Fall 2008 SPANISH 265 Spanish for Communication: Society and the Media

Fall 07 sec: 62200D
Spanish 265: Spanish for Communication: Society and the Media
THH 205
M & W 8:30 to 9:50 /
Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese
Dr. Crowley
Office THH 266
Office Ph. (213) 740-3765
(please see note on last page)
Office hours: 5:00-6:00 M & W
& by appointment

Course Description:

In this course, students will improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, by analyzing various media. Students will have extensive opportunities to practice these skills through discussion and analysis of newspaper articles, TV news items, movies, textbook exercises, etc. This course will also address advanced grammatical and orthographic issues.


·  Dossier, Eleanor, and Zulma Iguina Manual de Gramática. Grammar Reference for Students of Spanish. Fourth Edition. Thomson Heinle, 2003

·  Any good bilingual dictionary (Spanish-English & English-Spanish)-(Optional).

·  Butt, John & C. Benjamin, A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish. Lincolnwood (Chicago) Illinois: McGraw-Hill. 2000-(Optional).

Useful online newspapers in Spanish: http://www.mundolatino.com/mdc/,www.elmercurio.cl , www.elmundo.es, www.lanacion.com.ar ,www.clarin.com www.jornada.unam.mx, www.nacion.com , www.laopinion.com , www.mundolatino.org , www1.lanic.utexas.edu/

Useful online news sources with videos:



La presencia hispana en los medios de comunicación

Semana 1 (agosto 25-27)

M. Introducción del curso.

Test diagnóstico (30’)

Lectura: “Juanes, un latino global” (tarea)


W. Lectura: “Juanes, un latino global”

Grammar: Chapter 2 Nouns and Nouns Determiners

A.Nouns and Their Equivalents A. 1. a-b-c pp. 30-32, A. 2. a-b pp. 33-35,

A. 3. Personal A pp. 36-38.

Semana 2 (septiembre 1-3)


W. Grammar: Chapter 2. B. Noun Determiners: 1 Articles:

B. 1. a. Definite Articles pp. 39-43.

Lectura: “Cantantes latinos más influyentes”

“Juanes llevó su camisa negra por el mundo”(tarea) http://impreso.elnuevodiario.com.ni/2005/12/16/variedades/8112

Semana 3 (septiembre 8-10)

M. Grammar: B. 1. b. Indefinite Articles pp. 43-45.

Lexical Variations: Acabar – Apply – Ask – At - Attend pp. 288-292.

“Juanes llevó su camisa negra por el mundo”

Canción “A Dios le pido” o “Tengo la camisa negra”

W. Quiz 1 (Chapter 2 pp. 30-45)

OP-topic: Presentar la trayectoria de dos personajes hispanos que se han destacado en los medios de comunicación (periodista, actor, cantante, etc.).

Asignar IA1 ,tema: un artículo sobre un personaje comunicación latino de los medios de

Semana 4 (septiembre 15-17)

Las diferencias de género en el mundo contemporáneo

M. Grammar: Chapter 4 A. Prepositions: A. 1. Function of Prepositions p 112,

A. 2. Verbs Used without Prepositions p.114.

Lectura: “El hombre y la mujer en la sociedad” (handout, Bb.)

Entregar IA1

Lecturas: Leer para comprender mejor la película.

Mataharis. (Icíar Bollain, 2007)


“El ser humano en el ojo del huracán” http://www.elpais.com/articulo/cultura/ser/humano/ojo/huracan/elpepicul/20070922elpepicul_4/Tes

W. *Película: Mataharis (2007) Dir. Icíar Bollaín (Leavey Auditorium).

Asignar C1: Ver handout con instrucciones en Bb.

Semana 5 (septiembre 22-24)

M. OP- Pel Discusión sobre la película Mataharis (6 estudiantes, ver handout).

Grammar: Prepositions (cont.): A. 3. Individual Prepositions:

A. 3. a. Prep. A pp. 115-118, A. 3. b. Prep. Con pp.119-120.

W. Grammar: Prepositions (cont.): Individual Prepositions: A. 3. c. Prep. De pp. 120-123,

A.  3. d. Prep. En pp. 123-125. Ejercicios 4.2-4.7, páginas 356-358.

“El hombre nuevo tarda en llegar”


Entregar primera versión C1.

Práctica: Preparación para el quiz 2.

