Quality Assurance of Practice Learning for Health Care Professions


D.  LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (CLUSTER) / PRACTICE EXPERIENCE PROFILE held electronically by the HEI, Trust/Organisation (HSO) and Learning Environment

TRUST / Health Service Organisation (HSO) & web link / Learning Environment Leads (LEL) / Contact Details
NHS Isle of Wight / Donna Baker / 01983 822099 ext 5410
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT CLUSTER / DIRECTORATE / Education Lead for Cluster / Contact Details
Occupational Therapy & Wheelchair Service / Ruth Cooper / 01983 534520
Psycho social placement including: Long term interventions for people with chronic and enduring mental health difficulties, Community integration / community living skills, Long-term interventions to support improving occupational performance for people with LD, Assertive outreach teams, Work rehabilitation / Occupational Therapy Service Seven Acres St Mary’s Hospital, Newport IOW / 01983 534077

Date of LE / Practice Experience Profile: / July 2012 / Date last Profile completed:: / July 2012
Name / Position / Work Base / Contact Number and Email address
Paul Burton / Head Occupational Therapist / Sevenacres, St. Marys Hospital Newport IW / 01983 534077

WELCOME to “Trust / Health Service Organisation” NHS Isle of Wight provides Acute Care, Mental Health, Ambulance and Community Services that would otherwise be provided by lots of different organisations on the mainland. This is because living on an island makes travelling elsewhere in the UK for treatment more difficult and, with quite a small population, we can provide care more cost effectively as a single organisation. NHS Isle of Wight employs approximately 3,000 staff, is committed to personal development and has strong links with Southampton, Portsmouth and Bournemouth Universities. In addition to the central hospital site of St Mary's, Newport, there are a variety of health clinics and community bases across the Island from which many of the Trust's services are delivered.

South Central Student Learning Charter – Please read......


Travel Information / Getting here... Google Map link / Trust web link

Access by: / Web Link / Comments
BUS / http://www.islandbuses.info/
CAR / Parking arrangements/Costs:
Other suggestions: / Boats to the Island: http://www.wightlink.co.uk/ or http://www.redfunnel.co.uk/ or http://www.hovertravel.co.uk/

Accommodation available: http://www.iow.nhs.uk/index.asp?record=855


Other Universities accessing our Learning Environment / Practice Experience for Student Learning, whom you may meet whilst on placement – these are highlighted below:


We also support a range of professions and different learners on the following programmes, as highlighted below:

Nursing – Adult field / Occupational Therapy / Medical / HCS – Cardiac Physiology, Respiratory & Sleep
Nursing – Child field / Physiotherapy / Radiography (Diagnostic) / HCS – Audiology, Neurophysiology, Vision Science
Nursing - Mental Health field / Podiatry / Radiography (Therapeutic) / HCS – Life Sciences (Blood, Infection, Cellular, Genetics)
Nursing – Learning Disabilities / Speech & Language Therapy / Clinical Psychology / HCS – Med Physics (Radiotherapy, Radiation, Nuclear)
Midwifery / Dietetics / Social Work / HCS – Clinical Engineering (Med, Rad, Renal, Rehab)
Foundation Degree / Apprenticeships / Other

OVERVIEW of TRUST / Health Service Organisation (HSO)

Showing divisional /directorate / community care team breakdown etc and where Learning Environment (Cluster) / Practice Experience sits

PROFILE for “Learning Environment (Cluster) / Practice Experience “

Area / Locality / Service / Team / Location / Key Contacts / Tel No / Email Address
Isle of Wight / Occupational Therapy / Sevenacres.
St Mary’s Hospital.
Newport. / Mr. Paul Burton. (Head OT).
Ms. Sarah Smith.(Deputy) / 01983 534077

Learning Environment (Cluster) / Practice Experience Philosophy or Mission Statement

Our aim is to promote a balanced and meaningful lifestyle, incorporating recovery, independent living skills, engagement in community activates and participation in productive tasks. We work with clients who are experiencing acute or enduring mental health problems.

Description of the Service we provide and Client groups who may access it:

Inpatient assessments, group work, (Cookery / art / creative writing / discussion group / WRAP / Music / Gym / 1 to 1 work. Community follow up.

Other areas of interest and related experience available

Engagement in community, ie supermarket shopping, budgeting , desensitization programmes, social events.


