Meeting of the Hertfordshire Highways Joint Member Panel for the District of Three Rivers held in the Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth, on Wednesday 6July 2005 from 6.30pm to 8.50pm.
Present:Three Rivers District Council
District Councillors:Geoffrey Dunne, Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Ann ShawOBE, Ron Spellen and Martin Trevett.
Officers:Peter Kerr and Elwyn Wilson.
Hertfordshire County Council
County Councillors:Roy Clements (Chairman), Paul Goggins, Barbara Lamb MBE, and Leonard Spencer.
Officers:Ian Brownell and Keith Watkins.
Apologies for absence was received from County Councillor Steve Drury, District Councillor John Pendlebury and PCCrosby.
Also in attendance: District Councillor Pam Hames.
Councillor Ann Shaw proposed, duly seconded that:-
(1)For the Local Government Year 2005/06 the County Council continues to provide the Chairman as there were only two meetings within the new arrangements.
(2)The Vice-Chairman for this Local Government Year be a District Councillor and the District Council provide a Chairman for 2006/07.
(3)Joint briefings be arranged and also discussion about the agenda.
(4)County Councillor Roy Clements be appointed Chairman and District Councillor Martin Trevett be appointed Vice-Chairman for the remainder of this Local Government Year.
On being put to the meeting the proposals were declared CARRIED.
(1)that for the Local Government Year 2005/06 the County Council continues to provide the Chairman as there were only two meetings within the new arrangements;
(2)that the Vice-Chairman for this Local Government Year be a District Councillor and the District Council provide a Chairman for 2006/07;
(3)that joint briefings be arranged and also discussion about the agenda; and
(4)that County Councillor Roy Clements be appointed Chairman and District Councillor Martin Trevett be appointed Vice-Chairman for the remainder of this Local Government Year.
The Minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2005 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising
Matters arising were discussed as follows:-
Councillor Ann Shaw stated that the second tree stumps in Moneyhill Road had not yet been removed.
That in respect of the minute on the Troy Wharf Development Section106 Agreement that in future details would be required to be recorded in the Minutes when issues were discussed at the Panel.
That a lamp standard had not yet been removed from Ebury Roundabout.
Councillor Ann Shaw reminded the District Manager that there were road signs to be removed in Berry Lane. Other Members reiterated the need to remove other signs.
A written reply be sent to Councillor Ron Spellen on the removal of lamp standard at Oxhey Drive.
A reply would be provided to Councillor Geoffrey Dunne in respect of work in Little Oxhey Lane / Carpenders Avenue / Harrow Way.
Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst requested information on the timescale on the High Elms Lane works.
Members required a work programme for the Panel to be reported to the next meeting.
(a)Crossing A404 (Royal Masonic School for Girls) Chorleywood Road
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 36(b) (Representation at Committee etc) Mrs D Boxall spoke in favour of a petition to provide a pedestrian crossing on A404 for the Masonic School.
Members supported the provision of a crossing but required more information before taking the matter further.
that a further report be submitted to the next meeting on:-
Possible contribution of Masonic School towards the cost of the provision of a crossing
Accident statistics from the Police in respect of this part of the A404
The result of the ranking of the scheme as a candidate for the Traffic and Environment budget.
Safer routes for schools
If the Police would be prepared to provide mobile speed cameras in this area.
(b)Petition for Measures on Woodcock Hill
The Panel considered a report which updated Members on the issues following the presentation of a petition to the Joint Member Panel on 6April 2005 (Minute 14/04 refers).
The Panel noted that each of the issues raised in the petition had been dealt with as follows:-
Repairs to Verge and Signage
Works had already been carried out to repair the verges where they had been overrun by traffic. The odd location would be further filled with topsoil and the application of granular material to support the edge of the verge.
Horse Warning Signs
These would be provided at each end of Woodcock Hill.
Control of HGVs
Signs would be added to the same signposts as the horse warning signs stating that the road was unsuitable for heavy goods vehicles.
Traffic Calming Measures
The draft speed management strategy indicated that the limit would be 60mph for this road and traffic calming measures were not undertaken on this type of road unless there was an accident problem or special need. In view of this, Members indicated that there was no need to instigate speed checks at present.
(1)that the Actions to be taken as indicated in the reports be agreed;
(2)that no speed checks be undertaken at present; and
(3)that a report be submitted to the Panel in the future outlining the effectiveness of the measures suggested.
The Panel received a report by the District Manager on progress with the proposed Transco Works Safety Engineering Scheme and the Cycling Scheme along A412 Uxbridge Road, Rickmansworth.
The Panel noted that in respect of works by Transco if need be the road could be used in an emergency.
that the report be noted.
The Panel received a report which updated Members on the funding available from contributions made by developers. The Panel made suggestions concerning the information contained in the report, noted additional information provided by the District Manager on particular schemes and that the Panel would wish to be informed of Section106 contributions held by Three Rivers District Council for highway matters.
(1)that a written reply be given to all Members on Section106 Contributions held by Three Rivers District Council for highways purposes;
(2)that in future reports the following information be given in respect of Section 106 Schemes:-
Original Sum / Interest / What is Proposed / Timeframe.
(3)that a written reply be provided to Councillor Ann Shaw on what is proposed for Maple Cross Business Park;
(4)that the County Council note that a completion of Section106 for the Waitrose Supermarket in Rickmansworth should not wait until the development had been completed; and
(5)that in future reports include Section106 Agreements that had been completed but for which the finance had not yet been received.
The Panel received a report by the District Manager on the progress of the Integrated Works Programme for 2005/06.
(1)that the report be noted;
(2)that an explanation be provided on “SAM6003” Public Open Space – Measures to Improve Public Space”; and
(3)that an invitation be extended to the new Head of Highways to attend a future meeting of the Panel.
The Panel received an oral report by the Chief Development and Transportation Officer on the Highway Improvement Programme of Three Rivers District Council.
(1)that the oral report be noted; and
(2)that the Three Rivers Parking Bay Programme as attached to these minutes be noted.
Members were updated on the expenditure of the 2005/06 Discretionary Budget and were requested to consider the Traffic and Environment (T&E) measures list.
Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst stated that he did not consider that the removal of old street clutter should be funded by the Discretionary Budget as this was something the County Council would do in any event and therefore it was suggested that “Removal of Street Clutter - £5,000” should not be included in the Discretionary budget.
It was also noted that £30,000 allocated for design work could not be vired to construction.
(1)that Ward Members be informed when Barn Lea lighting is to be completed; and
(2)that Members write to the District Manager indicating which schemes should be reassessed or reprioritised.
These were noted as follows:-
2 November 2005
1 February 2006
5 April 2006
12 July 2006 (Provisional).
It was agreed that a report would be submitted to the next meeting of the Panel on Adoption of Roads.
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