Semana 6 (septiembre 29 - octubre 1)

M. Quiz 2 (Chapter 4 pp. 112-125).

Lectura: “Hillary Clinton, lecciones de una derrota.”


W. Grammar: Prepositions (cont.): Individual Prepositions: A. 3. e. Prep. Para p. 126.

A.  3. f. Prep.Por 127-129.

Lexical Variations: Because p. 292-293.

OP-Topic: La presencia de la mujer en la política internacional Presentar la trayectoria de dos/tres mujeres que se han destacado en el mundo de la política internacional

Semana 7 (octubre 6 - 8)

M. Quiz 3 (Chapter 4. pp. 126-129 y pp. 292-293).

Grammar: Prepositions (cont.): A. 4. List of Expressions with Prepositions pp.130- 131 A. 5. Review of Expressions With Prepositions pp. 132-133.

Entregar versión final C1.

W. Repaso para el examen parcial

Semana 8 (octubre 13-15)


El narcotráfico

W. *Película: María, llena eres de gracia (2004) Dir. Joshua Marston.

(Leavey Auditorium).

Lectura: reseña de la película María, llena eres de gracia.

Un descenso al mundo del narcotráfico (María Teresa Montero).


Asignar C2: Tema relacionado con la película (ver handout).

Semana 9 (octubre 20 - 22)

M. OP- Pel Discusión sobre la película María, llena eres de gracia (6 est. ver handout).

Grammar: Chapter 2. B. Noun Determiners: B. 2. Adjectives.

B. 2. a. Demonstrative Adjectives p. 45. B. 2. b. Possessive Adjectives p. 46.

B. 2. c. Forms of Descriptive Adjectives pp.47-49.

W. Lectura: “La guerra que Méjico no puede perder” www.elpais.com/.webloc

Grammar: Adjectives (cont.) B. 2. d. Position of Descriptive Adjectives pp.49-53.

Semana 10 (octubre 27 - 29)

M. Rasgos de la descripción (Handout).

Grammar: Adjectives (cont.) B. 2. e. Comparisons pp. 53-57.

Entregar primera versión de C2.

W. Narcocorridos. El centenario (Lila Dawns), Las monjitas (Quintero/ Aguirre).

Lectura: México: Legalización de las drogas.

Asignar IA 2, tema: un artículo o video sobre el resultado de las elecciones

OP-topic: Temas relacionados con el narcotráfico.

La política en los medios comunicación

Semana 11 (noviembre 3 - 5)

M. Lectura: “Obama pide apoyo a latinos para ganar elecciones” http://www.impre.com/laopinion/noticias/estados-unidos/2008/7/13/obama-pide- apoyo-a-latinos-par-67392-1.html

Grammar: Chapter 3. Pronouns B: SE.

B. 1. Introduction p.77. B. 2. Reflexive Pronouns pp.78-80.

B. 3. SE ME Construction pp.80-83.

W. Lectura: “Tema racial retorna al debate”


Grammar: Pronouns (cont)

B. 4. Impersonal SE pp. 84-88.

Entregar IA.2

OP-topic: Género, raza, religión y política.

Semana 12 (noviembre 10 - 12)

M. Entregar versión final de la C2.

Grammar: Chapter 6. J. Reflexive Verbs pp. 252- 260.

W. Quiz 4 (Chapter 3 pp.77-88 and chapter 6.J pp. 252- 260).

Lexical Variations: Become or Get pp.289-290.

OP-topic: Candidatos presidenciales USA y el mundo hispano.

Semana 13 (noviembre 17 - 19)

La inmigración

M. Lectura: “Cómo ponerle puertas al desierto” http://www.elpais.es/articulo/elpporint/20040111elpdmgrep_2/Tes

Video: “Obama, McCain reforma de inmigración” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo5GMHyDy9o

Grammar: Chapter 6. I. Verbs Like Gustar pp. 247-252.

W. *Película: Bajo la misma luna (2007) Dir. Patricia Riggen (Leavey Auditorium).

Asignar C3: TBA (Bb.)

Tarea Ver video Una mirada a Bajo la misma luna.

http://video.aol.com/video-detail/una-mirada-al-filme-bajo-la-misma-luna-kate-del-castillo-y-eugenio- derbez-hablan-de-este-drama-02282008/1817061918

Semana 14 (noviembre 24 - 26)

M. OP-Pel Discusión sobre la película Bajo la misma luna (6 est.ver handout).

Grammar: Chapter 3. Pronouns.

