Beverly Hills Unified School District Minutes

Regular Board of Education Meeting

June 14, 2016, 6:00 PM

STC/Jon Cherney Lecture Hall
Beverly Hills High School
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
CLOSED SESSION - Administrative Building
OPEN SESSION - STC/Jon Cherney Lecture Hall at Beverly Hills High School

Attendance Taken at 6:42 PM:
Howard Goldstein
Isabel Hacker
Lisa Korbatov
Noah Margo
Sam Schwartz
Mel Spitz




III.a. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Titles: BHHS Principal, Beverly Vista Principal, El Rodeo Principal, Hawthorne Principal, Horace Mann Principal, Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Academic Officer and Chief Human Resources Officer

III.b. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) & (d)(2) of Section 54956.9: (2 Cases)

III.c. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(1) of Section 54956.9): OAH Case No. 2016030944

III.d. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(1) of Section 54956.9): Karen Christiansen v. Beverly Hills Unified School District Case No. BC 420456 Claim of Strategic Concepts and Karen Christiansen

III.e. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(1) of Section 54956.9): Beverly Hills Unified School District v. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LASC Case No. BS 137606)

III.f. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS: Agency Representative: Yolanda Mendoza Employee Organizations: CSEA, BHEA-Certificated, BHEA-IA, BHEA-OTBS Unrepresented Employees



III.h.1. Certificated Personnel Report

III.h.2. Classified Personnel Report

Board President Howard Goldstein called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. Mr. Goldstein called for a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the Orlando shooting. He asked Amir Kashfi to lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion Passed: A motion was made to approve the Agenda minus items XIV.a. and XIV.c. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Mel Spitz.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

Superintendent Kessler reported from Closed Session that the Board voted 5-0 to approve Student Settlement Agreement Case No. 2016030944.

The following people addressed the Board:
Frances Bilak, Joel Ordesky, Amir Kashfi, Andrew Austin, Doreece Artal, Elizabeth Akins-Bennaham, Geraldine Bange-Gil, Gabrielle Cohn, Steve Cohn, Laurie Valenti and Romeo Carey.

The following people did not wish to speak, but wish to go on record to support maintaining the Scout House on District property: Brian K. Hall, Krissy Austin, Alex Austin, Joey Austin, Gabrielle Cohn, Jeremy Segal and Jennifer Turkat.

The following person did not wish to speak, but wish to go on record about the PRIME program: Jason Ozur.

Colleen Knerr submitted the following report to be submitted into the records:
Finance Committee Report to the School Board
Meeting held 5/16/2016 3:30 6:00pm

The finance committee discussed the OPEB and recommends using the 6.5% discount rate and that the board should continue the prefunding payment. This is a positive move in dealing with future liabilities.
We support the effort and scope of the study commissioned by LaTanya Kirk-Carter

from School Services of California. The study will provide information helpful to determine future direction for the school district.

We studied the updated property tax map and decided that this issue deserves further investigation by the committee. This issue was given a great amount of deliberation.

Regarding the school district budget, we feel the negotiating with the teachers is a critical issue. We have concluded that the current formula cannot be sustained. We feel the board should be resolute on this matter. We encourage the use of the attorney retained by the district in all negotiations. Further we are highly concerned that the agreement with JPA has not been reached. We feel this is vital and of great urgency as it represents a large portion of income for the district budget. LaTanya expressed concern as she is faced with deadlines to submit the budget very soon.

We are concerned that there is a probability that insufficient notices of reduction of educational forces were issued. It was brought to our attention that the district still needs to take steps to balance the budget. We emphasize the importance for the board and administration to deal with budget reality.


VIII.a. Beverly Hills High School Bell Schedule Presentation
BHHS Principal Dave Jackson presented the 2016-2017 bell schedule to the Board.

VIII.b. Discussion of Special Education Placement Process - 'PRIME' program
Judy Barhydt our Special Ed. Consultant gave an overview of the PRIME program.
Staff direction: Board directed the staff to keep the PRIME program as it was last year. The program will remain at Horace Mann.

Motion Passed: A motion was made to approve the Consent Calendar minus items b.1. and m. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Isabel Hacker.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

IX.a. Approval Board Meeting Minutes

IX.a.1. Regular Board Meeting-5.10.2016

IX.a.2. Special Board Meeting-5.12.2016

IX.a.3. Special Board Meeting-5.20.2016

IX.a.4. Special Board Meeting-6.7.2016

IX.b. Personnel Reports

IX.b.1. Certificated Personnel Report
Motion Passed: This item was pulled for further discussion.
A motion was made to approve the Certificated Personnel Report. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Mel Spitz.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

IX.b.2. Classified Personnel Report

IX.c. Approval-Professional Services Agreement - Janet Roston

IX.d. Approval-Professional Services Agreement - Clairobscur Dance Company - Laurie Sefton

IX.e. Approval-Professional Services Agreement - K and M Center

IX.f. Approval to Renew Contract with School Services of California for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year

IX.g. Approval of the Licensing Agreement with Document Tracking Services for 2016-17 School Plan and LCAP

IX.h. Approval of Williams Uniform Complaint Quarterly Report Summary - Fourth Quarter (March 31, 2016 - June 30, 2016)

IX.i. Approval to discard BHHS obsolete textbooks

IX.j. Approval of Grades K-5 English Language Arts Textbook Adoption

IX.k. Approval of Grades 6-8 English Language Arts Textbook Adoption

IX.l. Approval of 2016-2017 Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) for Funding Categorical Aid Programs

IX.m. Approval of Local Educational Agency Plan
Motion Passed: This item was pulled for further discussion.
A motion was made for Approval of Local Educational Agency Plan. The Board President's name will be changed from Brian Howard Goldstein to Howard Goldstein. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Mel Spitz.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

