At Goat Lees Community Centre
Cllr Nigel Bunker (Vice-chairman)
Cllr Erica Lasparini
Cllr Julie Tingey
Cllr Ken Newman
Cllr Jason Matthews
Also in attendance, the Locum Clerk (Mrs Sue Wood), Mr Richard Bartley and 5 members of the public
  1. Apologies and Reasons for Absence
Cllr Spencer Phillips – work commitments
Cllr Carol Bunker – health reasons
In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Bunker (Vice-chairman) took the Chair.
  1. Declaration of Interests
Cllr Matthews: Declaration of Pecuniary Interest (agenda item 11, planning application 17/00999/AS, as a potential developer)
  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th August 2017.
That theMinutes of the meeting held on 14th August 2017 be approved and confirmed as a true record.
  1. Matters arising from the last minutes
4.1 The Chairman noted that the letter of thanks to the outgoing Chairman has not yet been sent, the Locum Clerk to ask the Clerk to action.
4.2 The balance held in the current account has been increased, as agreed.
4.3 Developmentof Councillor communications using a generic gmail address rather than personal email addresses had been discussed. In hand with Cllr Phillips.
Open Session – The meeting was suspended to enable members of the publicto address the meeting.
Phone box in Lenacre Street: No response had yet been received from the Parish Council to a suggestion that this phone box should be decommissioned. Cllr Lasparini replied that the letter had been circulated and apologised for the failure to respond. She noted that BT had surveyed usage of all phone boxes in the borough; the kiosk at Boughton Lees had been decommissioned and it was, therefore, assumed that the Lenacre Street had been retained because it is used. Cllr Lasparini agreed to send the results of the report to the resident.
Traffic surveys: The Parish Council was asked if it has any information on the recent traffic survey carried out at the Sandyhurst Lane/Faversham Road junction. Cllr Lasparini stated that she had been alerted to this by a resident and is seeking a response from the company concerned. None has yet been received.
Sandpit site: The Parish Council was asked if it has any information on a potential housing development on this site. Cllr Lasparini stated that a developer is interested in the site, however it was not in the first draft Local Plan to 2030 and is not in the revised draft. The developer had approached the Parish Council, which has a duty to consider it for land allocation in the Neighbourhood Plan (NP), but a decision has not yet been made. She stated that a planning application has not yet been submitted, and the developer could submit one at any time, without necessarily discussing this with the Parish Council. The Parish Council is a consultee on planning applications, but is not a planning authority – the decision is made by Ashford Borough Council. In answer to a question for clarification on Neighbourhood, Urban and Local Plans, Cllr Lasparini advised that there is an NP in preparation (which operates at parish level) and the Local Plan, also in preparation (which is borough-wide). The Chairman noted that the NP must comply with the Local Plan. Cllr Matthews stated that the NP was drawn up by the Parish Council for the benefit of the community. The Chairman stated that the Parish Council will reflect the views of residents in its response to a planning application for the site.
The meeting was reconvened.
  1. Chairman’s Report
5.1 Broadband: BT Openreach has yet to connect the cabinet installed in March; no completion date has been given.
5.2 Boughton Lees litter pick: This was carried out at the weekend with 8 people taking part. This will be a monthly event (on the second Saturday of the month) and Ann Hardie was thanked for organising the event.
  1. Clerk’s Report and Finance
The Chairman reported that the Clerk has resigned; Cllr Phillips is aware and will initiate the process to recruit a replacement.
6.1 To note account balances. The account balance held at the bank was noted as £67,236.38. There was no spending on projects over the period.
6.2 To authorise payment of the following accounts.
That the following payments be made.
Cheque Number / Net Amount / VAT Incl. / Gross Amount / Payable to: / In respect of:
001524 / £ 310.80 / - / £ 310.80 / David Buckett / Internal auditor
001525 / £ 261.75 / - / £ 261.75 / Mrs C Cobourn / Clerk's salary
001526 / £ 60.58 / - / £ 60.58 / Mrs C Cobourn / Clerk's expenses
001527 / £ 50.00 / - / £ 50.00 / Mrs S Wood / Locum Clerk
TOTAL / £ 683.13 / - / £ 683.13
6.3 Report of expenditure to date against budget. Cllr Mrs Lasparini regretted the lack of reporting on expenditure against budget, and stated that financial reporting should be a priority for the incoming Clerk.
6.4 Progress against required actions arising from the Internal Auditor’s report 2015/16. Deferred until the next meeting.
  1. Report from Mr Bartley
Mr Bartley stated that the Chairman had commissioned a report on possible development at Lenacre Farm and made the following comments on the proposal:
  • There is a geological fault along the line of the parish boundary (ref the National Geological Survey)
  • The lower part of the site is chalk, above this is gault clay. There are a significant number of springs
  • The average gradient is 1 in 24; there is a 60m contour at the bottom of the site rising to an 80m contour immediately behind the houses in Lenacre Street. This incline has implications for development, liveability and landscape impact over a wide area; any visual impact will be particularly noticeable when the trees are not in leaf
  • It was recommended that a 3D wire-frame model be produced, mounted with a photo to the rear. This will show its likely impact on the AONB and surrounding area (which is in the setting of the AONB)
  • Current land use is permanent grassland, which is located between 2 pieces of ancient woodland. The site is an important biodiversity connecting piece, which is not managed – this leads to a greater number of species on the site
  • The location is a habitat for barn owls
  • Shops, bus stops and schools are all more than 400m away (the recognised walkable distance in planning terms), most journeys would therefore be by car
  • The development would impact on a listed building
  • Drainage: gault clay is impermeable. Given the contour of the site water would inevitably collect on the spine road and run off on to Sandyhurst Lane.