3. G. Relative Pronouns pp. 103-109.

W. Relative Pronouns (cont).

Inmigración y corridos

Entregar C3.

Semana 15 (december 1 - 3)

M. Lectura “Extranjeros para siempre”


Lexical Variations: Exit and Success p. 297.

Quiz 5 (Chapter 6 pp. 247-252, Chapter 3 pp. 103-109).

W. Repaso general. Conclusión del curso.




Class grades based on: / /
Grading Scale
IA Internet Article (2)
Composition (3)
Oral Presentations (2)
Quizzes (5)
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Participation / 6%
10% / 94-100



70-72 / A
C- / 67-69
0-59 / D+

·  Internet Article: Each IA assignment will consist of brief summaries of two news reports in Spanish (150-200 words per news item, double-spaced). Students must note the source of their information.

·  Oral Presentations (OP): There are two kinds of oral presentations, for which students will receive detailed instructions later. The first one (OP-topic) is related to the topics we will be discussing in class: La presencia hispana en los medios de comunicación, Las diferencias de género en el mundo contemporáneo, El narcotráfico, La política en los medios de comunicación y La inmigración. The second one (OP-pel) will be based on these three movies to be watched by the entire class: Mataharis, María llena eres de gracia and Bajo la misma luna .In these presentations students will discuss various aspects of these movies, such as theme, characters, social relevance, etc. For each presentation, students must prepare a handout containing pertinent questions that their classmates will answer during their presentations. If you are unsure as to what constitutes relevant questions, please consult the professor at least 3 days in advance of your presentation date. Students should not read their presentations. Each presentation should last from 6-8 minutes. You should prepare a visual aid before coming to class to help the students follow your work. In the past, many students have found that creating a poster that includes key points has been helpful. You are welcome to use more technologically-advanced audiovisuals but, if you choose to do so, please keep in mind two points: (1) you must notify the instructor at least 3 days in advance (2) you will be expected to honor your presentation day and time whether or not you are able to access your presentation (power point, etc.).

·  Tareas: Students are expected to complete and correct the exercises that correspond to the grammatical points and readings assigned in class.

·  Quizzes: There will be short quizzes to review this material. There will be no make-ups for quizzes.

·  Compositions (C): Students will receive guidelines for composition writing and for error correction. There will be three compositions. Students must revise the first two compositions. Each revision will have to be accompanied by the first draft. The final grade of the first two compositions will be an average of the grades obtained in the two versions submitted. Lack of the first version will result in 50% off the grade for the composition in question. Composition # 3 will not have a second version and will be graded accordingly.

·  Midterm and Final Exams: A detailed study guide will be distributed before each exam. If you will be travelling for a USC team or club and, therefore, have a conflict with the exam date, please notify the professor immediately. If you fail to notify the professor before the exam date, you will not be guaranteed a make-up.

·  Class participation includes: a) class discussions and b) attendance (three unexcused absences will lower the grade). Please note that the following documents and/or situations are necessary in order for an absence to be excused:

1) a medical excuse from USC Student Health

2) a note from a coach or faculty advisor of your club specifying the dates and times of

your other commitment

3) an extenuating circumstance due to a family emergency (to be discussed privately with

your professor and, with your permission, the appropriate administrator.

¨  All written assignments must be type-written and spellchecked. If your word-processing application does not have a Spanish dictionary, you can proof your work on one of the computers in the Language Center. Email note: You may feel free to contact me via email at your convenience. Please allow 24 hrs. for responses. I will respond as soon as I am able; sometimes, I am able to do so immediately – other times, I am not. Please note that I keep “business hours” (Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm) with regards to replying to emails. Again, if I am able to respond outside those hours, I will gladly do so.

¨  Late homework or assignments will not be accepted without a valid excuse (please see the list above under “class participation” to see what constitutes a valid excuse).

¨  Películas: It is mandatory to watch each movie to be discussed in class. The movies will be on reserve at the Language Center and at the Leavey Library in case any student would like to watch it again.

Any student requesting academic accommodation based on a disability must present a Letter of Accommodation to the instructor as early in the semester as possible. Consult: Disability Services and Programs, STU 301, (213) 740-0776.


¨  Email note: You may feel free to contact me via email at your convenience. Please allow 24 hrs. for responses. I will respond as soon as I am able; sometimes, I am able to do so immediately – other times, I am not. Please note that I keep “business hours” (Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm) with regards to replying to emails. Again, if I am able to respond outside those hours, I will gladly do so.