The following officials attended the meeting:-
1. Sh. J. K. Dadoo, Chairman, DPCC -- in Chair
2. Sh. K. Mahesh, Member Secretary, DPCC -- Member
3. Dr. T. K. Joshi, , COEH, MAMC -- Member
4. Sh. D.K. Singh, EE(BMW), DPCC -- Member
5. Sh. N.K.Joshi, AEE(BMW), DPCC -- Member
6 Sh. M.I. Siddiqui, AEE(PLG), DPCC
The meeting of the BMW Committee No. 1 , constituted for deciding Application for grant of Authorization under the BMW Rules , and consent under Air Act was held on 08.02. 2008 and 04 Agenda Items were placed before the Committee as decided by the Chairman, DPCC. After the discussion on 04 Agenda Items, Chairman, DPCC also enquired about the pending status of authorization in all Committees of BMW and decision taken is given at Agenda No. 5.
Agenda 1:Report of the Independent Committee constituted by Pr. Secy (Health),GNCTD w.r.t. complaints received from residents ofSukhdev Vihar against M/s Synergy WasteManagement Pvt. Ltd,Near CompositePlant, SukhdevVihar, Okhla, Delhi-20.Decision taken by the Committeeis at Annexure I
Agenda 2: Template on the commitment to minimize /eliminate Mercury containing waste by the Hospital / Health Care Units. Decision taken by the Committee is at Annexure II
Agenda 3:Guidelines for Toxicity in Toys regarding letter received from Dr. T.K.Joshi, COEH / MS, IVPSS.Decision taken by the Committee is at Annexure III.
Agenda 4:Bibliography on Mercury prepared by ENVIS Centre at NationalInstitute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad
Decision taken by the Committee is at Annexure IV.
Agenda5 :Status of Authorization under BMW Rules was enquired by Chairman , DPCC and Decision taken by the Committee is at Annexure V
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
M/s Synergy Waste Management Pvt. Ltd, Near CompositePlant, Sukhdev Vihar, Okhla, Delhi-20.
Decision Taken by BMW Committee No. 1 in the Meeting Held on 15.01.2008 :
“Both, the decision of Hon’ble Lt. Governor and the inspection report are not yet available on file. These reports may be expedited and put up on file formally through Member Secretary, DPCC and other members of the Committee to the Chairman. Since this may take 15 days, the authorization under BMW Rules and Consent to operate under Air & Water Acts may be extended for interim period of one month i.e. 31st January, 2008.”
Action Taken w.r.t Meeting on 15.01.2008 :
In view of the above decision taken by the said BMW Committee No. 1, the extension of the Authorization under BMW Rules and Consent under the Air / Water Acts up to 31.01.2008, has been issued on 25.01.2008. Report of the Independent Committee received and put up in file . As directed by the Chairman, DPCC, the same is placed before the BMW Committee No.1 for the decision.
Decision Taken by BMW Committee No. 1 in the Meeting Held on 08.02.2008 :
The report of the Committee constituted by Pr. Secretary (Health) to enquire into the case of M/s Synergy Waste Management Pvt. Ltd. was placed before BMW Committee No-I today. The report is clear that in the long run it would not be advisable to keep the operation of Bio Medical Waste treatment facility at the existing premises at Okhla. Several options of alternate space were discussed. According to Dr. T.K. Joshi, there are three places which can be inspected and a decision can be taken in one of them which is free from all possible health hazards for operating such a facility. These are (a) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Hospital, Hari Nagar, New Delhi (b) Rao Tula Ram Memorial Hospital, Jafferpur, Delhi & (c) Maharishi Balmiki Hospital, Pooth Khurd, Delhi.
The above three premises may be inspected by a team headed by Dr. T.K. Joshi, Mr. D.K. Singh and the management of Synergey Waste Management Pvt. Ltd. so that an amicable solution could be found out. The report will be submitted on or before 29.02.2008. The authorization & consent of M/s Synergy Waste Management Pvt. Ltd. may be extended upto 29.02.2008 in view of the above and in the extension letter; one of the deficiencies noted would be communicated.
(J.K. Dadoo) ( K Mahesh) ( Dr.T.K.Joshi) (D.K.Singh) (N.K.Joshi )
Annexure II
Decision Taken by the BMW Committee No.1, in the Meeting on 08.02.2008
Agenda 2: Template on the commitment to minimize /eliminate Mercury containing waste by the Hospital / Health Care Units
Draft to be used as a template by Hospitals / Health Care Facilities for committing to minimize / eliminate Mercury containing waste has been received from the Health Deptt Govt. of Delhi (copy enclosed). The declaration has to be signed by the Head of the Institutions and displayed widely. This is intended to be sent to all the Heads of the Hospitals by the Health Deptt so that they appreciate the seriousness of mercury waste & its elimination in the health care.
As directed by Chairman, DPCC the matter is placed before BMW Committee No.1.
Decision Taken by the BMW Committee No.1, in the Meeting on 08.02.2008
As regard Agenda Item No II, the idea is welcome and the Department of Health may issue such a resolution to all the Medial Superintendents of the hospital under it. As regards other hospitals, EE, BMW is authorized to issue this resolution as a condition of authorization under Rule 8 of BMW Rules.