Work Pattern
(eg Shift patterns, start & finish times) / General hours are 08:30-16:30 with 30 minutes for lunch. This can vary between services and supervisors and needs to be confirmed before placement commences. Full time staff work between 35 & 37.5 hours per week. (9 till 5)
Dress / Uniform Code / Smart casual / No jewellery
Staff room / Rest Room facilities / These are available at all bases.
Library / IT Resources / The Oliveira Library is based at St Mary's Hospital in the education centre and provides a full library service to all NHS employees on the Island, students on placement and other groups by arrangement. A reference service is also available to the general public. We aim to provide information and support on the following: Clinical questions, Evidence based Healthcare, Education, Research, Continuing Professional Development, Lifelong Learning, Management, Clinical Governance and Audit If you would like further information on library services, please contact Anne Lancey, Library and Knowledge Services Manager. Tel. 01983 534519. Fax 01983 534232 Email:
Induction / Orientation Programmes
Welcome Folder /
Student Tutorial / Seminar Programme (if available) / Monthly student reflection sessions are provided by the Learning Environment Team (LET). Dates / times can be found by contacting the LET on
Managing Student Issues – flow chart & main contacts /
Abbreviations / Glossary relevant to this area / Abbreviations you might see include ‘Ax’ – Assessment, ‘Rx’ – Treatment, ‘Hx’ – History. We recommend that abbreviations are not used to avoid confusion.
Prior recommended reading / websites / resources / Supervisors will provide specific reading. Please check charity websites in relation to specific conditions or client group as they often have specific resources from healthcare professionals
Common assessments / interventions / procedures / treatments / evaluations / Meyers lifestyle / MOCA. /MOHOST.
Common conditions seen / Bi-polar / Schizophrenia / PD. / Depression.
Specific areas of expertise/clinical skills which students can observe / learn from / Practice / See above
LIST of LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES available in main ‘hub’ placement area / All learning opportunities applicable to your area of practice & learning outcomes are available, either within the trust or PVI sector.
Linked areas / ‘spoke’ organisations / As above
LIST of Inter professional learning opportunities for students on placement / Inter professional learning relating to your client intervention is actively encouraged to increase knowledge & skills.
Specifically for Nursing students, are there opportunities on this placement for the student to have experience of working with other client groups? Eg / Not Applicable
·  Maternity care
·  Child Care
·  Mental Health
·  Learning Disability
·  Other
Please list all other services within this Trust/HSO and external NHS/Social Care/PVI services you liaise with or refer clients onto: / Care-coordinators / Home treatment /Alcohol services / day centres
Please list all other Health and social care staff the student may have the opportunity to work with: / Self harm team / Home treatment / Nursing staff / psychology.
OUR EXPECTATIONS of LEARNERS whilst on this Practice Experience: / To engage fully in the placement experience, use an enquiring approach, and use reflection to identify learning needs to inform your development in OT practice

The following Policies and Guidance Documents MUST be made available to learners whilst on this Practice Experience: (Trust/HSO & locality to confirm list)

Policy / Guidance / Where Located / Hyperlink / Policy / Guidance / Where Located / Hyperlink
Health & Safety / http://intranet/guidelines/Health%20safety%20policy%202011.pdf / Patient / Client consent
Fire / http://intranet/guidelines/Fire%20Policy%20FINAL%202009.pdf / Professional Codes of Conduct
Confidentiality / http://intranet/guidelines/codeofcon.pdf / Violence and Aggression / http://intranet/guidelines/management%20of%20violence%20and%20aggression%20new%202007editsb.pdf
Data Protection / http://www.ico.gov.uk/for_organisations/data_protection.aspx / Lone Working / http://intranet/guidelines/Lone%20and%20Isolated%20Worker%20Guidelines%202010.pdf
Equality & Diversity / http://intranet/guidelines/Equality%20and%20Diversity%20Policy%20Nov%2009%20Final.pdf / Chaperoning & Escorting / http://intranet/guidelines/Escort%20policy.pdf
Infection Control / Vulnerable Adult / Child / http://intranet/guidelines/SA%20Policy%20Section%201%20Feb%202011.pdf http://intranet/guidelines/SA%20Policy%20Section%202%20Feb%202011.pdf http://intranet/guidelines/SA%20Policy%20Section%203%20Feb%202011.pdf
Hand Hygiene / http://intranet/guidelines/Hand%20Hygiene%20FINAL%202010.pdf
and http://intranet/guidelines/hand%20hygiene%20for%20patients%20and%20visitors%202011.pdf / Education & Learning / http://intranet/guidelines/Mandatory%20Training%20Policy%202010%20FINAL.pdf
Moving and Handling / http://intranet/guidelines/Moving%20&%20Handling%20of%20Loads%20Policy%202011%20FINAL.pdf / Managing Student Issues / http://intranet/uploads/DevelopmentandTraining/supporting%20learning%20in%20practice%20docs/Student%20Issues%20Flow%20Chart%20Feb%202010.pdf
Accidents and Clinical Incidents / http://intranet/guidelines/SIRI%20policy%202010%20FINAL.pdf / Security / http://intranet/guidelines/Security%20Policy%20Reviewed%20October%202010%20FINAL.pdf
Emergency Procedures
National / Local Guidance / Other

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