Why can’t I be provided on-site parking from September 2011?
Due to redevelopment works, parking islimited and only Priority Group 1 staff and Car Poolers can be accommodated at the QEIIMC at this stage.
Priority Group 1 includes:
- Staff who start before 6.30 am and/or finish after 6.30pm;
- Staff who work between campuses and those on emergency on-call;
- Medical Consultants;
- Night-time shift workers;
- Employees with special disability access needs;
- Government vehicles;
- Volunteers;
- Couriers/Laboratory/Maintenance/Contractor vehicles
The access of these groups to the site will be further reviewed as more staff may be required to relocate to temporary off-site parking in January 2012 to enable construction of the new children’s hospital to proceed.
When can I park on site again?
A new 3,000 bay multi-deck car park will be built on the QEIIMC site. Stage 1 is due for completion in late 2012/early 2013 and at that stage all staff will be able to reapply for parking on site.
Will I have access to the temporary off-site car park until the completion of the Stage 1 of the multi-deck car park?
While we will try to accommodate Priority 3 staff at the GraylandsHospital temporary car park until the completion of the multi-deck car park, we cannot guarantee it. It is likely that a second group of staff will need to be temporarily relocated to off-site parking in January 2012, and if the demand for off-site parking exceeds the supply, your parking may be cancelled with 30 days notice. It should be remembered that Priority 3 staff have not been entitled to any parking on site in recent years, except in extraordinary circumstances.
How do I collect my permit?
Your current permit has been automatically extended and will expire at midnight Sunday 11th September 2011. Your new parking permit for temporary off-site parkingcan be collected from parking stands in Watling Street 8am-3pm on weekdays between Monday 1st and Friday 12th August 2011. You will need to personally sign for your permit and show you ID card and you will need to show your parking permit for access to the car park. Following the 12th August 2011, parking permits can be collected from the Parking Department, 2nd Floor, R Block between 7am-3.30pm.
How do I stop the HCN deducting parking fees from my pay?
You need to fill out the D9 form that should have been attached to your parking permit letter. The form should be taken with you when you collect your permit. The Parking Department will send all forms to HCN for processing. You should not send the form to HCN yourself as they are not able to action them without consent from the Parking Department.
If you did not receive a D9 form, you can print one off the HCN intranet or fill one out when you collect your parking permit.
What temporary car park will I use?
The GraylandsHospital temporary car par. It is located on Brockway Road, MountClaremont. A map will be provided with your permit.
How will I travel between the GraylandsHospital temporary car park and QEIIMC?
A free, frequent shuttle bus will transport staff between the sites. Buses will run throughout the day with the first bus at from GraylandsHospital at 6am and the last bus from QEIIMC at 7.45pm.The bus will drop you close to your workplace so you may have less distance to walk than if you parked on site.
What do I do if I need to travel between sites for work?
There is a range of options available including access to pool cars for NMAHS staff who travel between sites for work, access to the pool of electric bicycles and corporate Smart Rider cards for all QEIIMC tenants.
The QEIIMC Trust is looking into car sharing for staff who are not employed by the NMAHS and improved video conferencing facilities.
Can I apply for another permit?
Yes. However, you should be aware that green commuters are also being temporarily moved off site in September. Car poolers remain on site at this stage.
Can I appeal?
If you feel you have been unfairly denied on-site parking, you can lodge an appeal with the Parking Department, 2nd Floor, R Block. Parking appeals must be lodged by Friday 29th July to be resolved prior to the move to off-site parking. Late appeals will be dealt with, but may not be resolved before your existing permit for on-site parking expires at midnight on Sunday 11th September.
Who is on the Appeals Committee?
The Committee includes senior medical, nursing and allied health representatives from the North Metropolitan Area Health Service.Remember that a significant number of staff will be moved to temporary off-site parking until late 2012 /early 2013, and only those with a significant need can be provided on-site parking.
Further information
We will continue to keep you informed about the off-site parking options. In the meantime, contact the Parking Department on 9346 2488 or 9346 1787 or .a with any Parking queries.
Further information about the redevelopment is available at For queries, contact the NMAHS Redevelopment Communications Coordinator on 1800 356 406 or
For information on travel to the site, bus timetables, bike maps and Travelsmart initiatives contact the Travelsmart Co-ordinator on 9346 2927 or email