Learning Outcomes – Randy – thanks to all for your hard work. We are making
progress. Remember: collect your data this Spring for reporting this Fall.
k. Distance Ed – no report.
l. Senate President – thank you to everyone for your patience and coaching while
she learns the ropes and she’s having fun so far.
IV. Information Items
a. Faculty of the Year Recognition – Susan Dodd made certificates for winners and
nominees. She thanked the committee (John Lango and Celia Marquez) for their
hard work. Certificates for F/T Faculty of the Year presented to Kay Bedell and
Kimberly Smith; P/T Faculty of the Year Jessica Gatewood was not present.
Nominee Ray Morales was presented with a certificate; Nominees Mark Turetsky
and John DeCesare were not present. Award winners will be recognized at Staff
Recognition Dinner on May 15th. Other winners announced were the April Employee of the Month which was a group of faculty – Kimberly Smith, Scott
Sandler and Jessica Hooper. Info/blurb will be posted on the Senate website.
b. Dry Wall/Lather Apprenticeship form (Sherrean Carr) – This new program is
going through Curriculum now – the 2nd Reading is upcoming. Program is housed
in the Carpenters Training Center in Morgan Hill. We acquired this program
from another college operating it within our district.
a. Senator Topics
1. “Godspell” opened last week – John Lawton-Haehl distributed flyers.
2. Academic Department Configuration – Leslie Tenney has been working on this with Ken Wagman; they were to come-up with a proposal to bring to Senate. This is still a work in progress - what is the size of a department? where do people belong in the department? She asked if we could put another task force in place to look at this issue which has not been reviewed in about 10 years.
3. The Voc Tech area may need additional representation.
4. The Department Chair Task Force – looking at the configuration of department chairs, their roles and responsibilities within the department for training and orientation, and composition of the departments. This could serve as a Department Chair-Senate dialogue opener. Debbie suggested we table this for now and continue the discussion over the summer when we have more time.
b. Plan for working on new goals for 2009 – Debbie distributed the list of goals with faculty names attached to their specific areas of interest. Goal #3 is still a hot topic for discussion. Senators could do a brief presentation - the game plan for each goal.
c. New ASB-generated no-smoking policy on campus – ASB has done a lot of research on the subject. July 1st was to be the start of no smoking except in parking lots. Next year the campus was to be totally non-smoking. Feedback from employees and students – primary concerns were second-hand smoke and trash in parking lots. Steve has pulled this issue off the upcoming Board agenda and implementation is delayed; looking for more/additional feedback from employees. This has been a HSFG Committee topic for many years, and their concerns were trash, enhanced security, fire hazard, designated areas for smokers. Another concern: groups of smokers standing in the parking lots and the danger of “crazy drivers”. Other community colleges who have implemented this policy. Randy will do a survey with a link to the policy information.
d. Criteria for cutting classes – model distributed by Debbie – suggesting cuts with transparency and fairness. Deans made the decisions and the District retains right of assignment. Careful consideration is cautioned for classes required for graduation. Proposed cancellations are the contingency plan – pending May 19th election results. About 200 sections in Summer ‘09, Fall ‘09 and Spring ’10 are suggested. Class sizes will not be increased, only critical hiring will take place, and the required classes will be maintained. Wait lists - a new module for Banner –not yet available. We need to insure student accessibility and preserve programs.
e. Set meetings for Summer 2009 – meetings will be on the second Tuesday except for June – to coincide with the Board of Trustees meetings. Meetings will be: June 16,
July 14, and August 11; time 2:00 – 3:30 pm in Mayock House.
V. Action Items
a. Resolution: Recommendation Against Selling Text Books to Buyers on Campus – discussion continues – no vote taken. Additional clarification needed from Steve.
VI. Closing Items
a. Items for next agenda – please send items to Debbie
b. Next meeting: See you on June 16th.
c. Adjournment at 4:38 pm.
Submitted by Diane Stone