
Suggestions from Staff & Faculty

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Improvements Currently Made


Plans to Improve in Future

1 / Improve the search function and make information easier to find / IT has recently implemented a new search appliance from Google to improve the search capability of the Extranet and make information easier to locate. / IT plans to also upgrade the search functions of the Intranet.
2 / Repair broken links / The Web Team does a link audit of the Intranet every summer and winter. They review what links need to be updated and notify the appropriate person and/or department responsible for the content. A link audit was completed Summer 2014. / The Web Team will continue to do biannual audits of the broken links and continue to notify the responsible person/department to update the links needing attention. If you see any links that need to be fixed, please feel free to contact the appropriate BSU department or the IT Web Team.
3 / Assist BSU community in updating and/or creating content for the Intranet Pages.
·  Provide direct IT staff : BSU Staff/Faculty assistance
·  Provide Intranet workshops to assist others / For those who need assistance in updating or creating content for the Intranet Pages they manage, please contact Christine Hanley in our IT Department.
For those who need SharePoint training to modify BSU Intranet page please contact Stacey Osborn in our IT Department.



Allow some intranet content to be accessed from the extranet/internet.


Upon request, IT can make Intranet content publically accessible on the internet.


Web for Faculty/LMS Improvements


Improvements Currently Made


Plans to Improve in Future

1)  / Provide the option to the basic option to export/download ones class list in Web for Faculty. / The following are the directions to export/download a class list in Web For Faculty. Add Link
2)  / Provide a way to track attendance online - Through web for faculty or similar. Since the registrar’s office needs periodical updates on attendance status, this will greatly simplify keeping track for the instructors, and for the registrar s census needs. / Banner has this capability but is not currently functional. To provide this functionality, IT would need a department to sponsor and request the IT Project. To request an IT Project, please have an IT Liaison submit a completed Project Request Form . For any questions, please feel free to contact the IT Project Management Office.
3)  / Provide student photos with the class list. Helpful in learning student names and attendance. / IT may be able to provide this functionality. IT would need a department to sponsor and request the IT Project. To request an IT Project, please have an IT Liaison submit a completed Project Request Form . For any questions, please feel free to contact the IT Project Management Office
4)  / Have the ability to move each section of students in and out of materials that are kept each year.
5)  / Integrative pages that would allow for melding of text, audio and visual, along with c.v., syllabi and other information.
6)  / Faculty Web pages – “Unable to find faculty personal web pages”. Communicate if this service still available
7)  / Improve Web for Faculty. Web for Faculty is "clunky" & kicks you out too quickly / For any issues or questions regarding the performance of Web for Faculty please contact the Banner group at .

Connectivity/Logging On/Wireless


Improvements Currently Made


Plans to Improve in Future

1)  / Add SPSS on all campus computers and available for students to download (akin to how we distribute Microsoft Office). Using the Citrix server causes lots of problems and has wastes valuable class/meeting time. / SPSS 22 (new version) is now on Citrix and can also be installed on any university owned computer by navigating to the appropriate URL:
Windows: \\\dfs\Software\SPSS 22 - WINDOWS - fac staff campus owned machines ONLY
MAC: \\\dfs\Software\SPSS 22 - MAC - fac staff campus owned machines ONLY
2)  / Improve access to BDMS. / We have a new Administrative Systems Access Request Form which will allow a person to request access to multiple platforms at one time. This includes access to Banner, InfoBear, Web For Faculty, BDMS, Travel & Expense, Workflow, Degree Works, Argos & Discoverer. The requestor shall have access within one week.
3)  / Provide an easier way for guests to access the BSU internet. Suggestion - Provide an open wireless network where it automatically pops up and a user agrees to the terms and conditions and is connected / Plans are being made to provide easier anonymous access to the BSU wireless network.
4)  / Improve wireless access in classrooms in Hart Hall / Wireless access points have been upgraded in Hart Hall.
5)  / Easier access to BSU websites with mobile devices / IT will be developing a mobile strategy and implementation plan for the BSU websites in the coming fiscal year.

