With the 2012-2013 school year fast approaching, it is time to not only begin thinking about classes, but also to consider taking part in one or more of the activities offered during the fall season. Listed below is the information pertaining to each sport/activity that starts before school opens.

Remember that you MUST have three requirements completed before trying out: 1) completed and signed Emergency Care Form, 2) a completed and signed VHSL physical, dated on or after May 1, 2012, and 3) you and one parent must have completed the Concussion Education (very quick) slideshow online at If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Meredith Sheeron, Certified Athletic Trainer, at 703-932-1942 or . Go to under ‘announcements’ or ‘files and links’ for the required forms.

CROSS COUNTRY: Varsity (Boys and Girls) Grades 9-12

Practice begins Monday, August 6, 3-5pm, at Burke Lake Park (by trestle). For more information, check regularly on the website. When the coach receives updated information, it will be posted with the cross country link under “team files”. For the summer running program, see the above team website. Contact Coach Mike Mangan at if you have further questions.

FOOTBALL: JV and Varsity – Grades 9-12

Football practices begin Monday, August 6 at 7:00 AM sharp. Summer weight room hours are 5-6:30 PM, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. All football candidates must have the completed VHSL physical, the online concussion education element, and a signed Emergency Care Form in order to tryout on August 6. Go to in order to find the physical forms, emergency care cards and the concussion information. For further information, contact Coach Jim Poythress at or call the football office at 703-426-1209.


Practices will begin Monday, August 6, 5:00-7:30 PM. You must have your completed Emergency Care Form and VHSL Physical and a combination lock, as well as having completed the online concussion education element. Equipment issue is August 2, 3-5 PM in the football locker room. Summer weight room schedule is the same as for JV and Varsity (see above). For more information, contact Coach Jim Novak at .

FIELD HOCKEY: JV and Varsity (Girls) – Grades 9-12

Tryouts begin Monday, August 6, 8:00am on the front field. There will be two sessions a day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and one morning session on Thursday. To begin tryouts, each player MUST have the following: Completed VHSL Physical form, two completed copies of the Emergency Care Form, completion of online concussion education (student and one parent), mouth guard, running shoes, shin guards, and your own water bottle/jug. We can provide hockey balls and some sticks. Further information can be found at under the field hockey link, or contact Coach Amy Worrest at .

GOLF: Varsity (Boys and Girls) Grades 9-12

Tryouts will be held August 1st and 2nd, 9:15am, at Twin Lakes Golf Course. To begin tryouts, each player MUST have the following: Completed VHSL Physical form, Emergency Care form and must have completed the online concussion education. Further information can be found at under the Golf news tab or contact Coach Brett Garner at .

CHEERLEADING: (Coed) Grades 9-12

Cheerleading tryouts begin Monday, August 6. For more information and questions, please contact Coach Julie Wagner at .

VOLLEYBALL: Varsity, JV, Freshman (Girls) Grades 9-12

Tryout registration (bring in all required documents) is Friday, August 3: Freshmen 5:30-6:30pm; Upperclassmen 6:30-7:30pm in the gym. Tryouts will begin on August 6: Freshmen 4-6pm and Upperclassmen 6:30-9pm in the gym. More tryout times, requirements and information can be found on the website under the Girls Varsity Volleyball news tab. If you have further questions contact Coach Aubrey Eaton at .

DANCE TEAM: Varsity (Girls) Grades 9-12

Tryouts were held in May. Students who missed tryouts and would still like to tryout should contact Coach Linda Boyle at .