Family Care Council
Teri Doolittle & Janet Nunnelly, Co-Facilitators
September 21st, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Marks Street Senior Center
In Attendance: Chris Dugan*, Don Faller*, Donna Rauber*, Teri Doolittle, Maryann Sarra*, Janet Nunnelly, Lois Smith*, Karen Rogers*, Rebecca Kiser, Latricia Smith, Carmen Olmeda, Neil Scribner, Gloria Gebhard, Rosaly Guzman, Abdel Fakhir, Brenda Serrano, Lisa Webb, Carol Solomon (*Denotes FCC members)
Teri Doolittle called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone. She asked for introductions.
- Minutes – There is a quorum. Lois moved to accept the minutes as presented. Maryann seconds the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
- Treasurer’s Report – Maryann reported the available balance as of August 31st is $9,000.00. Donna shared that each FCC council receives $10,000 and donates a portion of their funding dollars to the FCCFlorida statewide group. In the past it has been $500.00, however, since most councils give more to the FCCFlorida during the year, the statewide group voted to approve a total of $1,000.00 be deducted at the beginning of the fiscal year. The reason for this is the statewide group receives no state funding dollars.
III. GUEST PRESENTATION – Rosaly Guzman and Abdel Fakhir
Teri introduced Rosaly. Rosaly shared good news that Seminole County Government was awarded a $10 million dollar grant to work the transformation of the system of care for children with mental health challenges. Every eight children will be diagnosed or have tendencies for some type of mental health issue. One use of the grant monies is to improve the way children are receiving services. The focus of the grant is children between kindergarten and eighth grade. The initiative is titled “Families and Communities Together”, a local collaborative initiative to empower families and youth to join in creating a new approach to behavioral and mental health services for children and families. The Children’s Cabinet of Seminole County engaged members of family-centered organizations, health and mental health professionals, social service providers and representatives of educational institutions in a partnership to transform our current umbrella of care. Rosaly introduced Abdel. He is Cultural and Linguistic Competency Coordinator. His main purpose is communication within all cultures involved. He mentioned one of the main problems with communication is a lack of listening. Also, the concept of language and how what is said by people is conceived. His focus is to make sure how people perceive mental illness and disabilities. Sometimes every culture/person perceives it differently. Teri asked where you are in your development. Do you have your support groups ongoing now or beginning the process? Rosaly shared it’s a six year grant. They are in the first year and starting to organize the empowered groups. For more information contact Rosaly at 407-585-3098 or
E-mail: .
Teri introduced Neil. He is the member of a board in the process of establishing a day long activity center for special needs individuals. It is a not for profit organization titled RAPID Programs, Inc. (Reliable Advocacy for People with Intellectual Disabilities).
The purpose of this program is to provide an array of activities for individuals with developmental disabilities, a place where they can spend the day while parents are working. They have developed a program, thanks to the board of directors. They have been drawing from their experiences, ESE teachers and experts. A location has been found with the Central Florida Dream Center, 540 Pecan Ave., Sanford, FL. 32771. Neil provided everyone with a brochure that lists numerous activities that will be included in the program. They include Services, Training and Leisure activities. The grand opening date has been tentatively scheduled for November 1st. Currently they are involved in numerous fund raisers in order to have enough money to pay staff prior to opening. RAPID will be a private pay organization. They are not applying for any state funding. Neil explained the ratio between staff and attendees would probably be 1 to five attendees. They are looking for volunteers to help with the program. There is no age limit for attendees. Neil was asked about cost. At this time they are estimating, which is subject to change, about $150 to $200 a week. He was asked if they will be affiliated in any way with APD or Medicaid Waiver services. Neil replied no. Neil thanked everyone for their time and will stay after the meeting to answer any questions. For more information contact or visit their website at
V. APD UPDATE - Carol Solomon
Carol shared the implementation of the iBudget is moving forward throughout the state. Area Seven will start April, 2012. She shared Area seven will have a training session tomorrow on the client records center (CRC). All records will be implemented electronically. Anyone interested is welcome to attend the session.
Carol mentioned APD is sponsoring a Supported Employment Conference this weekend at Lake Buena Vista resorts. Walk-ins are welcome.
