Cherie Barber Live –2015 Exclusive Tour


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Hey [NameOfFriend], I have a spare free ticket to see Cherie Barber LIVE (Celebrity Renovator from ‘The Living Room’) in person at this 2+ hour property event. Want to come along?[YourName] :)

SOCIAL MEDIA (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Etc.)

  • Spend an evening with Celebrity TV Renovator Cherie Barber FOR FREE!
  • I have some spare tickets to see Australia’s Renovation Queen LIVE – inbox me!
  • Hi all... if you're interested in renovating property for profit,then I have some free tickets to see Celebrity TV Renovator Cherie Barber ‘Live’


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TEMPLATE #1 – Suggested for friends, family and colleagues.

Subject: FREE tickets to see Celebrity TV Renovator live

Hi [NameOfFriend],

Just a quick email to let you know I have complimentary tickets to a LIVE 2+ hour event with Celebrity TV Renovator, Cherie Barber.

If you’ve been thinking of renovating your own home, doing a reno on weekends for some extra cash or going full-blown professional renovator – then this is a must see.

Cherie has:

  • Purchased or been involved in more than $50 million in property deals.
  • Completed over 50 renovations.
  • Been featured across most major Australian TV media networks, radio, magazines and newspapers.
  • Personally trained more than 7,000 students through her Live 3-Dayworkshops.
  • Helped numerous graduates make cash profits or increase their equity, in every kind of property market.

Let me know if you want to come alongand discover her powerful 8-step strategy? Or you can check out the website

Chat soon,
