Site Visit
Entry #:
Site Location:
Objective (s): 1mk
Activities 4mks
1. Collect and test a sample of soil for pH at various points
2. To determine species diversity by the use of a: (1-Line Transect, 2-quadrat, 3-Net)
3. To determine the effect of Ph on plant distribution
4. To evaluate any anthropogenic impact on plant diversity and distribution.
Observation: 2mks
Interpretive comments: 2mks
Follow up activity: 1mk
Total 10mks
Laboratory Activities
Title: The effect of limiting factor on species survival and distribution
Aim: To determine the effect of pH as a limiting factor on the distribution of organisms in a marine environment.
App/mat: line transect
1. Select four different locations on the beach to be sampled extending from the beach line to the main land.
2. Extend the line transect using a stick from the beach to the main land up to a distance of 20m.
3. Record all plants touching the marked intervals.
4. Collect a sample of soil at every 5m interval and bring it to the lab to test pH a
5. Use the results to calculate species diversity
Title: The effect of limiting factor on species survival and distribution
Aim: To determine the effect of pH as a limiting factor on the distribution of organisms in an aquatic environment.
App/mat: Net
1. Select four different locations along the river.
2. Set the net in the center of the stream for five minutes and record all organisms collected.
3. Repeat step 2 in three other location along the river
4. Collect a sample of water at point where the net was set and bring it to the lab to test pH
5. Use the results to calculate species diversity
Title: The effect of limiting factor on species survival and distribution
Aim: To determine the effect of pH as a limiting factor on the distribution of organisms in an aquatic/terrestrial environment
App/mat: quadrat
1. Select four different locations on the farm to be sampled having an area of 10m2
2. Stand with your back turned to the marked area and throw the quadrat behind you.
3. Record all plants found within the quadrat
4. Collect a sample of soil from the area and bring it to the lab to test pH
5. Use the results to calculate species diversity and population density
Inside the Lab
Apparatus/Material: Test tubes, test tube racks, barium sulphate, universal indicator solution and colour chart, soil sample, spatula, distilled water, 10cm3 pipette.
1. Add 2g of soil to the test tube and 1cm of barium sulphate, which ensures flocculation of clay particles that remain in suspension
2. Add 10cm3 of distilled water and 5cm3 of universal indicator solution. Seal the test tube with a bung. Shake vigorously and allow contents to settle for 5mins.
3. Compare the colour of liquid in the test tube with the colours on the indicator reference colour chart and read off the corresponding pH. (Tabulate the information)
4. Repeat the experiment on soil samples from different areas.
The areas that will be assessed in the report for each laboratory exercise are:
a) Planning and Designing 4mks
b) Observation and Recording 5mks
c) Manipulation and Measurement 2mks
d) Analysis and Interpretation 6mks
e) Reporting and Presentation 3mks
Total 20mks