School Development Plan

Summer Term 2015 – Spring Term 2016

This School Development Plan outlines the school’s drive to improve. It responds to our analysis of data including Raiseonline, work scrutinies and moderations, observations and interviews with children during the past year.

2015-16 in brief

  • Develop “Talk for Writing” focus to include non-fiction
  • Up-level spelling expectations in each year group
  • Teach “Attack” spelling and word analysis in Y2
  • Increase aspiration in teacher performance targets
  • Organise “School Safe” CPD for all staff
  • Introduce “Learning Ambassadors” across the school
  • Introduce “Mindfulness” sessions across the school
  • Use PUMA maths tests to measure attainment and progress
  • Increase 1:1 maths focus for disadvantaged chdn
  • Introduce BIG “number” resource sheets to show increased expectations

  • Introduce new baseline assessment in line with national requirements
  • Improve outdoor learning space
  • Achieve the Suffolk BRONZE Lingamarque
  • Achieve consistent assessments across the school in RE, WR and MA in line with new, age expected curriculum and assessment terms


Achievement of children at Kyson / Success Criteria / Impact
2015 End of KS1
RE - 12%below 2b, 0% below 2c
WR -14% below 2b, 4%below 2c
Y1 Phonics – Nat ’14 74% (84% success)
Y2 Phonic re-takes –(95% success)
2015 End of KS2
L4 + RWM Disadv 80% non disadv 93%
L5+ RWM Disadv 6% non disadv 49% / 2016 End of KS1
Above or on National attainment levels
2016 End of KS2
Gap between advantaged and disadvantaged chdncontinues to reduce / Attainment gap between advantaged and disadvantaged chdn is narrowed to within 10% in RE, WR and MA
English(Phonics, Reading and Writing)
Objectives / Action and by who / Timescales / Resources / Monitoring / Impact
To continue to improveearly language and phonic acquisition / Phase leader DMc – to coach and outline expectation / 10 weeks per term / 1 x .3 teacher for 1:1
1 x .1 teacher for 1:1 / DMc every ½ term / 75% of chdn moving from Nursery to Reception have achieved 40-60mths skills in Communication and Language skills
To continue communication and language development with disadvantaged chdn through focused phonic 1:1 tuition / Phase leader to coach and outline expectation / 10 weeks per term / 2 x .2 teachers for 1:1 / LB every ½ term / 100% of Y1 chdn are working at expected phonic level ie. 32+/40 marks
To plan T4W each term with alternating fiction and non-fiction types to continue to develop memory skills / TG / Autumn / - / SLT work scrutinies / Writing attainment levels continue to increase
To create a new more challenging Kyson spelling list for Y1 and Y2 and to introduce “Attack” spelling in Y2;
To review the spelling lists of Y3-Y6 and increase expectations / TG / by Summer / Phase mtg time / SLT / All chdn good spellers by Y5
To ensure weekly skills based English lessons and daily word skills sessions in every class / Phase Ldrs / Spring / - / TG + Gov / All Y1 using a wide range of connectives; All Y2 using tenses and punctuation accurately and writing cursively; All Y3 selecting vocab for impact;
All Y5 understand and use a wide range of genre text type features
To introduce a grammar programme in Y3 instead of “Attack” spelling / TG / Spring / £? / SLT
Achievement of children at Kyson / Success Criteria / Impact
2015 End of KS1
MA - 12%below 2b, 4%below 2c
2015 End of KS2
L4 + RWM Disadv 80% non disadv 93%
L5+ RWM Disadv 6% non disadv 49% / 2016 End of KS1
Above or on National attainment levels
2016 End of KS2
Gap between advantaged and disadvantaged chdncontinues to reduce / Attainment gap between advantaged and disadvantaged chdn is narrowed to within 10% in RE, WR and MA
Objectives / Action and by who / Timescales / Resources / Monitoring / Impact
To increase use of number bonds to 10 and understanding and use of numbers to 20, applying skills through problem solving and accurate use of number sentences / EYFS team / On-going / Increased team / LB and TG / 75% of Reception children are Y1 ready
To purchase BIG maths “number” resource sheets for all year groups / LR / For Sept / £60 / Phase Ldrs / All chdn know expected age related number facts at the end of each phase
To increase focus of 1:1 time for disadvantaged children in maths / Phase Ldrs / From Sept / Pupil Premium budget / Phase Mtgs / Confidence and skill barriers reduced and attainment gap narrowed
To timetable number fact lessons in Y1 / Y1 teachers / From Sept / - / Phase Ldr / All chdn able to recall numbers facts and skills easily to apply in problems
Use Hodder Educ. PUMA tests (Progress in Understanding Maths Assessment) across all ages each term / All class teachers / By Autumn / £530 x 3 / LR / Accurate rates of progress measured that link to national age related expectations
Objectives / Action and by who / Timescales / Resources / Monitoring / Impact
To complete and adopt an MFL Policy to include whole school inter-cultural/topic links / GK / By Sept / - / MFL Gov / BRONZE LINGAMARQUE achieved by end Autumn Term, assessed by Marina Dixon
To ensure all KS2 children receive 1 hr of French each week / GK / From Sept / PPA TT
To ensure class teachers re-visit weekly, common French vocab ie. numbers, games, register, date, weather, songs, demos from French lessons / Class teachers / Laminated crib sheet produced by GK
Appoint Primary Languages Governor / Governors / -
Introduce French Skills book in Y3 / GK / A5 books x 100 = £17.45 / -
Objectives / Action and by who / Timescales / Resources / Monitoring / Impact
To introduce “Early Excellence” baseline assessment system / DMc / From Sept / £261.70 to be reimbursed by DFE / LB / 90% of all EYFS children expected or exceeding goals by end of Reception, with notable increase in CLL and gross motor skills
To increase EYFS progress of communication and language skills / Additional 1:1 teaching .1 by WK and .1 by FS / From Sept / £4,500 x 2 / DMc
To ensure outdoor learning resources and activities are as good as those provided indoors (Ofsted Jan ’14) / TD / From April / ESS budget £2,000;
¾hr extra support time each day to organise and set out activities £800 / DMc

