Please note- ‘The information contained in this guidance is for general information purposes only. While every effort has been made to keep the information up to date and correct, Suffolk County Council (SCC) make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, reliability, accuracy or suitability with respect to the information contained within the guidance. Any reliance placed on such information is therefore strictly at the organisations own risk. SCC is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within this guidance (January 2014)’

Item / Requirement reference / Links & further information / Evidence / Action, if required, and person responsible
  1. What is the legal structure/management structure of your setting?
If voluntary committee run, you should have a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and other committee members. Do Ofsted have an up-to-date list of the members of the committee? / EYFS p. 28 – 29 (3.76) / For further information visit the PLA or NDNA website &/or the Charities Commission

Starting an Early Years setting:

Charity structures:

Guide to Charitable Incorporated Organisation status 2013:

/ Registered person:
Nominated person:
Other committee members:
  1. Are you a member of the Suffolk County Council ‘List of Providers’ (LoP)?
/ LoP-
Section A /
  1. Ofsted Inspection-
Are you ready for your inspection?
What was the outcome of your last Ofsted inspection?Have you completed all Ofsted recommendations from your inspection? / LoP-
Section A
Section B, 1, 2 Section E
Section F /

Ofsted Action Plan Example -
/ Date:
  1. Do you have copies of:
  • ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’
  • ‘Development matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage’
  • ‘Early Years Outcomes’
  • ‘A Know How Guide: The EYFS progress check at age two’
  • ‘The EYFS parents’ guide’
N.B. Development Matters and Early Years Outcomes are not statutory but are useful guides
  1. How do you offer funded early education for 2, 3 & 4 year olds in a way which offers flexibility to parents/carers?
/ LoP-
Section B, 3 Section C
  1. Can a child access their full free entitlement with no conditions of access?
/ LoP
Section B, 4 Section C / / How do you make it clear to parents what they are paying for above the free entitlement?
  1. Are mandatory policies and procedures in place?
Policies and procedures should be reviewed annually, signed and dated by the Chairperson/Director.
All staff (and committee) should be aware of and follow these policies and procedures to effectively meet the Welfare Requirements. / EYFS p. 13 (3.3) / Policies required by Ofsted:

Policy Tracking Grid -
/ When were your policies and procedures last reviewed and readopted?
It is good practice for staff (and committee) to individually sign the original copy of each policy to confirm that they have read it.
  1. Have you completed a Self-Evaluation Form (SEF)?
/ Optional but good practice / / How often is this reviewed?
Who is involved in completing this?
  1. Do you have an Operational Plan containing all working documents of the organisation?
/ Optional but good practice / Operational Plan Guidance -

Item / Requirement reference / Links & further information / Evidence / Action, if required, and person responsible
  1. How do you ensure that your setting meets the needs of the children, and promotes their learning and development?
For further support/training needs see Suffolk CPD online / EYFS p.4 (1.1) /

  1. Do you provide ‘wrap around’ and/or holiday care?
If so, how do you liaise with other providers to ensure the support you offer complements learning in the settings where children spend more time? / EYFS p.4 (1.3) /
  1. How do you link My Learning Journey (or other developmental records) documents with on-going planning?
/ EYFS p.6 (1.7, 1.10) p.10 (2.1) / / For example, observations, key child planning, child review, environment review
Item / Requirement reference / Links & further information / Evidence / Action, if required, and person responsible
  1. What arrangements are in place to manage ‘The EYFS progress check at age 2’?
/ EYFS p.10 (2.3 -2.5)& ‘A Know How Guide: The EYFS progress check at age two’ /
  1. Do you have any children attending at the end of the EYFS (attending in the summer term of the reception year or the academic year in which their fifth birthday falls)?
/ EYFS p.11 – 12 (2.6 – 2.11)
Section B, 8 / If yes, you must complete their EYFS Profile and submit data to SCC by the annual deadline / For further support contact the Suffolk Families Information Service on 0845 60 800 33.
Item / Requirement reference / Links & further information / Evidence / Action, if required, and person responsible
  1. You MUST have and implement a policy and procedures to safeguard children – this must be in line with the guidance and procedures of Suffolk Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) and include:
  • a named ‘Lead Practitioner’;
  • an explanation of the action to be taken in the event of an allegation about a member of staff;
  • and MUST cover the use of mobile phones & cameras in the setting
  • good practice would be to include social networking sites
/ EYFS p.13 (3.4)
0808 800 4005
follow the link to ‘procedures’ and then ‘SSCB protocols’
Safeguarding Statement Example -

