Oklahoma Overdose and 2013 Drug Law (Pre-training)

Please sent forms to: or mail to Attn: Zina Simpson PO Box 53277, OKC, OK 73152


Please sent forms to: or mail to Attn: Zina Simpson PO Box 53277, OKC, OK 73152

# of years as a law officer_____

# of years as a (city/county)______officer_____

Please sent forms to: or mail to Attn: Zina Simpson PO Box 53277, OKC, OK 73152

We’d like to ask about your experience with serious heroin or opiate pain medication overdoses. In such an overdose:

·  A person’s skin, lips, or fingers turn blue;

·  They stop breathing, or breath really slowly; or

·  They nod off and CAN”T be woken up without medical intervention (e.g., CPR, opiate-antidote Narcan or naloxone)

1)  When was the last time you were at the scene of a serious heroin or opiate pain medication overdose? (check one):

o Within the past 12 months

o More than a year ago

o Never

2)  What do you think about law enforcement officials being authorized to administer Narcan/naloxone without a prescription?

o Strongly support o Somewhat support o Neutral o Somewhat against o Strongly against o Don’t know


3)  How willing are you to administer Narcan/naloxone to an overdose victim?

o Very willing o Somewhat willing o Not very willing o Definitely would not o Don’t know

4)  In your experience, how often are police present at the scene of an overdose? (circle one)

o Always o Usually o Sometimes o Rarely o Never

5)  How important do you think it is for police to be at the scene of an overdose for the purpose of keeping medical personnel safe? (circle one):

o Very important o Somewhat important o Not very important o Not important at all o Don’t know

6)  How important do you think it is for police to be at the scene of an overdose for the purpose of enforcing laws? (circle one):

o Very important o Somewhat important o Not very important o Not important at all o Don’t know

Please provide any other comments you would like:

Please sent forms to: or mail to Attn: Zina Simpson PO Box 53277, OKC, OK 73152