Subject / PSW / Examiner / Mrs S Groves & Mrs M Gough
Date / 21 June 2017 / Total marks / 50
Session / 1 / Duration / 1 hr 30 min
Grade / 6 / Moderator / Mrs Pienaar
Special instructions/
This assessment has been compiled using notes and information contained in the Tom Newby School resource material. The marking memorandum has been compiled accordingly. While alternative responses will be given due acknowledgement, the official memorandum will be considered a priority document to ensure uniformity of marking.
Name: / Surname: / Class:


Write a suitable definition for each of the following words:


One of a kind. (1)


Not allowed or permitted. (1)

1.3Well groomed

Neat and tidy. (1)


Room to grow, develop or improve. (1)


Newspaper, television, magazine etc. (1)



Supply a suitable word to complete each of the following sentences:

2.1Communication that does not involve talking is called non-verbal

communication. (1)

2.2Illusionis a trick or something that is not real. (1)

2.3Young people going through puberty are sometimes awkward and

don’t look or feel attractive. (1)



Decide whether the following statements are True or False. If it is True, then write True. If it is False, write False and correct the statement.

3.1The time of life when young people being to change into adults is called



3.2The stage when children are no longer children and they are not adults

is referred to as infancy.


This stage is called adolescence

3.3It is important to follow a healthy eating plan during your teenage years

and get lots of exercise because the chemical changes, due to

hormones, in a young girl’s body makes it easy to gain weight.


3.4All young men reach puberty at the same time and development is the

same for each person.


Puberty happens at different times and development is different for each person

3.5The media portrays people, especially celebrities, as they really live and

what they actually look like in real life.


Media tricks change people’s looks and sometimes exaggerates their lifestyles.



Give suggestions for the following statements.

4.1Give three things that you can do to improve your physical appearance.

a)Exercise regularly

b)Follow a balanced eating plan

c)Groom yourself


4.2Give three types of goals that you can set to create opportunities based

on your abilities and potential.

a)Long term goals

b)Medium term goals

c)Short term goals


4.3Give any three principals of listening. (Any 3)

a)Stop talking/prepare yourself to listen

b)Put the speaker at ease/remove distractions

c)Emphathise/be patient/avoid personal prejudice/listen to the

tone/listen for ideas/wait and watch for non-verbal

communication (3)


QUESTION 5: (10)

Brad is a 17 year old adolescent. Study his response to peer pressure, then answer the questions that follow.

Brad (aged 17) says:
“My peer group wants to make a difference. We are all doing well at school and we want to keep it that way. We know there are bad things out there and we want to help each other to make the right decisions. My friends are like family to me and we all look out for each other. It’s what keeps me calm because I need them to support me when I need help. I’m there for them when they need me to. It’s cool and it works.”

5.1Briefly explain what a “peer group” is.

A peer group is friends and other people that are about the same

age as you. (2)

5.2The group mentioned in the paragraph tries very hard to stay away from

peer pressure. Outline what peer pressure is.

Peer pressure is when you give in to pressure from friends even

though you feel uncomfortable about it. (2)

5.3Brad speaks about “bad things out there”. Name at least 3 things that

would be considered “bad” for teenagers. (Any 3 things)

a)Bad friends/bullying


c)Bad relationships (3)

5.4Why is it important to support your friends when they are faced with

peer pressure?

Teenagers usually follow the examples of other teens. If the influence is good and positive, then they will be positive too. (2)

5.5List a reason for the friend’s good academic results.

The friends work hard, stay calm and look out for each other. (1)



When somebody deliberately tries to hurt, scare or upset another person, then this action can be called “bullying”. There are five main types of bullying. Name the type of bullying for each of the examples given.

1. / Ignoring, spreading rumours, excluding. / 1. / Social bullying / (1)
2. / Teasing, name calling, insulting, swearing. / 2. / Verbal bullying / (1)
3. / Spreading rumours, or saying mean things using social media such as Facebook. / 3. / Cyber bullying / (1)
4. / Hitting, kicking, slapping, pinching, pushing, stealing or hiding items. / 4. / Physical bullying / (1)
5. / Threatening, intimidating, teasing, name calling, insulting / 5. / Emotional bullying / (1)


QUESTION 7: (10)

Analyse the following passage, then answer the questions that follow. These questions are based on the passage.

Jewish babies are given Hebrew names shortly after they are born. A brief ceremony is performed, which often includes friends and family members of the new baby.
This is a brief ceremony during which the baby is given his or her Hebrew name. The chosen Hebrew name could be a name that sounds like the baby’s secular/English name, or one that begins with the same sound as the baby’s secular/English name.
Often, a Hebrew name is selected because the meaning of the word has significance to the family. Ashkenazic Jews (those of European ancestry) often select a name that commemorates a deceased relative of the baby in order to honour that person’s memory. Spehardic Jews (those of Spanish and Middle Eastern ancestry) often follow the custom of naming their children after living relatives.
During the ceremony, there is an opportunity for the parents of the new baby to explain their choice of name and its significance to them. Blessings are said during the ceremony acknowledging that the child has been entered into a brit, a covenant, with God. Blessings are also recited for the baby’s well-being. The traditional wish is offered – that this child may grow into a life of study of Torah, of loving relationships, and the performance of good deeds.
Baby naming can be held in people’s homes, or they can be held at the synagogue. A b’ritmilah is usually held in the morning. A baby naming held in a synagogue can take place at a Shabbat service, either Friday evening or Saturday morning.

7.1When are Jewish babies given their Hebrew names?

Shortly after they are born. (1)

7.2Why do Ashkenazic Jews select a name that commemorates a

deceased relative?

It is to honour a person’s memory. (1)

7.3It is important to include family and friends during certain ceremonies in

the Jewish and African cultures. Other than family and friends,

a)who else will babies be presented to in the African culture and

b)why is this so important?

a)Ancestors (1)

b)The ancestors have the power to protect or punish people.


7.3Why do Ashkenazic Jews select a name that commemorates a

deceased relative?

It is to honour a person’s memory. (1)

7.4Explain why a traditional wish is offered to Jewish babies.

The child may grow into a life of study of the Torah, of loving

relationships and performance of good deeds. (3)

7.5Christian babies are baptised (christened). Explain what happens

during this ceremony.

During this ceremony a minister or priest sprinkles holy water on

the baby’s forehead and makes the sign of a cross with the water.

