Leadership Program Application

Personal Questionnaire:

Name Birth Date



Parent(s) Name(s)

Parent EmailParent Phone

Age Year in School Average Grades

School currently attending

Church where you are a member or attend

Tell us why you want to be a member of the TRIBE Leadership Program:

Write a short summary about yourself, telling us about your interests, hobbies, extra-curricular activities, and goals have you set for yourself in life.

How did you come to know Christ as your Savior?

Please list any experiences that you have had in Christian leadership.

Have you ever led another person to Christ? If so, please explain the circumstances.

(Use additional paper for above questions if necessary)

List of References: (Please Print Clearly)

Please give the names of five individuals (not relatives) who could provide a reference for you. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY & FILL IN ALL INFORMATION). Email addresses make the process much faster.

1. Your Pastor ChurchAddress City State Zip

Phone email Yrs known

2. Employer(if applicable) Occupation Address City State Zip

Phone email Date Employed to

3. School official (Teacher, Counselor, Dean)

Name Occupation

Address City State Zip

Phone email Yrs known

4. Name Occupation

Address City State Zip

Phone email Yrs known

5. Name Occupation

Address City State Zip

Phone email Yrs known

Please circle any skills or interests that you have that could be used in a leadership capacity at camp.

MusicArcheryFirst AidNature study

HikingFishingHandcraftsBible teaching


SwimmingOvernight CampingIndian LoreOther______

Doctrinal Questionnaire:(Include Scripture references in each question followed by an asterisk *)

Concerning the Word of God

1. Is the Bible inspired (include 2 references)?*

2. Is every part of the Bible inspired?

2. Has God given us any other inspired writings?*

3. Can the Bible be taken as the final authority in matters of life and conduct today, even though it was written many years ago?*

Concerning the Godhead

1. Do you believe in the Trinity?Why?*

2. Do you believe that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are distinct persons, each with His own work and yet co-equal?*

Concerning the Father:

a. Is God the Creator of everyone in all the world?

b. Is God the Father of everyone in all the world?

Concerning Jesus Christ:

a. Was He the Son of God born of a virgin?

b. Did He live a sinless life?*

c. Did He work miracles while here on earth?

d. Did He really die and was He buried?

e. Did He rise again on the third day in bodily form?*

f. Is He coming visibly to earth again?*

Concerning the Holy Spirit:

a. Is He a real personality?*

b. Do we receive the Holy Spirit when we believe?*

c. In being filled with the Holy Spirit?*

d. Do you believe and teach that the proof of being filled with the Spirit is speaking in tongues?*

e. Do you speak or pray in tongues?

Concerning Man

1. Is man the product of evolution or of direct creation?*

2. Is every person born in sin?*

3. Can the natural man do anything in himself to please God?*

4. Will a child(or any individual capable of understanding the Gospel) be eternally punished when he is old enough to sin knowingly?*

Concerning Salvation

1. Please explain how to be saved, including scripture references

2. Is everyone a sinner?*

2. Did Christ die in our place for our sins?*

3. Can our good works bring favor with God and save us?*

4. Does God save us if we truly believe in His Son, Jesus Christ?*


Concerning Sanctification and Holiness

1. Is it God’s will for Christians to live an exemplary life?*

2. Can God give us power to overcome sin in our lives?*

3. Do you desire to please God in everything (I Cor. 10:31)?

4. Does God desire His children to be separated from the things of the world?*

5. Do you seek to please God in the matter of personal habits?

a. Do you use alcoholic beverages?

6. Do you use tobacco?Drugs?

7. Do you seek to please God in your activities on social media/internet?

7. Do you seek to please God in your relationship with the opposite sex?

a. Do you believe that pre-marital relationships or extra-marital relationships are sin?** (give two supporting references)

b. Do you believe that homosexuality is sin?** (give two supporting references)

c. Can you say before God that this area of your life is in keeping with God’s laws and commandments?

Concerning the Future Things

1. Where will the believer go when he dies?

2. Do you believe in a literal heaven?

3. Where will the unbeliever go when he dies?*

4. Do you believe in a literal hell?*

5. Does the punishment of the lost last forever?

6. Is there a second chance to be saved after death?*

Signed Date

Parent Signature (if under 18)Date

Questions? | 610-469-6320

RETURN TO : CAMP SANKANAC, 68 Bertolet School Rd., Spring City, PA 19475