Mr Bartley was thanked for his presentation.
The meeting was suspended to allow for discussion from the floor.
The lack of mention of traffic was queried. Mr Bartley advised that data are available (eg TRICS [Trip Rate Information Computer System]). Cllr Lasparini noted that the Parish Council had considered carrying out a survey (using volunteers) to compare results with a previous survey. Mr Bartley noted that certain times of day /days of the week/months should be excluded so as to generate statistically robust statistics.
Mr Bartley was asked about sewerage but he replied that he did not have the information. It was noted that although a sewer runs along Lenacre Street, much of Sandyhurst Lane does not benefit from mains drainage.
It was noted that some of the buildings in the proposal would be flats, increasing pressure still further. Mr Bartley stated that the first need is to challenge the principle of development.
Cllr Matthews felt that Sandyhurst Lane could not cope with the additional traffic generated, noting the pinch points and congestion at the junction with Faversham Road at peak hours. Mr Bartley replied that it is difficult to prove that the road is at capacity. It was suggested that crash data be interrogated. Cllr Lasparini proposed that a survey be undertaken by volunteers to see if there had been a significant change from the position in 2014; if the results showed that there had been, a professional report should be commissioned.
The Chairman welcomed the idea of a volunteer-led traffic survey, and given the concerns on environmental impact including barn owls and bats, asked if an environmental survey should be commissioned. It was noted that this could not be carried out on the site, which is private land, but it could be done by asking Lenacre Street residents. Cllr Lasparini advised that a bat survey had to be undertaken for the oast house on Lenacre Hall Farm, the date it was carried out would be on the ABC planning website. Mr Bartley noted that the East Kent Bat Group may be able to help, stating that the field would be a bat feeding area. It was further noted that any bat survey should be carried out by mid-October.
It was reported that a hedge on Eastwell Manor Land had been cut back early in the season during an ongoing dormouse survey, it was thought that this may have been an offence. It was possible that there may be dormice on the site, which is a linking corridor.
Mr Bartley recommended surveying local ponds for Great Crested Newts, which have a 500m range.
It was noted that the SLRA would be interested in the results of a traffic survey.
The Parish Council was reminded that there would be a 13-week consultation period after submission of the planning application.
Cllr Matthews asked Mr Bartley for the best way of gathering evidence; Mr Bartley replied that information already available should be collated. Cllr Matthews asked if evidence should be gathered by the Parish Council, volunteers or professionals. Mr Bartley recommended that the most cost-effective method would be the use of volunteers. Cllr Matthews agreed, noting the time constraints on councillors.
The Chairman proposed that parish councillors be mandated to commission professional help to gather information as they see fit.
That parish councillors be mandated to commission professional help to gather information as they see fit.
  1. Current Projects
8.1 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – The Chairman reported that the Parish Council’s comments had been submitted on the Local Plan to 2030, before the deadline.
Rook Toll planning application for 6 houses: The land had not been selected for allocation in the NP, in response to feedback from the survey. The developer has offered to assist with traffic issues, but the Parish Council’s position remains unchanged.
8.2 BT Cabinet on Boughton Lees – See Chairman’s report.
8.3 Donation to All Saints Church toilet – The Chairman stated that advice had been sought and the Parish Council is permitted to make a donation. £2000 had been set aside for CCTV on the village green but this had not been used. The Chairman proposed that £2000 be given to the All Saints Church toilet fund.
That £2000 be given to the All Saints Church toilet fund.
  1. Cricket Pavilion – The Chairman confirmed that the Cricket Club will be responsible for the pavilion insurance.
  1. Freedom Of Information Policy – The draft Policy was discussed at the last meeting. Cllrs Phillips and Lasparini to revise, and to include communication by gmail (see 4.3).
  1. Planning – New Applications
No new applications had been received.
17/00999/AS Land north west of El Ashere, Wye Road, Boughton Aluph, Kent
Proposed development of 6no. dwellings, new access along with associated parking & ancillary buildings

Having declared a DPI, Cllr Matthews left the meeting.
It was reported that the Parish Council’s objection comments have been submitted. Cllr Lasparini indicated that the application maybe determined by the Planning Committee, but the layout may have been revised since the consultation.
Cllr Lasparini advised that Gladman Developments Ltd has put in a request for a scoping opinion for 650+ houses on a site on Canterbury Road (from the Old Mill to Great Burton, bordering on the Parish).
  1. Correspondence
No correspondence has been received.
  1. Road Name Anomaly
The Chairman stated that representations had been made to councillors to change the name on the Electoral Register from ‘The Green’ (which is not recognised by satnavs or used by Royal Mail) to ‘The Lees’. Previous requests to effect this change had been unsuccessful; the Chairman will ask ABC for an explanation and to implement the change of name.
  1. Future Agenda Items
The Chairman advised that money had been held back from other projects in the event that additional security would be needed on the village green, in light of vandalism. He stated that this money was now available for other projects and proposed the following:
14.1 Bus shelter It was noted that this is not eligible for KCC funding because of limitations of accessibility to the bus stop. Feedback had indicated that a sloping roof was preferred. The total cost would be ~£10,000, including installation. Cllrs Laparini and Bunker to bring information to the next meeting.
14.2 Village defibrillators AEDsare located in the Iron Room andCricket pavilion, they are therefore only available when these are in use. It was proposed that an external cabinet be provided for one of these defibrillators. It was mentioned that an accessible defibrillator might also be considered for Sandyacres.
  1. Any Other Business
No items were raised.
  1. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be on Wednesday October 11th 2017, at Sandyacres Community Centre, at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm / Action