These patterns can be found at
A Compilation of Tested Tablet Weaving Patterns
By Eve the Just
Copyright © 2003 Bree Flowers.
Band #1
Threading pattern:
Turning Sequence:
Four forward, four backward
Band #2
Threading Pattern:
Turing Sequence:
For this one, you're going to have to figure out double-faced weaving. I have some vague instructions on the beginning tablet weaving page. The pattern can be found on my double-faced tablet weaving patterns page. Good luck.
Band #3
Threading Pattern:
Turning Sequence:
To start, ensure that your A and D are your topmost holes. Then run your first weft pass from left to right in the first natural shed. Now divide the cards into two packs, even and odd cards.
Turn the even cards forward.
Pass your weft from right to left and beat.
Turn the odd cards forward.
Pass your weft from left to right and beat.
You will notice a great build up in your twist after a time. There is no way to reverse this pattern. Either use a continuous warp, swivels, or unwind the twists manually. It's a pain in the butt, which is part of why I only made this pattern once. As well, the band weaves up narrower and much thicker than a normally woven band of this many cards. Therefore, it will work best as ropes, reins, belts and other strong, bulky objects. It makes poor trim, especially on fine fabrics as it ruins the drape, unless of course you work in ridiculously fine threads. Not something I've tried. Let me know if you do.
Band #4
Threading Pattern:
Turning Sequence:
4 forward, 4 backward, repeat.
Band #5
Threading Pattern:
By the way, you may notice that other than the border, all the cards have two adjacent holes white and the other two holes green. That makes this band a perfect candidate for the "fast warp" method. You get all the cards warped at once and worry about ZS and colour alignments after.
Turning Sequence:
8 forward, 8 back, repeat.
Band #7
Threading Pattern:
Turning Sequence:
The turning pattern for this one is a little odd. It's actually 7 forward, 7 back.
I don't know about you, but my counting sucks, I just paid close attention to the pattern, turning at points of the star and when the white showed up in the centre of the oval in the middle of the
Band #8
Threading Pattern:
Turning Sequence:
A very simple five forward, five back.
Band #6
Threading Pattern:
Turning Sequence:
There are two turning sequences because what happens with this pattern is that cards 5, 6, 15 and 16 will be effectively turning constantly forward while the other cards will have a net of no twist. Therefore you will need to either untwist those strings on a regular basis (manually or using a swivel) or incorporate a reversal by switching to the other turning sequence. When switching, leave out the fourth step in the sequence right before changing. Where the switch occurs you will either get the horns butting or diamonds (see my sample above).
Turning Sequence 1
Turn 4 forward
Flip cards 5 & 6 from S to Z. Flip cards 15 & 16 from Z to S.
Turn 4 backward
Flip cards 5 & 6 from Z to S. Flip cards 15 & 16 from S to Z. (When you plan to switch sequences leave out this step)
Turning Sequence 2
Turn 4 forward
Flip cards 5 & 6 from Z to S. Flip cards 15 & 16 from S to Z.
Turn 4 backward
Flip cards 5 & 6 from S to Z. Flip cards 15 & 16 from Z to S.(When you plan to switch sequences leave out this step)
Band #9
Threading Pattern:
Turning Sequence:
The turning sequence is a bit complicated for this one...
Start by turning four forward.
Flip the 7th card from Z to S. Flip the 16th card from S to Z.
Turn four backward.
Flip the 7th and 8th cards from S to Z. Flip the 15th and 16th cards from Z to S.
Turn four forward.
Flip the 8th card from Z to S. Flip the 15th card from S to Z.
Turn four backward.
You should see something like what is pictured at the right:
Your cards should now all be in their original positions.
Start the turning sequence again.
After a while, you are going to get a lot of twist build up on the 7th, 8th, 15th and 16th cards.
To fix this, follow this turning sequence:
Start by turning four forward.
Flip the 8th card from S to Z. Flip the 15th card from Z to S.
Turn four backward.
Flip the 7th and 8th cards from Z to S. Flip the 15th and 16th cards from S to Z.
Turn four forward.
Flip the 7th card from S to Z. Flip the 16th card from Z to S.
Turn four backward.
As you can see at the right, this changes the direction of the spirals.
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Copyright © 2003 Bree Flowers