  1. You MUST have a practitioner designated to take lead responsibility for safeguarding children?
Have they attended a child protection training course? / EYFS p.13 - 14 (3.5) / Name of Leading Practitioner for Safeguarding:
Date of most recent course attended:
Name of Deputy Practitioner for Safeguarding:
Date of most recent course attended:
  1. How do you ensure that all staff have up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding policies and procedures?
/ EYFS p.14 (3.6)
p.16 (3.18) / Good practice would be to include safeguarding knowledge and practice as an agenda item at each staff meeting and supervisions
  1. Do you have a copy of the Government’s statutory guidance ‘Working together to Safeguard Children’?
(current version October 2013) / EYFS p.14 (3.7)
Section B, 6 /

  1. Do you have an up-to-date ‘Safeguarding Children Referral Chart?’ (currently April 2012)
  1. You MUST inform OFSTED of any allegations of serious harm or abuse “by any person living, working, or looking after children at the premises or elsewhere within 14 days of the allegation(s) being made”, and of the action taken in respect of the allegations?
/ EYFS p.14 (3.8) /
Also, CPD online Safeguarding Resources:
Child Disclosure checklist andAllegations made against an adult checklist / Local Area Designated Officer (LADO) Contact Details:
  • West – Suzanna Bedford, Area Safeguarding Manager – 01284 758816
  • North – Allison Hassey, Area Safeguarding Manager – 01502 674612
  • South – Lorna Jackson, Area Safeguarding Manager – 01473 260112

  1. You should have an Absence Policy which includes the procedure for reporting the unexplained absence of children known to Children’s Social Care.
/ LoP-
Section B, 6
Suitable People
  1. How do you ensure that people looking after children are suitable to fulfil the requirements of their roles?
/ EYFS p.14 - 15 (3.9) /
  1. You must follow ‘Safe Recruitment practices’.
/ LoP-
Section B, 6 /
  1. You should have an enhanced Disclosure andBarring Service (DBS) check for every person aged 16 or over who works directly with the children or works on the premises, either as a member of staff or a regular volunteer.
/ EYFS p.15 (3.10) / / What procedures are in place to ensure compliance with these requirements?
  1. How do you ensure staff are aware that they are expected to disclose any convictions, cautions, court orders, reprimands and warnings which may affect their suitability whether received before or during their employment at the setting?
/ EYFS p.15 (3.11)
  1. How do you ensure that people whose suitability has not been checked, including through a DBS check, do not have unsupervised contact with the children being cared for?
/ EYFS p.15 (3.11)
  1. Where do you store confidential staff information?
Providers must keep records of staff qualifications, identity checks and DBS checks for all staff including the manager.
Settings should hold the name, address and telephone number of all employees and anyone else who has regular unsupervised contact with the children. / EYFS p.15 (3.12) /
  1. In the event of the disqualification of a registered provider, a person living in the same household as the registered provider, or a person employed in that household, the provider must not continue as an early years provider - nor be directly concerned in the management of such provision. Where an employer becomes aware of relevant information which may lead to disqualification of an employee, the provider must take appropriate action to ensure the safety of children. In the event of disqualification of a person employed in early years provision, the provider must not continue to employ that person.
/ EYFS p.15 - 16 (3.14 - 16) / How do you ensure that you meet the requirements of the EYFS in the event of disqualification?
Staff taking medication/other substances
  1. How do you ensure that staff working with children are not under the influence of alcohol or any other substance which may impair their ability to care for children?
How do you ensure that staff medication is stored securely out of the reach of children? / EYFS p.16 (3.17) / How do you ensure staff are aware of this requirement?
Staff qualifications, training, support & skills
  1. You should have an induction process in place for new staff/volunteers/students.
/ EYFS p.16 (3.18) / Staff Induction Pack Example - / What is the induction process and how is this implemented?
  1. What systems are in place for staff supervisions and appraisals?
/ EYFS p.17 (3.19, 3.20, 3.22)
  1. What qualifications does the manager hold?
Who acts as named deputy in the absence of the manager? / EYFS p.17 (3.21) / / Manager:
Named deputy:
  1. Has the Early Years Qualifications Audit Tool been completed and do staff have written training plans in place?
/ EYFS p.17 (3.22)
EYFS p.15 (3.12) /
  1. How do you ensure (and demonstrate) that at least one person who has a current paediatric first aid certificate is on the premises at all times (and also on outings)?
/ EYFS p. 17 (3.24) / Staff with a current paediatric first aid certificate:
  1. All staff should have sufficient understanding of English to ensure the well-being of the children.
/ EYFS p. 17 – 18 (3.25)
Key Person
  1. How do you assign a Key Person to each child?
How is the Key Person role explained to parents/carers? / EYFS p. 18 (3.26) &
p.7 (1.11)
Staff: child ratios
  1. How do you ensure, and demonstrate, that the correct ratio and qualification requirements are ALWAYS in place?
/ EYFS p. 18 – 21 (3.27 - 3.38) / Staff Ratios Guidance

