West Ulverstone Primary School Drug Policy

  1. Position Statement

Our school community aims to create an environment which:

  • Maintains a safe and supportive school environment that promotes healthy lifestyle choices for the whole school community
  • Develops positive attitudes, knowledge and skills to strengthen resilience and equip individuals to achieve and make informed decisions
  • Develops in our students a sense of responsibility and respect for the rights of others and nurtures accountability for own actions and behaviours
  • Promotes student health and wellbeing. One aspect of this is addressed through drug education which occurs in the context of the school’s general education program.
  • Has intervention and support structures in place for dealing with drug related issues
  • Has clear guidelines for the recording and administration of first aid and medications
  • Fulfils legal and departmental requirements for disciplinary responses in conjunction with other relevant professionals and families

This policy applies to all members of the West Ulverstone Primary School community when they are on the school campus or attending any official function, program or activity of the school.

The term ‘school community’ in this context refers to all students, staff (teaching and non-teaching), parents/guardians and visitors to the school.

The term, ‘official functions, programs and activities’, include outdoor education programs and excursions. The policy also applies to students travelling to and from school.

Date Adopted: October 2012Policy Review Date: July 2014

  1. Roles and Responsibilities
  1. Parent/Carers

Parents/carers will be informed appropriately of school drug policy, including procedures for managing the use of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications, through:

  • Parent Information Booklet
  • School Newsletter
  • School Drug Policy
  1. Roles and responsibilities of teachers

Teachers will be responsible for:

  • ensuring they are aware of the school’s policy and procedures for responding to drug-related incidents and acting within them
  • being aware of and acting upon their legal obligations when necessary, including mandatory reporting obligations
  • participating in regular reviews of policies and procedures
  • contributing to the provision of a safe and supportive environment in the school
  • ensuring they do not possess, take or are not under the influence of any, illicit or unsanctioned drug while attending school or a school function
  • refer to 3.1(Drug Related Incidents)
  1. Roles and responsibilities of Senior Staff

Senior Staff will be responsible for:

  • ensuring they are aware of the school’s policy and procedures for responding to drug-related incidents and acting within them
  • participating in regular reviews of policies and procedures
  • contributing to the provision of a safe and supportive environment in the school
  • ensuring they do not possess or take and are not under the influence of any, illicit or unsanctioned drug while attending school or a school function
  1. Roles and responsibilities of other stakeholders

(See Management of drug issues and drug education in Tasmanian schools)

C. Guidelines for Managing Student Health Care in our School

  1. Medications

At our school we are aware that students may need prescribed medicine administered during school hours. The following outlines our procedures:

1.1 Non Prescribed (over the counter)

Non Prescribed oral medication (such as paracetamol, analgesics and over the counter medication) should not be administered by teachers or other members of school staff.

1.1.1 If required, a parent may come to school to administer medication to their child.

1.1.2If required (and with parent permission) non-prescribed medication may be administered by Teacher-in-Charge of overnight excursion or camp.

1.2 Prescribed Medications

1.2.1Routine prescription

Should medication be prescribed by the student’s medical practitioner and be required to be administered while the student is at school or involved in school activities (eg. excursions or camps), a parent/legal guardian must:

  • complete an Administration of Medication Authorisation - Form A(Appendix A)
  • provide evidence of the medical practitioner’s specific prescribed instructions for administration on the pharmacist’s label
  • deliver the medication to school in originally prescribed container

1.2.2 As needed prescription/ Individual Medical Action Plans

Sometimes, a parent may ask that prescribed medication be administered at school on an 'as needed' basis. Where this is needed, written guidelines, following Administration of Prescribed Medication Authorisation - Form B(Appendix B) should be completed by the child's medical practitioner. Staff training may also be required (eg: EpiPen).

An individual medical action plan will be devised for students with intensive or complex conditions such as epilepsy or allergic reactions. These action plans will be done in consultation with the student and with relevant personnel (eg parents/carers, medical practitioners, nurses and para-medical staff, therapists, teacher assistant).

All medical action plans will take into account issues of confidentiality and privacy to ensure that personal information about individual students is treated with respect.

Medical Action Plans will include, when relevant:
  • information on the student's medical condition
  • symptoms and consequences of the condition
  • indicators of the need for medical intervention
  • contact people and phone numbers (such as medical practitioner and parents)
  • clear instructions to cover all foreseeable circumstances including management in class, and out in the yard, and management on excursions or school camps
  • emergency procedures
  • specific information about medication including administration and storage, timing, dosage and possible side effects
  • relevant forms and written advice from medical practitioners and parents regarding the medical treatment of the student
  • any specific instructions on meal management
  • toileting procedures and management
  • the people responsible for particular actions
  • consideration of issues of privacy and confidentiality, and
  • the degree of involvement by the student in their own medical action plan

1.3 Management

1.3.1 Record Keeping

An official register for the administration of medication to students will be maintained. It will detail all occasions when medication is administered to a student (see Administration of Medication Student Record- Appendix C).The register will be kept with the medication at the School Office.

