Landscaping Job Description

Landscaping Profile and Description

A Landscaping supervisor works for a landscape company to oversee the working of the staff and their operations. They have to perform the administrative tasks such as scheduling and budgeting. They have to perform many basic jobs such as working with clients, designers and landscape architects. He or she has to provide great physical help to the team. They need to deal with different types of clients like individual homeowners, landscape architects or designers.

Landscaping Duties and Responsibilities

There are the following basic duties and responsibilities which a landscaping supervisor has to fulfill as follows:

  • The prime responsibility is to oversee the tasks of staff or landscapers.
  • He or she has to ensure that all the functions are of high quality and is consistent with the client’s needs.
  • It will be needed to provide support to the staff in, performing spot checks of landscaping work and assisting the team.
  • He or she has to collaborate with the staff to discuss how the work should be done.
  • It will be needed to estimate the costs as well and construct a timeline.
  • The supervisor has to do the other basic jobs such as scheduling staffing hours, managing budgets, renting of equipments and keeping employee time sheets.

Landscaping Skills and Specifications

The required skills and specifications are as follows:

  • The person should have the ability to work with insecticides, herbicides and fungicides.
  • He or she should have the excellent supervisory skills and ability to supervise.
  • The person should have the qualities of being a good leader so should have required leadership qualities to perform the job.
  • The person should be able to do the management so should have great managerial skills.
  • He or she needs to be an excellent communicator and should have good communicative abilities both verbal and written.

Landscaping Education and Qualifications

A landscape supervisor does not require any particular type of education but those who wish to run a business should have the following qualifications:

  • The person should have gone through the necessary training in designing horticulture etc.
  • The other requirement is a Bachelor’s degree in business which becomes important for the entrepreneurs.

Landscaping Salary

Their wages often fluctuate in relation to the state, economy, the industry in which they are working etc

  • The median wage for landscape supervisors in 2006 according to the reports the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics was something around $17.93.