Floor Space Mixed Aged Rooms Guidance -

  1. You MUST promote the good health of children in your setting.
You MUST have a procedure for responding to children who are ill or infectious. / EYFS p.21 – 22 (3.42) / / What is your procedure for dealing with children who are ill or infectious, and how is this discussed with parents/carers?
  1. You MUST have and implement a policy and procedures for administering medicines which includes systems for keeping up-to-date information about a child’s needs for medicines.
Medicines MUST NOT usually be administered unless prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist. / EYFS p.22 (3.43)
  1. You MUST only administer medicine (both prescription and non-prescription) with written permission and you MUST keep a written record each time a medicine is administered and inform parents/carers of this.
/ EYFS p.22 (3.44) / PLA medication administration record:

  1. How and where is medication stored? Is children’s medication clearly labelled with their names?

Food and drink
  1. Any meals, snacks & drinks provided for children MUST be healthy, balanced and nutritious.
How do you implement this? / EYFS p. 22 (3.45) / How do you involve parents and carers in supporting children’s healthy eating?
  1. How do you obtain information about children’s special dietary requirements, preferences and food allergies, and any special health requirements?
How do you ensure that all staff know about these and act upon the information? / EYFS p. 22 (3.45) / Is information displayed on staff notice board, kitchen/snack area? Is it up to date? Are photos of the children included?
How do you do this whilst respecting confidentiality?
  1. Fresh drinking water MUST be available and accessible for children at all times.
How do you do this? / EYFS p. 22 (3.45)
  1. Is the setting registered with the local Environmental Health Department Food Rating Scheme?
/ Contact your Local Borough Council / If yes, what is your star rating?
  1. You MUST ensure that the food preparation area is adequately equipped and hygiene standards are maintained.
/ EYFS p. 22 (3.46)
  1. You MUST ensure that all staff involved in preparing & handling food have food hygiene training.
/ EYFS p. 22 (3.46)
  1. How are children’s packed lunches stored?

  1. You MUST inform Ofsted of any incident of food poisoning affecting two or more children within 14 days of the incident.
/ EYFS p. 22 (3.47) / What procedures or protocols are in place to ensure you comply with this requirement?
Accident or injury
  1. You MUST ensure that the first aid box is accessible to all staff at all times? Is there a separate first aid kit available for outings?
/ EYFS p. 22 - 23 (3.48) / How do you ensure that the contents are appropriate for children?
How often is it checked?
For information about the contents of First Aid boxes please refer to your Paediatric First Aid Training provider
  1. How do you ensure that the contents are appropriate for children? Who is responsible for this? How often is it checked?