Principal is responsible for:

  • the administration of medication (delegated/nominated Office Staff member)
  • filling in the official registration for the administration of medication (as above)
  • nominating an alternative staff member to carry out the duties above in case of camp or excursion
  • organising adequate professional training for staff to undertake required procedures eg. EpiPen/asthma inhalers

1.3.2 Storage

Medication will be kept in a locked first aid cabinet within the office. The office area is locked when no-one is in attendance (senior staff and office personnel are the only members of staff with a key to access the office area).

Medications that need refrigeration will be kept in the refrigerator(staff access only) within close proximity to the office.

Exception, in selected cases, is that of inhaler therapy for asthma, or medication for extreme reactions(EpiPen or diabetic medication). With written permission from a parent/legal guardian, and with the approval of the school principal, the student may be responsible for carrying and administering EpiPen or diabetic medication. All children with asthma are permitted to carry their preventor medication with them and self-administer. (Staff may oversee self-use of asthma inhaler medication.)

1.3.3 Excursions and Camps

Where possible, a student will not be precluded from an excursion due to a medical condition.

A staff member will be responsible for safe storage, record keeping and administration of medication in accordance with any Medical Plans (see above). A parent/legal guardian may be invited to attend in some circumstances.

An appropriate first aid kit will be provided for all excursions and camps


  • Our school has appropriately stocked first aid kits:
  • Each class has a basic first aid kit for minor first aid treatment
  • Each duty staff will carry a small first aid kit on duty
  • A first aid kit is also available for excursions and camps(located in Room 1 with First Aid supplies)
  • Parent/Guardians will be informed of any treatment of first aid for their child either via a First Aid note or phone call

2.1 Incident Form

  • Staff complete ‘in house’ Incident Form and pass to office staff. Office staff complete incident reporting on line
  • ‘In house’ form and printed online report is filed in student/staff individual files

2.2 Work Place Safety

  • Is contacted as directed after submitting the online Incident/Accident Reporting Form


3.1 Usage Guidelines

3.1.1 Tobacco

The Public Health Act prohibits any person under the age of 18 years from obtaining, smoking or using any tobacco product.

Our buildings and grounds are smoke-free in accordance with occupational health and safety legislation.

All people working within or visiting the school are reminded that all areas of the school campus are designated smoke-free zones by the school principal, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Staff members may request any person smoking on school premises to extinguish their cigarette or move off school property to smoke.

All staff members and visitors to the school who wish to smoke are required to move away from school premises and to smoke out of view of students.

During school-related activities which may be conducted on other premises, school staff members and other adults who wish to smoke are requested to move well away from students and to smoke out of view of students.

3.1.2 Alcohol

No student is permitted on the school premises under the influence of alcohol, or to possess or drink alcohol at school or at school related activities such as camps, socials, or end of year dinners.

No adults/staff member are to consume alcohol when participating or supervising all school related activities involving students.

Out of school hours, while on school property, staff members are required to exercise professional judgement while consuming alcohol. Alcohol on the school premises is to be kept in a secure location out of reach of students.

3.2 Responses to drug-related incidents.

Illicit Drug;- a drug for which the production, sale, possession or use is prohibited. An alternative term is ‘illegal drug’.

Unsanctioned Drug;- A drug whose use is restricted by law, school authorities and/or school policies/guidelines. It includes illicit, social (alcohol and tobacco) and prescription drugs.

All incidents involving illicit and unsanctioned drugs will be dealt with in accordance with the Policy:

Incidents concerning the inappropriate use of drugs will be dealt with in a positive and supportive way, in the best interest of all parties concerned. The following steps to be followed as appropriate:

  • Attend to the immediate health and safety needs of the student/s or situation
  • Send for assistance: first aid officer and/or senior staff person
  • Do not leave student/s unattended unless absolutely necessary
  • Or, if there is no apparent health and safety risk involved, request senior staff support via a red card and/or escort student/s to a senior staff person
  • Call an ambulance or provide first aid with a trained staff member
  • Written incident report to Principal or senior staff person
  • From this point responsibility for action lies with the Principal or senior staff member
  • Inform parent/guardian of the student/s circumstances
  • Principal/Senior Staff secure and label substance, if found, with adult witness present
  • If the substance is an illicit drug, call the regional Police Liaison Officer to manage the disposal of the substance
  • If the substance is an unsanctioned drug (alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs), contact parent/guardian of student/s and offer them the option of removing the substance from the school, if deemed appropriate
  • Record all details of the incident, including actions taken and seek witnesses to the incident
  • If necessary involve the school’s counsellor to provide appropriate support for student/s or staff involved
  • Inform school staff, students and families on a need to know basis, as necessary, having regard to issues of confidentiality
  • Respond to the media if necessary, in collaboration with the Department in accordance with guidelines

Drug Education is embedded within our whole school approach to promote health and wellbeing.

Students at West Ulverstone Primary are encouraged to:

  • Develop skills in decision making
  • To value themselves and others
  • To be self-reliant
  • To take responsibility for their actions
  • To have a healthy lifestyle
  • To be safe
  • To understand the implications of drug use and misuse

It is the role of the school community to educate children about drug issues. The aim is to ensure students are informed about drugs and related issues; that they understand the possible consequences of drug use; and that they are informed about safety and first aid strategies in order to reduce the possibility of harm to themselves and to others in the community.


A:Administration of Medication Authorisation – Form A

B:Administration of Prescribed Medication Authorisation – Form B

C:Administration of Medication Student Record