Anthem Writing Assignment

The Prompt:

Explore the ideas of collectivism and individualism. Use examples from your own life and Anthem to support your thesis.

The Requirements:

-Must be a minimum of five paragraphs

-Must be in MLA format

-Each paragraph must contain at least ONE specific detail from EITHER your life or the text. You MUST refer to Anthem and provide an example from the text AT LEAST once in your essay.

Your Thoughts: One of the oldest and most important philosophic issues is the problem of individuality vs. collectivism. Ayn Rand was an advocate of individuality. She believed that all people can make choices, make up their own minds and can direct their own lives by the ideas and values they adopt. Those who advocate for individualism believe that people are by nature in the grips or forces beyond control. Those who advocate for collectivism believe that society is better if everyone has a common goal that they work towards to make society better. There is no individuality in a collective society as individuals take away from the collective goals of a group.

  1. After reading the descriptions of individualism and collectivism, decide how you feel about each. You may think that individualism is more productive, or you may believe that collectivism leads towards a better society, or you may believe that a little bit of each is the best. These thoughts might eventually take the form of your thesis statement.
  1. Do you think the characters in Anthem are individuals? Explain your answer and provide TWO quotes to support your answer.
  1. How might Equality have criticized the ideas of collectivism? Why might he have done this?
  1. How might individuality hinder the success of a society?

Essay Outline

Essay Component / Suggestions / Your Ideas- complete sentences are not required but complete thoughts are
Intro: Hook / Consider the big ideas- individualism and collectivism and get your reader thinking about each.
-define terms
-present a scenario where individualism might be a good idea
-present a scenario where collectivism might be a good idea
-explain why it may be good to think about both individualism and collectivism
Intro: Transition from Hook to Bridge / -link the idea presented in the hook to the novella
-does not have to be a complete sentence
-look for commonalities in key words
-We see individualism in the novel……
Intro: Bridge / -novella title
In the novella Anthem…
…by Ayn Rand….
-brief and accurate summary
…the main character, Equality….
Intro: Thesis / State exactly where you stand regarding collectivism and individualism. You may list two or three sub topics that support your stance
-do not include “I believe” or “I think” statements
-Individualism is an important part of society because…
-Collectivism can make a soiceity more productive because….
-Both individualism and collectivism are necessary in society because…..
Body Paragraph #1: Topic Sentence / Include a subtopic that supports your thesis
-We see Equality developing as an individual when….
-I have found that individualism is important in my own life because….
Body Paragraph #1: Context / Background information regarding the instance in the story or your own life
-Before understanding how Equality valued individualism we must understand….
Body Paragraph #1: Concrete Details / Specific details from the text or your own life that relate directly to the TS.
-May include direct quotes (19)
-May paraphrase
-Be specific
Body Paragraph #1: Commentary / Explain how the CD’s link to your thesis
-Because Equality valued individuality he became….
-Because I put value in collectivism….
-It is important to consider individualism (or collectivism) because….
Body Paragraph #2: Topic Sentence
Body Paragraph #2: Context
Body Paragraph #2: Concrete Details
Body Paragraph #2: Commentary
Body Paragraph #3: Topic Sentence
Body Paragraph #3: Context
Body Paragraph #3: Concrete Details
Body Paragraph #3: Commentary
Conclusion: Return to hook / The idea presented in the hook needs to be revisited in the conclusion, you can also include your thesis and remind the reader where you stand regarding collectivism and individuality.
-When collectivism (or individuality) exists in society it can…..
Conclusion: The Big Picture / So what? What do you want your reader to do with the information you provided in the essay?
Why is the information important?

The Scoring Guide: (to be handed in with your final draft)


A quality work indicates the writer develops his/her ideas, remains articulate and convincing. The author’s thoughts represent a higher level of thinking. B quality work indicates the writer develops ideas and is articulate but the ideas do not represent a higher level of communication. C quality work indicates the essay component may be evident but weak. D quality work indicates the writer may attempt to communicate an idea but the writing may be unfocused and ideas incomplete. F quality work indicates the writer’s ideas may be irrelevant to the topic or the writer did not include the essay component.


______10 Compelling hook that relates directly to the thesis, draws the reader in and promotes thought.

______5 The bridge introduces the text and author and reminds the reader of the overall plot of the text.

______15 Thesis statement- explains the focus of the essay.


______10 Each paragraph contains a topic sentence that relates back to the thesis statement.

______10 each paragraph contains context providing the reader with background information so the reader is familiar with the proposition made by the writer.

______10 Each paragraph contains a concrete example which can be a quote, specific example, or explanation from the text that relates directly to the thesis. The quote is properly cited and adds to the reader’s understanding of the proposition made by the writer.

______20 Each paragraph contains an explanation or commentary. The commentary further analyzes the evidence provided in the concrete details and convincingly proves the point made within the paragraph and entire essay. The commentary also relates the topic of the paragraph back to the overall thesis statement.


______10 Each paragraph contains a topic sentence that relates back to the thesis statement.

______10 each paragraph contains context providing the reader with background information so the reader is familiar with the proposition made by the writer.

______10 Each paragraph contains a concrete example which can be a quote, specific example, or explanation from the text that relates directly to the thesis. The quote is properly cited and adds to the reader’s understanding of the proposition made by the writer.

______20 Each paragraph contains an explanation or commentary. The commentary further analyzes the evidence provided in the concrete details and convincingly proves the point made within the paragraph and entire essay. The commentary also relates the topic of the paragraph back to the overall thesis statement.


______10 Each paragraph contains a topic sentence that relates back to the thesis statement.

______10 each paragraph contains context providing the reader with background information so the reader is familiar with the proposition made by the writer.

______10 Each paragraph contains a concrete example which can be a quote, specific example, or explanation from the text that relates directly to the thesis. The quote is properly cited and adds to the reader’s understanding of the proposition made by the writer.

______20 Each paragraph contains an explanation or commentary. The commentary further analyzes the evidence provided in the concrete details and convincingly proves the point made within the paragraph and entire essay. The commentary also relates the topic of the paragraph back to the overall thesis statement.


______10 Reviews the thesis statement

______10 Connects the thesis to the main ideas in the essay

______10 Extends the ideas and concepts presented in the essay to real life (why should the reader care about your opinion?)

______10 Contains an echo (concluding hook)


______5 Essay contains correct MLA formatting

______20 spelling, grammar and punctuation (one point off for each mistake)

______245 TOTAL