NASCA Board of Directors

Board Meeting Minutes

5/24/2016 – 5/25/2016

Members present:

Adrian Baber - President

Marc Cribb - Vice President

Steve Shine - Secretary

Brian Farkas - Treasurer

Shana Joy – Past President

Doug Thomas (MN)

Louise Lawrence (MD)

Bill Smith (SD)

Brad Spicer (LA)

Mark Gilbert (MS)

Cindy Lair (CO)

Teri Murrison (ID)

Executive Director Mike Brown

Executive Assistant Aaron Andrews

Welcome and Roll Call - Baber

Financial Report - Andrews

Field to Market

2016 Ledgerwood Contract

Farm Bill Committee

Leadership Resolution

Small Acreage Resolution

Branding Committee

National Conservation Foundation

2017 Budget

Closing Comments - Baber

Welcome and Roll Call - Baber

President Adrian Baber called the meeting to order on 5/24/2016 at 8:05 AM mountain.

Financial Report - Andrews

Aaron Andrews presented the April financial reports. Cindy Lair motioned to forward financial report for audit. Brad Spicer seconded. Motion carried.

Field to Market

The board discussed signing on to Field to Market, the board asked Mike to make a contact in Iowa to gather more information in order to move forward.

2016 Ledgerwood Contract

The board discussed the proposed contract from Ray Ledgerwood for conducting the field staff session at the 2016 NASCA Annual Meeting in Brandon Missouri. Shana Joy motioned to approve the contract as presented. Mark Gilbert seconded. Motion carried.

Farm Bill Committee

The board recommended the following NASCA members to comprise the next farm bill committee: Louise Lawrence, Steve Shine, Shana Joy, Bill Smith, Jim Gillespie, Brent Dykes, David Williams, Rex Isom, Rob Reschke, Justin Caudill, John Byers.

Leadership Resolution

Shana Joy presented the board with a Leadership Policy from the Policy Committee, the board struck the sentence “Both approaches are necessary to successfully protect and conserve natural resources and yet, we have seen general public opinion take a definite lean towards a regulatory approach with little confidence in or recognition of the voluntary incentive-based system.” Cindy Lair motioned to accept the edited policy. Teri Murrison seconded. Motion carried.

Small Acreage Resolution

Shana Joy presented the board with a Small Acreage Resolution from the Policy Committee. After some discussion the board asked Shana to take the resolution back to the committee for further work.

Branding Committee

The board discussed revitalizing NASCA’s brand. A committee was assigned to work on this issue, the committee members are: Brian Farkas (chair), Teri Murrison, Mark Gilbert, and Louise Lawrence.

National Conservation Foundation

Marc Cribb gave on update on the NCF. After his report Shana Joy made a motion to donate $1,000 to the National Conservation Foundation for the Envirothon. Cindy Lair seconded. Motion carried.

2017 Budget

The board discussed changes to the annual budget for 2017. Mike Brown will incorporate their recommendations into the 2017 draft budget to be presented to membership at the Annual Meeting in Branson Missouri.

Closing Comments - Baber

President Adrian Baber adjourned the meeting on 5/25/2016 at 11:35 AM mountain