Suffolk School Improvement Summary Issues –

Y1 phonic skills - 63% (Nat 74%); KS1 disadvantaged learners across RE, WR and MA - 69% (Nat 63%); KS2 attainment gap for disadvantaged chdn in RWM - APS 26.1 (Nat27.0)


Objectives / Action and by who / Timescales / Resources / Monitoring / Impact
Use Hodder Educ. PUMA tests (Progress in Understanding Maths Assessment) across all ages at the end of each term / All class teachers / Autumn / £530 x 3
£530 x 3 / LR / Accurate rates of progress are measured that link to national age related expectations across RE,WR and MA
File of moderated WR work collated that shows national age related WR expectations and DfE Y6 benchmarks
Establish regular phase moderation to ensure consistent assessments in each year group, in writing and maths, that use the terms “below, towards, at and above” national standard / SLT / Every 3 weeks / Mtg time / LB
Introduce Hodder Educ. PURA tests (Progress in Understanding Reading Assessment) across all ages at the end of each term
Performance Management
Objectives / Action and by who / Timescales / Resources / Monitoring / Impact
Increase aspiration in teacher performance targets (Ofsted Jan ’14) / SLT / Autumn / Gov CPD / Personnel Govs / Attainment gap between advantaged and disadvantaged chdn is narrowed to within 10%


Objectives / Action and by who / Timescales / Resources / Monitoring / Impact
“School Safe” CPD for all staff / Schools’ Choice / Autumn / £400 for 25 people / LB / Confidence restored for all staff!
Senior Designated Lead CPD for new SENCo / Schools’ Choice / asap / £400 / LB / Two year cycle of SDL between Head and SENCo continues
SCR checked termly / LB / Each term / - / CoG / SCR is always accurate
Objectives / Action and by who / Timescales / Resources / Monitoring / Impact
To introduce “Learning Ambassadors” / TG / During Autumn / Occasional lessons / LB / Aspirations of disadvantaged learners are challenged and supported
To ensure weekly behaviour logs include relevant detail / All teachers / asap / - / LB / Accurate reference material is logged
To introduce “Mindfulness” sessions 3 x per week in each class / All teachers / Autumn / 8 Primary lessons / LB / Children able to control emotions and display emotional resilience when needed