1242 Whittemore Rd.

Middlebury, CT06762-0268

Telephone (203) 577-2275 • Fax (203) 758-9010

September 8, 2011

Dear Parents,

We are happy to welcome our new students to the Preschool on the Green. We have a lot planned for the year and hope that your child’s first school experience is enjoyable.

For safety reasons and to avoid confusion we use the following system at drop-off and pick-up time. When you bring your child to school, drive up to our door and stop, a teacher will be there to bring in your child then you can drive around the building and exit the parking lot on the town hall side. When picking up your child stop at our door and a teacher will bring your child to the car. If you need to come into the school, to speak with a teacher or check the bulletin board, please park your car in the designated parking area and walk over to the school.

Weather permitting, we plan to go outside each day. Please send your child dressed to go out, and if you have your child practice putting on jackets and learning to button, zipper, etc., it will help the school. It is important that children wear appropriate clothing for preschool, for instance, footwear that is sturdy and safe on climbing equipment; playclothes that are washable because they do get messy! and pants and shorts that are easy for the child to pull down for those urgent bathroom trips! Also names or initials on all outdoor clothing to avoid mix-ups (permanent marker initials on the size/washing instruction label is easiest).

During the month of September, we will be talking about sharing, cooperation, and school safety. We will have lessons and activities featuring the color, red and the shape, circle.

“Show and Tell” will be once a month on our special ‘color days’. Thursday, September 22ndwill be “red day”. Please have your child wear something red that day and also bring in something red from home that he/she can ‘show and tell’ to the other students.

We will also be using the preschool edition of Clifford magazine and will have lessons and activities based on the publication’s monthly themes. We hope you will enjoy reading the magazines with your child when he/she brings it home. The September themes are: Welcome to School and Apples.

So you will always know what’s happening in school, at the beginning of each month your child will bring home a newsletter with information about the numbers, shape, magazine themes and color day of the month etc. Don’t forget to check your child’s tote bag or you may miss important information. Other than show & tell items and mittens, hats etc. please send in empty tote bags.

Birthday celebrations are celebrated once a month. Please let a teacher know if you would like to send in a snack when it is your child’s birthday month.

Hopefully everyone received the Parent Information Booklet as you will need to refer to it through the year regarding snow day policy, sick child policy, appropriate clothing information etc. Amy Coughlin is the parent representative. Her number is (203)598-0784. If you or your child have any problems or concerns about school, please let us or Amyknow.

We love having volunteer helpers, however, due to 3 year olds getting used to separating from their parents we will not have a sign-up sheet until October.

It is a big adjustment for each child to be away from the security of home and parents for the first time. We praise the children for taking turns, putting everything away properly, and trying to be good listeners because we have many rules to learn at school. If you or your child ever has a small problem or concern, please let us know so that we can help before the problem becomes larger. We look forward to a great year together!

Linda Kohler

Shauna Finke

Kristen Lewis

10 Sept 3Yr