Minutes of 51st AGM – 14th December 2008 at MalloryPark
Council Members:
Chris Hobson, George Copeland, Nigel Price, Mike Cadwallader, Mike Shorley, Mike Grantham, Chris Whitlock, Gerry Hopkins, Dave Loftus, John Cunningham, Jon Cordery, Sue Whitlock, Peter Wilson, Eric Ridler, Chris Bird, Brian Poulter, Stephen Green.
Members who signed in:
Ian Berry, Amanda Bird, Mike Blacklock, Alan Crook, Fay Crook,John Jones, Bill Turnbull, Alan Ward, Noreen Ward, Eddie Brammer, Phil Rees, Craig MacDonald.
David Dalrymple, Steve Hill, June Copeland, Alan Stevens, Shelagh Scott, John Watt, Audrey Watt, Vi Selby, Mary Pearson, Colin Raine.
Previous Minutes
Minutes of 50th AGM on 9th December 2007 accepted as true record of the meeting.
Proposed: Chris HobsonSeconded: Nigel Price
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising. The Chairman took this opportunity of thanking the President, Barrie Williams, for attending
Chairman’s Report
Chairman reported:
a)Very successful Team Wilson recruitment with increase membership numbers and retention.
b)A new award for Cadet Marshals in memory of David Leslie. The National award will be one of David’s helmets and Regional awards will be cloth badges.
c)Overalls price increases from AWS kept to a minimum but in 2009 members will receive a £10 subsidy provided from Club funds and Mike Newton’s donation.
d)Chairman is confirmed as Chairman Marshals Working Group and member of Volunteer Officials Advisory Panel
e)Volunteers in Motorsport name is disappearing, to be replaced with ‘go help’.
f)On behalf of Council, Chairman welcomed all newly elected officers, thanked those retiring for their services and thanked all for continued support for the Marshals’ Club.
g)Confirmation that the North region was now North West and that Midlands Region was now East Midlands
National Secretary’s Report
Nat. Secretary reported that all Company House documentation was accurate to date and that all necessary registrations have been made with the MSA.
No formal propositions had been received.
National Treasurer’s Report
Accounts to 30th June 2008 and the accompanying Treasurer’s Report had been previously circulated to members and copies were available for inspection at the AGM. The accounts had also been agreed by National Council.
Accounts to 30th June were accepted
Proposed: George CopelandSeconded: Stephen Green
a)Insurance benefits have improved and loss does not have to be proved. Public Liability extended to cover non-MSA events.
b)Support for the Marshal’s ‘allowance’ was obtained from amateur clubs but not from the professional clubs.
c)Member incentives eg overall subsidy available as a result of donations by Mike Newton.
d)The October National Council Meeting approved a new initiative for the retention of Marshals by offering Prize Draws. Prizes to date have been received from Jonathan Palmer and Thruxton Motorsport Centre.
e)Subscriptions have remained at the existing level.
f)The ’50 Years’ book is now almost ready for publishing and the aim is to have it available at the Autosport Show. National Council have agreed, for financial expediency, that all proceeds go to BMRMC Ltd, less costs. Thanks to all Regions for their help in the preparation of this, with special mention to ‘the Whitlocks’
g)The floor proposed a vote of thanks to George for all his efforts in producing this book.
Election of Auditors
The auditors have been very helpful over potential VAT issues following HMCE contacts with other Motor Clubs
Dove Naish re-elected as Auditors for 2008
Proposed: George CopelandSeconded: Nigel Price
Election of Officers
a)George Copeland retires on rotation as National Treasurer and offers himself for re-election. Duly re-elected
Proposed: Brian PoulterSeconded: Stephen Green
National Training Officer’s Report
Chris Bird reported that he has answered many questions on marshalling generally over the year and is currently over-seeing the training days.
National Grading Officer’s Report
a)First three months picking up the role had been difficult but the promised new database will help considerably.
b)Marshal Registration forms are now coming through and the records are now in line with the MSA database.
National PRO’s Report
a)Trying to obtain additional sponsors with a view to cutting costs of overalls.
b)Thanks to Honda for 2008 Factory Tours and may continue in 2009.
c)MSV continue support for marshals with further track days in 2009.
National Membership Secretary’s Report
a)Net gain of around 300 members during 2008, helped greatly by Team Wilson BTCC recruiting efforts
Regalia Officer’s Report
Nothing to report.
Recruitment Officer’s Report
a)Peter Wilson has been voted onto the National Council this year to take on this position.
b)Will continue in 2009 but with more involvement with the Regions.