  1. How do you keep a written record of accidents or injuries and first aid treatment?
How does your setting ensure that parents/carers are informed of any accident or injury and first aid treatment given, on the same day or as soon as reasonably practicable? / EYFS p. 22 - 23 (3.48) /
/ What procedures are in place toensure parents/carers sign this written record to prove that you have shared this information?
  1. You MUST inform Ofsted and Suffolk Safeguarding Children’s Board of any serious accident, or injury to, or death of any child.
/ EYFS p. 23 (3.49) / / What procedures are in place to ensure you comply with this requirement?
  1. You MUST have & implement a behaviour management policy & procedures. This should include a named practitioner with responsibility for behaviour management.
/ EYFS p. 23 (3.50) / For training and support materials-
/ Named practitioner with responsibility for behaviour management:
  1. You MUST NOT use or threaten to use corporal punishment. You MUST keep a record of any occasion where physical intervention is used & inform parents/carers.
/ EYFS p. 23 (3.51 – 3.52) / What procedures are in place to ensure parents/carers are informed of any such intervention?
  1. You MUST ensure that your premises, including outdoor spaces, furniture, equipment and toys, are fit for purpose, safe for children to use, secure. You MUST comply with health and safety legislation, including hygiene requirements.
/ EYFS p. 23 – 24 (3.53) /
/ How do you ensure that you comply with this?
  1. You MUST have and implement a health and safety policy & procedures.
/ EYFS p. 23 – 24 (3.53)
  1. You MUST have an emergency evacuation policy and procedures, and take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of everyone on the premises.
/ EYFS p. 24 (3.54)
  1. How do you ensure that everyone(children and adults) experiences fire drills and knows the correct procedures?
/ EYFS p. 24 (3.54) / Are they clearly displayed?
Does everyone know them?
When and how often are they practiced?
How do you record the drill?
  1. You MUST have a no smoking policy and prevent smoking where children are present or about to be present.
/ EYFS p. 24 (3.55) / How do you ensure that you comply with this?
  1. How do you ensure that, as far as is reasonable, the facilities, equipment and access to the premises are suitable for children with disabilities?
/ EYFS p. 24 (3.57)
  1. What procedures are in place to provide access to an outdoor play area?
/ EYFS p. 24 (3.57)
  1. How do you make provision for children who wish to relax, play quietly or sleep?
Do you have a separate baby room? / EYFS p. 24 – 25 (3.58) / How do you ensure that sleeping children are frequently checked?
How do you ensure an adequate supply of clean bedding is available?
  1. Are there adequate toilets and wash basins for children & adults?
/ EYFS p. 25 (3.59)
  1. Are there changing facilities available for children who are in nappies?
/ EYFS p. 25 (3.59)
  1. Is there an area where staff may talk to parents/carers confidentially and/or for staff to take breaks away from areas being used by children?
/ EYFS p. 25 (3.60)
  1. What systems are in place to ensure only authorised persons collect children and that no child leaves the premises unsupervised?
/ EYFS p. 25 (3.61) / For example- password system; other system for parents to notify who will collect
  1. You MUST take all reasonable steps to ensure that only authorised persons enter the premises.
/ EYFS p. 25 (3.61) / What procedures are in place to comply with this?
  1. You MUST have a procedure for checking the identity of visitors.
/ EYFS p. 25 (3.61) / Does the visitors’ book include arrival and departure times? Is ID checked?
  1. You MUST have public liability insurance. It is good practice to display the certificate (or a copy) for parents/carers/visitors to see.
/ EYFS p. 25 (3.62)
Risk assessment
  1. You MUST have a policy and procedures in place for assessing risks to children’s safety, and risk assessments should be reviewed regularly.
/ EYFS p.23 (3.53)
and p.25 (3.63, 3.64 - outings) /
/ How do you comply with this?
Do you assess security, hygiene, equipment, routines, indoor and outdoor environment and outings?
  1. Children MUSTbe kept safe and you MUST obtain written permission from parents/carers for outings/visits. You MUST assess risks or hazards and take steps to minimise these. You MUST consider adult: child ratios. The risk assessment does not necessarily need to be in writing.
/ EYFS p.25 - 26 (3.64, 3.65) / How do you comply with this?