FLSA: Exempt EEO-6: 3-30 (Professional) SOC Code: 21-1010

Classification: I/C Counselor II Classification Code: 522100

Position Title: Director of the Learning CenterDate Established: 7/01/11

Position Number: C1R00130Date of Last Amendment: 6/25/13

SCOPE OF WORK: To perform responsible professional work as the Director of the Learning Center at NHTI, Concord’s Community College. This position reports to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.


  • Hires, supervises, and evaluates professional staff in the areas of Disabilities Services and Computer Learning Lab; supervises and evaluates support staff; hires and supervises day and evening professional tutors in collaboration with academic departments;
  • Coordinates academic support services as delivered by the Learning Center with all other academic programs and departments on campus;
  • Coordinates NHTI’s Testing Program, including placement testing, CLEP testing, etc.; works with appropriate faculty to research assessment instruments to evaluate their appropriateness for NHTI’s student population; arranges for materials and administration of tests in a variety of delivery formats; advises students regarding their test scores upon completion of their assessments; creates and distributes reports for students, Department Heads and advisors, and Academic Affairs;
  • Interviews students requesting tutoring in order to provide individualized help for students with academic problems and acts as liaison between peer tutors and students requesting assistance;
  • Provides, or contacts others to provide, direct instruction in academic success strategies, problem solving and study skills, individually and to classes or other groups upon request;
  • Recruits, hires, trains and supervises peer tutors for the Learning Center peer tutoring program, Math Lab, Writing Center, and Computer Learning Lab;
  • Integrates the activities of the tutorial programs with the needs of all other programs on campus to integrate methods and materials being used by the tutors with the course they are tutoring;
  • Develops academic support and tutorial materials, and researches current practices in the field of learning assistance in order to revise and improve the services of the Learning Center; develops and presents professional development events for faculty related to academic support strategies;
  • Maintains Learning Center records to provide statistics for evaluating the tutoring and other programs; prepares and oversees the Learning Center and tutoring budgets;
  • Provides requested information required for budget development, grant application and compliance reports, and college and program accreditation reports;
  • Serves as extended member of Department Head Council, chairs department meetings;
  • Complies with all college, system, state and federal rules and regulations;
  • Other duties as assigned.


Education: Master’s degree from a recognized college or university with major study in counseling, education, or other relevant academic discipline. Each additional year of approved formal education may be substituted for one year of required work experience.

Experience: Five (5) years' experience in education, business or industry in academic support services.

License/Certification:Eligibility for New Hampshire driver's license.

RECOMMENDED WORK TRAITS: Considerable knowledge of counseling principles and techniques. Considerable knowledge of learning, behavior, and emotional patterns of young adults. Knowledge of personality, achievement, prognostic, and placement tests and the techniques involved in their use and interpretation. Knowledge of statistical analysis techniques. Ability to maintain rapport with students, faculty and staff. Ability to prepare reports. Ability to instruct students, faculty and staff concerning counseling techniques, leadership roles, and human relations. Must be willing to maintain appearance appropriate to assigned duties and responsibilities as determined by the college appointing authority.

DISCLAIMER STATEMENT: This class specification is descriptive of general duties and is not intended to list every specific function of this class title.


The above is an accurate reflection of the duties of my position.


Employee’s Name [print]Employee’s SignatureDate Reviewed

Supervisor's Name and Title: Pamela Langley, LPD, Vice President of Academic Affairs

The above job description accurately measures this employee's job duties.


Supervisor's SignatureDate Reviewed


CCSNH Director of Human ResourcesDate Approved