Oshkosh United Soccer Club Board Meeting 09/27/15

Start 7:07pm

End 9:34pm

Members Present: Chris Billstrom, Kari Vis, Tracy Berray, Jeanne Schlichting, Jenny Ostertag, Theresa Duren, Matt Callahan, Greg Ruark, Chris Guido and Tim Troudt

Members Absent: Drew Niehans and Fred Baier

  1. Approval of Prior Minutes
  2. June 2015
  3. Motion to approve by Chris G.,2nd by Tim. All in favor.
  1. Special Actions- none
  2. Reports
  3. President- Chris Billstrom
  4. Discussion on club size doubling over the past few years
  5. Donate left over concessions from our tournament/YMCA to North vs West soccer game
  6. Vice President/ Volunteer Coordinator- Kari Vis
  7. Attended two East Central meetings since our last board meeting. East Central will be adding a futsal league January-March 2016 on Friday nights at Sports Zone in Menasha. More information to follow.
  8. Spirit Wear- Continue Green with Pride logo through December. Discussion on delivery issues.
  9. Club Contacts- emails will be divided into Boys and Girls Teams
  10. FRVs- Total earned for 15-16 season is $8,825
  11. Discussion on volunteers
  12. Treasurer- Tracy Berray
  13. Treasurer’s report
  14. Oshkosh on the Water Tournament report
  15. Secretary- Jeanne Schlichting – no report
  16. Registrars- Jenny Ostertag and Theresa Duren- no report
  17. Coaches- Matt Callahan and Greg Ruark
  18. Discussion on parents coaching from the sidelines
  19. Additional coaches needed for Academy
  20. Discussion on Academy fields
  21. Games Commissioner- no report
  22. Fields/Facilities Coordinator- Matt Callahan reporting for Fred Baier
  23. Need two different colors for football and soccer fields at the Y
  24. Field repair discussion
  25. Tournament Director- Chris Guido
  26. Discussion on 2016 tournament date
  27. OOTW date changed to June 11th and 12th for 2016
  28. Unfinished Business- none
  29. New Business
  30. New US Youth Soccer standards- small sided soccer/age years
  31. Must be implemented by August 1, 2017
  32. Teams by birth years- not season/fiscal years
  33. OOTW Tournament
  34. Fee discussion
  35. 2016 fees:
  36. U8-U10 $200
  37. U11-U12 $400
  38. U13 and up $425
  39. United Scholarship Program-table
  40. Oshkosh Holiday Parade
  41. November 12th 7pm
  42. Surf, Sand and Santa theme
  43. Discussion on club participating in parade
  44. Winter Training- waiting to hear on reservation request
  45. Uniforms for 2016-17
  46. Adidas phases out every few years
  47. Transition to similar
  48. This will allow for wear of old and new uniforms
  49. Team Sponsor Program
  50. Look at “flipping over”
  51. Discussion on getting practice or 3rd jersey for both Fall and Spring
  52. Drop Policy Review
  53. Only goes in front of the Board IF the player wants to go to adifferent club
  54. Refund Policy Review
  55. Registration Fee- Refund if the player is unable to play due to circumstances beyond their control (medical, moving) or by April 1st if the player did not play Fall
  56. Season Fees- prorated for injuries
  57. Season Trophy Policy Review
  58. The club will pay $7 per player toward trophy/t-shirt
  59. Paypal Use for Spring Fees
  60. Convenience fee added
  61. Multiplayer Family Discount
  62. Discussion
  63. Milwaukee Wave Game
  64. The club will be going again
  65. More information to follow
  66. 2016 Spring All Club Tournament
  67. Neenah Flatgrass
  68. Motion for Adjournment
  69. Kari 1st, Theresa 2nd
  70. Meeting adjourned at 9:34pm
  71. Next meeting October 25that 7pm