Reviewed Date
22/01/2017 / Issue No
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All service users will have a nutritional care plan in place pre-admission indicating likes and dislikes, food preferences and choices.
Cultural diversity will be actively encouraged and promoted within the Home.
The catering manager will visit each service user within 48 hours of admission confirming needs and ensuring individual nutritional care plan has been actioned.
Menu choices will be available on a daily basis and alternatives to the designated menu will be available respecting those individuals with a dementia who may have forgotten what they ordered the previous day.
A MUST (Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool), will be completed within 48 hours of admission to determine any at risk service users.
Onward referrals to the multidisciplinary team will be expedient where necessary ie. the GP, Practice Nurse, Dietician, Speech and Language Therapist. and/or any others deemed appropriate to support the service user.
All advice and/or recommendations to be documented and followed.
The service user and/or family will be involved in care planning where possible and actively encouraged. Care plans mailed out to next of kin every three months.
Best interest decisions to be arranged where poor health choices are being made by the service user in line with Government recommendations, health promotion encouraged where possible.
Service user to be weighed monthly unless otherwise indicated in care plan.
Appropriate weighing scales to be available for all client groups.
Nutrition care plans to include service user choices, likes and dislikes, recent weight, updated MUST score, evidence of referrals to external professionals, relevant risk assessments and/or relevant factors such as challenging behaviours that may impact on routine nutritional intake.
Food and fluid charts to be maintained if indicated and accurate records kept.
Service users to be supported with specialist equipment, where indicated, such as adapted cutlery, plate guards, adapted cups/beakers.
Picture menus to be made available for those service users requiring more support with meal choices.
All service users have the right to eat their meals where and how they choose free from prejudice, promoting theirindependence and diversity.
Alternative arrangements to be available and in place for those service users with a dementia such as finger foods, food to be available overnight, to maximise optimum food intake.
Service users will be given sufficient time to enjoy their meals wherever they choose to have them and receive full support to do so where necessary.