Region 6


DRAFT 03/15/13

Appendix 24 – ACRONYMS Used in RCP, ACPs

AC / Area Committee
ACP / Area Contingency Plan
ADEM / Arkansas Department of Emergency Management
ADEQ / Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
AMPD / Average Most Probable Discharge
AOR / Area of Responsibility
APHIS / Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
API / American Petroleum Institute
ARARs / Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements
ARC / American Red Cross
ARS / Agriculture Research Service
ASCS / Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
ASPR / Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
AST / Atlantic Strike Team
ATSDR / Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
BIA / Bureau of Indian Affairs
BLM / Bureau of Land Management
BMP / Best Management Plan(s)
BNTM / Broadcast Notice to Mariners
BOA / Basic Ordering Agreement
BOEM / Bureau of Energy Management
BOP / Blow-out Preventer
BSEE / Bureau of Safety Environmental Enforcement
BTEX / Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene
BuREC / Bureau of Reclamation
CAA / Clean Air Act
CAMEO / Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations
CAP / Civil Air Patrol
CBRN / Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear
CDC / Centers for Disease Control
CDO / Command Duty Officer
CERCLA / Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980
CFR / Code of Federal Regulations
CHEMTREC / Chemical Transportation Emergency Center
CHRIS / Chemical Hazard Response Information Center
COC / Constituents of Concern
COTP / Captain of the Port
CRC / Community Relations Coordinator
CRP / Community Relations Plan
CSTs / Civil Support Teams
CWA / Clean Water Act (Federal Water Pollution Control Act)
DCO / Discharge Cleanup Organization
DDC / District DisasterCenter
DHHS / Department of Health And Human Services
DHS / Department of Homeland Security
DITC / Deepwater Intervention Technical Committee
DOC / Department of Commerce
DOD / Department of Defense
DOE / Department of Energy
DOI / Department of the Interior
DOJ / Department of Justice
DOL / Department of Labor
DOS / Department of State
DOT / Department of Transportation
DRAT / District Response Advisory Team (USCG)
DRG / District Response Group
E&P / Exploration and Production
EERU / Environmental Emergency Response Unit
EEZ / Exclusive Economic Zone
EOC / Emergency Operations Center
EOD / Explosive Ordinance Detachments
EOPs / Emergency Operations Plans
EPA / Environmental Protection Agency
EPCRA / Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (SARA Title III)
EPIC / Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center
ERRS / Emergency Response & Removal Services
ERT / Environmental Response Team
ESA / Endangered Species Act
ESA / Economically Sensitive Areas
ESF / Emergency Support Function
ESG / Executive Steering Group
ESI / Environmental Sensitivity Index
ESSM / Emergency Ship Salvage Material
FAA / Federal Aviation Administration
FAR / Federal Acquisition Regulations
FCC / Federal Communications Commission
FCO / Federal Coordinating Officer
FDA / Food and Drug Administration
FE/SE / Federally/State Endangered
FEMA / Federal Emergency Management Agency
FHWA / Federal Highway Administration
FLAT / Federal Lead Administrative Trustee
FNS / Food and Nutrition Service
FOSC / Federal On-Scene Coordinator
FRPs / Facility Response Plans
FSIS / Food Safety and Inspection Service
FT/ST / Federally/state Threatened
GDEM / Governor’s Division of Emergency Management
GIS / Geographic Information System
GOCO / Government-Owned, Contractor-Operated
GOM / Gulf of Mexico
GRP / Geographical Response Plan
GSA / General Services Administration
GST / Gulf Strike Team
HAZMAT / Hazardous Materials
HAZWOPER / Hazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response
HIPAA / Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
IAA / Inter-Agency Agreement
IAG / Interagency Agreement
IBRRC / International Bird Rescue Research Center
IC / Incident Command / Incident Commander
ICS / Incident Command System
ICW / IntercostalWaterway
IMH / Incident Management Handbook
IWG / Industry Work Group
JFO / Joint Field Office
JIC / Joint Information Center
LDEQ / Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
LEPC / Local Emergency Planning Committees
LMRP / Lower Marine Riser Package
LOSC / Local On-Scene Coordinator
LOSCO / Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator’s Office
LSP / Louisiana State Police
MIPR / Military Interagency Purchase Request
MMPD / Maximum Most Probable Discharge
MOA / Memorandum of Agreement
MOU / Memorandum of Understanding
MSD / Marine Safety Detachment
MSDS / Material Safety Data Sheet
MSO / Marine Safety Office
MSW / Municipal Solid Waste
MTR / Marine Transportation Related
MWCC / Marine Well Containment Group
NASS / National Agricultural Statistics Service
