Questions on “The Cuban Revolution”: The New York Times Upfront Magazine, 2/24/14

1. What did Cubans wake up to see on the “first morning” (AKA January 1st) 1959?

2. What Cuban President (AKA American-backed dictator) had fled?

3. Why did some Cubans resent the US between the years 1902-1959 (article & timeline, 1898)?

4. What was Cuba like under Batista’s rule (article & timeline, 1933-1959)? Why did the US support him?

5. Under Batista, how did life in Cuba differ between the cities & countryside?

6. In what year did Fidel Castro launch his insurrection against Batista?

7. In the late 1950s, Fidel & Raul Castro and their followers set up camp in the Sierra Maestra Mountains.

What Argentine revolutionary joined them?

8. After Castro gained power in 1959, the US didn’t initially dislike him. What types of things did he do

that turned the US against him (article & timeline, 1960)?

9. In 1960, the US placed an economic embargo on Cuba. What does that mean?

10. What country did Fidel Castro reach out to? Why was that country willing to aid Cuba?

11. What was the Bay of Pigs Invasion (of 1961)?

12. Timeline, 1961: After the Bay of Pigs, what type of leader did Castro announce that he was?

13. What else did the CIA try to do in the 1960s … include their “weapons.”

14. Let’s summarize the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 ….

Ø  What US President first learned of Soviet missiles in Cuba?

Ø  How did he respond?

Ø  How long did the crisis last?

Ø  What country backed down first?

Ø  What secret deal did the US make to help resolve the conflict?

15. How did the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 affect Cuba?

16. In what two areas “has Cuba made progress”? (FYI – usually baseball is included here, too!)

17. Timeline, 2009: what two significant events tool place in 2009?

18. What changes has Raul Castro made in Cuba since gaining power?

19. What did Fidel Castro say in 2010 (quote)? What do you think this means?

20. Timeline, 2013: What was “THE HANDSHAKE” & why are their two differing views on it?