North East Region Report
a)Overall manning levels were better in 2008 but travel costs were becoming an issue.
b)CadwellPark’s additional two-day meetings stretched available marshalling effort at times.
c)Unfortunately there were two accidents this year, one each at a rally and race meeting, resulting in serious leg injuries.
d)Rally members continue to keep active.
e)John Watson has stepped down as Chief Marshal at Cadwell, but will continue to marshal and will be replaced byDavid Owen.
f)Thanks given to the Committee for their efforts
North WestRegion Report
a)Team Wilson produced excellent results on recruitment, that will continue into 2009 and the present 463 Region members are very active
b)Principal regional training days were completed successfully
c)Regional awards:Stan Foulds (long standing service) – Neville Parker
Bellini Trophy (outstanding contribution) – Nadine Lewis
Ken Finnie Award (best newcomer) – Justin Moran
d)Region continued to be active in rallying
e)Continuing to work on the implementation of the new Grading Scheme.
f)Margaret Simpson has agreed to be the Clubs’ Child Protection Officer and was also awarded the Gold Badge.
East Midlands Report
a)Training day at Donington in January was well attended, including students from the University.
b)There was an increase in membership thanks to the recruiting efforts of Team Wilson.
c)Region has continued to be involved in rallies nationally
d)Thanks given to the Committee for their efforts and to Mary Pearson who has stepped down as Region Chair.
South Midlands Report
a)There were a number of Committee changes, due to personal circumstances, but all posts have now been successfully filled.
b)Both training days at Mallory (joint with BARC) and at Southill were successful and well attended.
c)Club Nights continue to be very popular, thanks to the efforts of Bob Sketchley.
d)South Midlands Marshal of the Year was awarded to Fay Crook and Tony Apsion the John Nicol Trophy.
e)The Region supported Team Wilson at many meetings and, in turn, helped at the Silverstone Classic.
South East Region Report
a)Membership continued to improve thanks to the efforts of Team Wilson and the Region Committee.
b)There were three training days during the year followed by successful race meetings.
c)Mildred Wiltshire was delighted to receive the Norrie Bergin Trophy.
d)The Committee continues as this year and thanks given for their efforts.
South West Region Report
a)Membership has fluctuated, currently at 185, helped considerably by Team Wilson’s efforts.
b)There is still no Newsletter Editor and everyone is helping out.
c)A new committee has been elected and thanks given to past and present officers.
Northern Ireland Region Report
a)Busy year for region; out most weekends rallying or racing
b)Racing continues at Kirkistown and Mondello, although all British Championships have been lost and racing restricted to Nat B meetings.
c)Away trips remain popular to mainland circuits, but only one volunteer for the GP.
d)Will provide the opening round of the 2009 WRC in January and rallying continues to be as popular as ever.
e)Colin Rossborough has now emigrated to join his family in Canada and is a sad loss to the Region.
f)Membership remains constant at around 60.
g)The new venue at Shendon Park GC is working well, the strict dress code making up for the ‘cheap’ beer.
h)The next training day is in March and an invitation was extended to Chris Hobson.
BRMC Report
a)BRMC teams busy in Ireland and in Wales recently; busy season overall
b)The club ran the Sweet Lamb stage at the WRC, pictures on the web site.
c)Training carried out for 470 members at 13 separate venues (Gravesend was cancelled due to lack of interest) during the year, thanks to all who helped, especially Derek Machin (Training Officer) and Jan Baddeley.
d)The BRMC web site is successful and John Jones has taken over the role as web-master from Jan Baddeley, to whom thanks given for her efforts.
e)Thanks given to the Committee for their efforts.
a)David Leslie Trophy awarded to Stephanie Watson
b)John Nicol Trophy awarded to Tony Apsion
c)BMMC’s Marshal of the Year Trophy was awarded at the meeting to Fay Crook
Web Site
It is intended for this to be launched at the Autosport Show and thanks given to Eric Ridler for his efforts in producing this.
Any Other Business
a)Barrie Williams raised the problem, from bitter experience, as to how marshals could better see oil on the track when the sun was in their eyes. No obvious answer provided.
b)Question raised as to whether MSA has considered the effect of the economic downturn. George Copeland responded that, from recent discussion at ABMRC, many clubs do not feel this is any worse than the 1991 financial crisis. However, current evidence shows that it is considerably worse and many smaller clubs have cut back 2009 dates. The larger clubs and professional registers have yet to react, but it is hard to believe they can escape the pressures that have led to serious cutbacks in F1. There have been substantial cutbacks in the USA, in all categories, including NASCAR.
Chris Hobson thanked all for attending and closed the meeting.
Signed:______Chris Hobson – National Chairman
Signed:______Nigel Price – National Secretary