(J.K. Dadoo) ( K Mahesh) ( Dr.T.K.Joshi) (D.K.Singh) (N.K.Joshi )
Annexure III
Decision Taken by the BMW Committee No.1, in the Meeting on 08.02.2008
Agenda 3: Guidelines for Toxicity in Toys regarding letter received from Dr. T.K.Joshi, COEH / MS, IVPSS
DPCC had discussed the matter “Guidelines for toxicity in Toys “in the Meeting of Consent Management Committee (CMC) held on 24.10.2007. As decided in the meeting a letter bearing No. DPCC/ CMC-III / Plastic / Mics / 1248 Dated 17.12.07 was sent to Pr. Secy (Health) Govt. NCT of Delhi seeking necessary guidelines and standards for toxicity in toys to enforce these guidelines to protect the health of Children.
In response to the said letter Dated 17.12.07, a letter dated 29.01.2008 from Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health , has been received through Pr. Secy. ( Health) GNCT Delhi ( copy enclosed). In the said letter it has been suggested that the problem of Lead is a serious and complicated issue which cannot be addressed simply by banning lead in toys. A more holistic & comprehensive approach is needed including inventorization of lead use , defining and identifying populations at risk from lead exposure and then instituting a containment , and preventing programme. It has also been suggested that a joint action group including Health, Environment and Labour Department should examine the issue and hammer out a strategy.
As directed by the Chairman, DPCC, the matter is placed before the Committee.
Decision Taken by the BMW Committee No.1, in the Meeting on 08.02.2008
The issue of toxicity in toys is not restricted to one item as main source of toxicity is lead and lead is one of them which found in many substances. Therefore, it may be appropriate to get a study done of the quantum of lead used in Delhi and is likely adverse impact on the citizen of Delhi. Such study will reveal the appropriate strategy for handling and containing the effect of lead of the health of the city. Based on study further necessary action will be taken.
However, in the meantime the Toys Manufacture Association has been clearly told to desist from any activity which causes Air, Water & noise or any other type of pollution and creates health hazard for the children of Delhi.
(J.K. Dadoo) ( K Mahesh) ( Dr.T.K.Joshi) (D.K.Singh) (N.K.Joshi ) (M I Siddiqui)
Annexure IV
Decision Taken by the BMW Committee No.1, in the Meeting on 08.02.2008
Agenda4:Bibliography on Mercury prepared by ENVIS Centre at NationalInstitute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad
Bibliography on Mercury prepared by ENVIS Centre atNationalInstitute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad received from the said Institute.The bibliography covers the data available on environment and occupational exposure and health impairments including biological and environmental monitoring from India. It is informed that data were collected through various databases& websites and consulting various journals (data collected arranged year wise). Information on tolerance guidelines, concentration of Mercury in biota and pollution source and control technology measures provided.
As directed by the Chairman, DPCC, the matter is placed before the Committee.
Decision Taken by the BMW Committee No.1, in the Meeting on 08.02.2008
As regard Agenda No 4, it was reported that there is no study on the effect of Mercury Waste on the citizens of Delhi so far. Before, any specific measures are taken it may be appropriate to get a formal study done on this subject for which Dr. T.K. Joshi will submit a proposal. The proposal will also look at the appropriate technologies for disposal of Mercury waste in the city.
(J.K. Dadoo) ( K Mahesh) ( Dr.T.K.Joshi) (D.K.Singh) (N.K.Joshi )
Annexure V
Agenda Item No 5 : Pendency in the 3 BMW Committees
The Chairman,DPCC, enquired about the pendency status of Authorization under BMW Rules in 3 BMW Committees and taken the issue as Agenda Iten No.5
Decision Taken by the BMW Committee No.1, in the Meeting on 08.02.2008
It was reported that the BMW Committee No–2 has 356 cases which should be categorized into cases where only authorization is to be granted, and cases where authorization & simultaneously consent to establish / operate is required. All cases which are only pending for authorization must be cleared expeditiously and within the remaining one month i.e. by March, 2008. In other cases regular follow up must be done to get the consent to establish application and meeting must be held at least once a month.
It was reported that the BMW Committee No–3 has about 300 cases pending for authorization under BMW Rules which should be categorized into cases where only authorization are reqired, and cases where authorization & simultaneously consent to establish / operate is required. All cases which are only pending for authorization must be cleared expeditiously and within the remaining one month i.e. by March, 2008. In other cases regular follow up must be done to get the consent to establish application and meeting must be held at least once a month.
As regard BMW Committee No–1, there are approximately 67 cases pending where consent and authorization has to be granted simultaneously. Detailed decision were taken in the last meeting in January, 2008 and ATR for this should be prepared and submitted well in advance on the file so that the next date of the meeting can be fixed in March, 2008.
(J.K. Dadoo) ( K Mahesh) ( Dr.T.K.Joshi) (D.K.Singh) (N.K.Joshi )