Carol is very involved in the quality assurance program. They met with Delmarva last week. It showed in their reports that area seven providers have shown some improvement with reviews.
Teri read a note from Rebecca, Karen Rogers provider. She is very concerned about the new requirement that providers will have to obtain and pay for liability insurance. She could have to quit her job as she doesn’t make enough money to cover the cost of insurance. Teri asked Carol to update us on the status of this requirement of insurance for providers, what the estimated costs are and where they are supposed to obtain it. She shared this is a protection for the provider as people can sue. If you’re not protected, they can come after you personally. APD does not recommend insurance agencies. They don’t know how much it would cost. It is mandated by ACHA. Carol explained if the individual is working with an agency, it is up to the agency to have the insurance. If a solo provider, it’s the responsibility of the person. Teri asked Carol to take this concern from FCC to Merari for further research. Possibly the APD agency could obtain a statewide pool insurance. Discussion followed.
VI. FCCF UPDATE – Teri Doolittle and Donna Rauber
Donna shared the statewide FCCFlorida meeting was held on Saturday and well attended. The new APD Director, Mike Hansen participated via teleconference call. Donna felt that as the call progressed Mike became very taken back, surprised and impressed by the questions asked of him. Teri shared Mike is a friend of Gov. Scott and has numerous years of legislative experience. She felt he has no intentions of going to the legislature asking for more money. There has been some extensive research developed on utilization of cost plans. It’s been determined there are more than 10% of cost plans that are more than double the average cost plan. There are some that are 13 to 14 times the average cost. APD is choosing to do across the board cuts at the bottom level for everybody where the costs are already controlled. Meanwhile they have some cost plans that are way out of control. Why aren’t they doing utilization review are the high cost plans? That was the main message FCCFlorida tried to send back to Director Hansen. The problem is that most providers in control of these high cost plans have lobbyists. They work to keep these cost plans in tack. A third of the budget is going towards 6% of the people. APD needs to be looking at this. As a council we need to be addressing this issue. Director Hansen works for the Governor who is determined to have a balanced APD budget.
Teri advised due to lack of time, she would like to postpone a good portion of FCC business to the October 19th meeting. At this time, future outreach events will be discussed. Also, the council needs to assure the need for a clear and consistent process for improving FCC business such as travel requests, outreach events, communication responsibilities and updating the family support plan.
Travel Request for council approval - Donna has been in contact Sue Cannon, an FCC friend from Brevard County who would like to take her 18 year old son Bennett to the APD Employment Conference. They live over 50 miles from the event. Sue is well known to the council and very involved in the Early Steps Program. Donna felt this would be a good use for FCC funding dollars. She contacted Merari and received APD approval. She is asking the council to approve an estimate of $380.00 for them to attend the conference which is this weekend. Teri asked for a motion to approve. Maryann makes the motion, Lois seconds. The motion was approved by consensus.
Upcoming Outreach Events:
Downs Syndrome Association of Central Florida - Teri advised the council has been asked to participate with their exhibit table at the Downs Syndrome Walk to be held on October 15th. The cost is $25.00. Donna mentioned it will need to be determined if DSACF is a Myfloridamarketplace vendor. If not, the council could not use their funding dollars. Teri asked for a motion to approve, if DSACF is a state vendor, the $25.00 fee. Lois makes a motion, Chris seconds. The motion was approved by consensus.
Spina Bifida Association of Central Florida – Teri advised Spina Bifida is having a new fundraising event titled, Walk-in-Roll for Spina Bifida on October 29th. For FCC to participate with an Exhibit table the fee would be $250.00. She asked if the council would be interested in participating at this event. The council said yes. Again, the issue will be if they are a Myfloridamarketplace vendor. If they are a vendor, Teri asks for a motion to approve the $250.00 fee. Chris makes a motion, Donna seconds the motion. The motion was approved by consensus.
Teri adjourned the meeting at 12:05 p.m.
Teri Doolittle, Facilitator Donna Rauber, Secretary
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, October 19th, 2011 from 10:00 - Noon
Mark Street Senior Center