NCP / National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
NEPA / National Environmental Policy Act
NFPA / National Fire Protection Association
NGOs / Non-Governmental Organizations
NIMS / National Incident Management System
NIOSH / National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NMED / New Mexico Environmental Department
NMFS / National Marine Fisheries Service
NMHSEM / New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
NOAA / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPDES / National Permit Discharge Elimination System
NPFC / National Pollution Funds Center
NPS / National Park Service
NRC / National Response Center
NRC / Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRCS / Natural Resource Conservation Service
NRDA / Natural Resource Damage Assessment
NRF / National Response Framework
NRS / National Response System
NRT / National Response Team
NSE / Near-Shore Environment
NSF / National Strike Force
NSFCC / National Strike Force Coordination Center
NTSB / National Transportation Safety Board
NWS / National Weather Service (NWS).
O&M / Operation and Maintenance
OCMI / Officer-in-Charge, Marine Inspection
ODEQ / Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
OEM / Office of Emergency Management
OEM / Oklahoma Office of Emergency Management
OEP / Office of Emergency Preparedness
OHMTADS / Oil & Hazardous Materials Technical Assistance Data System (EPA)
OPA / Oil Pollution Act
OPS / Office of Pipeline Safety
OSC / On-Scene Coordinator
OSHA / Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSLTF / Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund
OSRAM / Oil Spill Risk Analysis Model
OSRO / Oil Spill Response Organization
OSRP / Oil Spill Response Plan
OSTP / Office of Science and Technology
OSVS / Offshore Supply Vessels
PAO / Public Affairs Officer
PAV / Preparedness Assessment Visits
PFO / Principal Federal Official
PHMSA / Pipelines and Hazards Materials Safety Administration
PIAT / Public Information Assist Team
PIO / Public Information Officer
POLREP / Pollution Report
PPE / Personal Protective Equipment
PREP / Preparedness for Response Exercise Program
PRFA / Pollution Removal Funding Authorization
PRP / Potentially Responsible Party
PSM / Process Safety Management
PST / Pacific Strike Team
QIs / Qualified Individuals
R&D / Research and Development
RA / Regional Administrator
RAP / Radiological Assistance Program
RAT / Radiological Assistance Team
RATs / Rapid Assessment Teams
RCP / Regional Contingency Plan
RCRA / Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
REC / Regional Emergency Coordinator
RFDM / Ready for Deployment Mode
RLO / Regional Liaison Officer
RMPs / Risk Management Plans
ROVs / Remotely Operated Vehicles
RP / Responsible Party
RQ / Reportable Quantity
RRC / Regional Response Center
RRCC / Regional Response Coordination Center
RRI / Response Resource Inventory
RRT / Regional Response Team
RSPA / Research and Special Programs Administration
RTFC / Refinery Terminal Fire Company
RWP / Relief Well Plan
SACP / Sub-Area Contingency Plan
SAR / Search and Rescue
SARA / Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
SAV / Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
SCAT / Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Teams
SERC / State Emergency Response Commission
SERT / USCGSalvage Engineering Response Team
SHPO / State Historic Preservation Officer
SIMOPS / Simultaneous Operations
SKIM / Spill Cleanup Inventory System
SMOA / Superfund Memorandum of Agreement
SMT / Spill Management Team
SOC / State Operations Center
SONS / Spills of National Significance
SOP / Standard Operation Procedures
SOSC / State On-Scene Coordinator
SPCC / Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures
SSCs / Scientific Support Coordinators
START / Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team
STSSN / Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network
SUPSALV / United States Supervisor of Salvage
T/V / Tank /Vessel
TCEQ / Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
TCLP / Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
TDOT / Texas Department of Transportation
TDSHS / Texas Department of State Health Services
TGLO / Texas General Land Office
TPH / Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
TRRC / Railroad Commission of Texas
TSDF / Treatment, Storage And Disposal Facilities
UC / Unified Command
UMIB / Urgent Marine Information Broadcast
USACE / United States Army Corps of Engineers
USCG / United States Coast Guard
USDA / Department of Agriculture
USFS / United States Forest Service
USFWS / United States Fish and Wildlife Service
USGS / United States Geological Survey
USN / United States Navy
VOCs / Volatile Organic Compounds
VRPs / Vessel Response Plans
WCD / Worst-Case Discharge
WMD / Weapons of Mass Destruction