IX.n. Award of Bid for Pupil Transportation: Field Trips and Athletic Events Bid #15-16/019

IX.o. Award of Bid for Pupil Transportation: Special Education BID #15-16/020

IX.p. Appointment of District Representative to California Interscholastic Federation (CIF)

IX.q. Approval-Learn to Ride Program-City of Beverly Hills Parks and Recreation

IX.r. Approval of Board Meeting dates from June 2016-May 2017

IX.s. Authorization of Year-End Appropriating Transfers to be made by Los Angeles County Office of Education

IX.t. Approval/Acceptance of Donations Listed Pursuant to Board Policy 3290

IX.u. Cash Collection Report #20 for 2015/2016

IX.v. Ratification of Purchase Order #20 for 2015/2016

IX.w. Approval of Warrant Report #13 for 2015/2016

IX.x. Rejection of Claim No. 524355


X.a. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Kessler gave the following report:

Tonight I would like to speak about team work. I am very pleased that the Board of Education along with staff, parents and community members took part in discussions about programs to support our students during the upcoming school year. The result of those discussions was the Board approving a number of important programs. Those programs include a K-12 intervention plan with four additional math and reading specialists, a K-12 tutoring program, a separate Health class at BHHS, the return of our technology program K-8 along with new BHHS graduation requirements. I am very appreciative of the Board's leadership in this regard. I know these programs will be of great benefit to our students.

X.b. Student Board Member Report
Student Board Member Sam Schwartz reported that there are no student activities in the summer to report on. The senior class is planning a senior sunrise on the first day of school.


XI.a. Discussion of Title I Funding
Dr. Tedford provided an overview of Title I funding.
Staff direction: to bring back specifics of the intervention program.



XIII.a. Resolution 2015-2016-054 Requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles to Establish a Tax Rate for Bonds of Beverly Hills Unified School District Expected to be Sold During Fiscal Year 2016-17, and Authorizing Necessary Actions in Connection Therewith
Motion Passed: A motion was made to adopt a Resolution 2015-2016-054 Requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles to Establish a Tax Rate for Bonds of Beverly Hills Unified School District Expected to be Sold During Fiscal Year 2016-17, and Authorizing Necessary Actions in Connection Therewith. A roll call vote was taken.

Mr. Schwartz cast a preferential abstain vote. Passed with a motion by Mel Spitz and a second by Lisa Korbatov.
Yes Howard Goldstein
No Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

XIII.b. Ratification of the Execution of the Contract with Morris James, LLP
Motion Passed: A motion was made to approve the Ratification of the Execution of the Contract with Morris James, LLP. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Mel Spitz.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

XIII.c. Agreement for Special Services - School Services of California
Motion Passed: A motion was made for approval of the Agreement for Special Services - School Services of California Passed with a motion by Mel Spitz and a second by Noah Margo.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

XIII.d. Internet Update & Request for Funding
Motion Passed: A motion was made to table this item.
A new motion was made to withdraw the motion. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Isabel Hacker.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz
Motion Passed: A new motion was made to approve the Internet Update & Request for Funding. Passed with a motion by Mel Spitz and a second by Isabel Hacker.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz


XIV.a. Approval of Facilities Staff Recommendation for Methane Mitigation for Buildings "B" for Beverly Hills High School
This item was pulled from the Agenda.

XIV.b. Approval for Staff to Proceed and Publish the Board's Intent to use Public Contract Code Section 20118.2 to Procure a Facilities Program Management Software and Support Services under a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and a Follow-up Request for Proposals (RFP) that Allows for the Selection of the Proposal that is the Most Advantageous to the District Based on Specific and Established Evaluation Factors and Not Just on Price
No motion was made. The item died for want of a motion.

XIV.c. Approval of the Design Development Phase for the Modernization of Hawthorne School Project and Give Direction to Staff for Adjustments to Design to Bring the Project Within the Approved Budget
This item was pulled from the Agenda.

XIV.d. Approval to Enter into a Contract with ClearSourceIT to Purchase IT Equipment for Beverly Hills High School Interim Housing.
Motion Passed: A motion was made for Approval to Enter into a Contract with ClearSourceIT to Purchase IT Equipment for Beverly Hills High School Interim Housing. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Mel Spitz.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

XIV.e. Approval of an Interim Security Fence at Beverly Hills High School
Motion Passed: A motion was made for Approval of an Interim Security Fence at Beverly Hills High School.

Mr. Schwartz cast a preferential Nay vote. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Isabel Hacker.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

XIV.f. Approval of the Schematic Design for the Security Fencing Along Moreno Beverly Hills High School
Motion Passed: A motion was made for Approval of the Schematic Design for the Security Fencing Along Moreno Beverly Hills High School. A motion was made to withdraw the motion. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Isabel Hacker.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

XIV.g. Approval of Change Order No. 36 with ProWest Constructors for the Horace Mann Building B Project
Motion Passed: A motion was made for Approval of Change Order No. 36 with ProWest Constructors for the Horace Mann Building B Project. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Mel Spitz.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
No Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz


XV.a. Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 6152.1: Math Placement
Motion Passed: A motion was made to approve the Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy 6152.1: Math Placement. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Mel Spitz.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

XV.b. First reading of Beverly Hills High School Graduation Requirements. BP and AR 6146.1
Motion Passed: A motion was made to approve the First reading of Beverly Hills High School Graduation Requirements. BP6146.1. Passed with a motion by Howard Goldstein and a second by Mel Spitz.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz

Motion Passed: At 10:30 p.m. a motion was made to extend the meeting to 10:45 p.m. Passed with a motion by Noah Margo and a second by Mel Spitz.
Yes Howard Goldstein
Yes Isabel Hacker
Yes Lisa Korbatov
Yes Noah Margo
Yes Mel Spitz