Wangari Maathai (teacher’s)


Do you know the Nobel Peace Prize? Do you know who won in 2004? Her name is Wangari Maathai. She plants trees. Her group has planted a lot of trees and done many other good things too.


In Japan, wood is mostly used to make houses, but in developing countries wood is mostly used for heating or cooking. It is very important for daily life. However, if everybody burns wood, soon there aren't enough trees. This can also lead to desertification making crops hard to grow. In Ms. Maathai's country, trees are the key to daily life. For us, trees that Ms. Maathai plants help slow down global warming.

Sustainable Development (Focus on -ment –noun resulting from verb)

If we take more from nature than it can give us back, soon it will run out. In other ways too, civilization growing too fast causes many problems. 'Sustainable Development' means to grow smartly and think about the future. Planting trees is a perfect example of this.

Women's Rights

Ms. Maathai was the first woman from East Africa to get a Ph.D. In Kenya and the rest of East Africa, women almost never go to University. Her tree-planting groups are also mostly women. Women's groups are rare in Kenya. Women from Ms. Maathai's group become community leaders and help other women. This is called 'empowerment' and can lead to equal rights for women.

Think Globally, Act Locally (Focus on -ly – in a certain way)

What we do has an effect on the whole world and only we know how to make our area better. By making our area better, we make the world better. For Ms. Maathai, planting trees and helping women was the best thing she could do. For us, maybe it's not to waste things. Like she said in Japanese on TV: Mottainai!

Wangari Maathai (student A)


Do you know the Nobel Peace Prize? Do you know who won in 2004? Her name is Wangari Maathai. She plants trees. Her group has

and done many other good things too.


In Japan, wood is mostly used to make houses, but in developing countries wood is mostly used for . It is very important for daily life. However, if everybody burns wood, soon there aren't enough trees. This can also lead to

making crops hard to grow. In Ms. Maathai's country, trees are the key to daily life. For us, trees that Ms. Maathai plants help slow down global warming.

Sustainable Development

If we take more from nature than it can give us back, soon it will . In other ways too, civilization growing too fast causes . 'Sustainable Development' means to grow smartly and think about the future. Planting trees is a perfect example of this.

Women's Rights

Ms. Maathai was the first woman from East Africa to get a . In Kenya and the rest of East Africa, women almost never go toUniversity. Her tree-planting groups are also mostly . Women's groups are rare in Kenya. Women from Ms. Maathai's group become community leaders and help other women. This is called 'empowerment' and can lead to equal rights for women.

Think Globally, Act Locally

What we do has an effect on the whole world and only we know how to make our area better. By , we make the world better. For Ms. Maathai, planting trees and helping women was the best thing she could do. For us, maybe it's not to waste things. Like she said in Japanese on TV: Mottainai!

Wangari Maathai (student B)


Do you know the Nobel Peace Prize? Do you know who won in 2004? Her name is Wangari Maathai. She plants trees. Her group has planted a lot of trees and done many other good things too.


In Japan, wood is mostly used to , but in developing countries wood is mostly used for heating or cooking. It is very important for . However, if everybody burns wood, soon there aren't enough trees. This can also lead to desertification making crops hard to grow. In Ms. Maathai's country, trees are the key to daily life. For us, trees that Ms. Maathai plants help slow down .

Sustainable Development

If we take more from nature than it can give us back, soon it will run out. In other ways too, causes many problems. 'Sustainable Development' means to grow smartly and think about the future. Planting trees is a perfect example of this.

Women's Rights

Ms. Maathai was the first woman from to get a Ph.D. In Kenya and the rest of East Africa, women almost never go to . Her tree-planting groups are also mostly women. Women's groups are in Kenya. Women from Ms. Maathai's group become community leaders and help other women. This is called 'empowerment' and can lead to equal rights for women.

Think Globally, Act Locally

What we do has an effect on the whole world and only we know how to make our area better. By making our area better, . For Ms. Maathai, planting trees and helping women was the best thing she could do. For us, maybe it's not to waste things. Like she said in Japanese on TV: Mottainai!