Computer /Phone


Improvements Currently Made


Plans to Improve in Future

1)  / Set Faculty computers to automatically back up to the department drives. / At this time we are unable to make laptops automatically back up to the department drives. This may be explored through a project request. IT would need a department to sponsor and request the IT Project. To request an IT Project, please have an IT Liaison submit a completed Project Request Form. For any questions, please feel free to contact the IT Project Management Office.
2)  / Also set the laptops to automatically do maintenance, etc. / Due to security and system requirements, IT is unable to set laptops to automatically upload software and security updates. Update can only be pushed through to laptops when the following three conditions are met:
1.  Laptop in on the BSU Campus
2.  Laptop is turned on
3.  User has signed into the laptop with their BSU user ID and password.
Monthly software updates are released to the BSU community on the 4th Friday of each month.
3)  / Most faculty have the orange exclamation in their task bar, and do not know what it is. / If your computer or laptop has an orange exclamation in their task bar, please contact IT Support to request service. IT Support may be reached at x2555 or emailing .
4)  / More memory for Laptops for faculty. / If you find that your laptop is not performing adequately for your needs, please contact IT Support to request service. Our support technicians will evaluate your laptop’s performance and if needed install additional memory. IT Support may be reached at x2555 or emailing .
5)  / Provide the ability to set an expiration date for our voice mail out-of-office message. / It is not possible at this time to set an expiration date for the out of the office voice mail. / IT is currently planning an upgrade to the voice mail system. We anticipate the next upgrade to provide better voice mail feature for the benefit of the BSU Community.
6)  / Provide speakerphones and headsets.

Support, Training & Communication


Improvements Currently Made


Plans to Improve in Future

1)  / Provide Apple/Mac training classes & help desk support / IT has been addressing Mac Support concerns through professional development opportunities for our Support staff in FY14 In addition; we are providing our Support Technicians with Mac devices so that they can continue to build upon skills learned in training. / IT will continue to provide IT support staff with further Mac/Apple professional development opportunities in FY15.
i.  / Improve Faculty (teaching & learning) support. Provide Online/hybrid Classroom Support - If we are doing more online and hybrid courses, we need better tools accessible to deliver the courses well. / Regarding Faculty support for online teaching and learning, we provided E-Learning Workshops during Winter and Spring Breaks, and took part in the Office of Teaching and Learning’s “Innovative Teaching with Technology” Summer Institute, which primarily supported Faculty teaching hybrid and fully online courses. BSU also provides Faculty with various tools for supporting online teaching and learning, including the Blackboard and Moodle Learning Management Systems, the Adobe Connect Web-Conferencing System, the Atomic Learning Web-Based Training System, the Turnitin Anti-Plagiarism Solution, and applications such as SPSS which are available via the web-based Citrix tool.
ii. / Improve Faculty (teaching & learning) support. Provide more faculty specific IT support -someone dedicated to just working with faculty. / The Office of Teaching and Learning is in the process of hiring an Instructional Designer who will be dedicated to working directly with Faculty on course design issues, creating engaging learning activities, and more.
2)  / Develop better communication plan including training, services and support available. / IT is focused on improving the user experience including how we communicate. IT currently introduced a newly redesigned IT website to make all IT related information easier to find. IT also includes a new knowledge base to assist you with common issues and a new IT service catalog. / IT will continue to look for ways to better communicate with the BSU community and provide opportunities to collaborate on improving the overall user experience.
3)  / Improve email communication from IT Help Desk (clearer, easier to read) / IT has updated its emails to be more user- friendly and clear.



Improvements Currently Made


Plans to Improve in Future

1)  / Webcams & Skype available in the classrooms / IT will explore providing the Webcam/Skype functionality in selected classrooms.
2)  / More Mac labs for teaching and for students to work on outside of class. / IT will request funding for additional Mac Labs in the next academic year.
3)  / Hart & Burnell – Classroom Smart Boards / IT will identify classrooms in need of Smart Board technology in the coming calendar year.

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