Robin A. Barry1Curriculum Vitae




Ph.D.2010University of Iowa, Clinical Psychology

M.A.2005University of Iowa, Clinical Psychology

B.A.1996University of Michigan, Political Science and


Experience in Higher Education

2010 – presentUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County, Assistant Professor,

Clinical Psychology

Clinical Experience

2009-2010Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Intern,

Clinical Psychology

2007University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Eating Disorders

Inpatient Unit, Extern, Clinical Psychology

2004 – 2009Seashore Psychology Clinic, Assessment and Psychotherapy

Trainee,Clinical Psychology

Honors Received

2009The Spence Award for all-around achievement in research, teaching and service as a graduate student, University of Iowa, Department of Psychology

2008 Robert L. Weiss Student Research Award, 1st Place, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (ABCT) Couples Research and Therapy Special Interest Group (SIG)

2006James F. Jakobsen Graduate Research Forum 3rd Place Award,

University of Iowa Graduate College

2005Robert L. Weiss Student Research Award, 1st Place, ABCT

Couples Research & Therapy SIG

2004Robert L. Weiss Student Research Award, 2nd Place, ABCT

Couples Research and Therapy SIG

2005James F. Jakobsen Graduate Research Forum 2nd Place Award, University of Iowa Graduate College

Research Support and Fellowships

2012$20,000, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Special Research Assistantship/Initiative Support, PI

2012$4,972, Faculty Research Support, Co-PI

2011$6,000, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Summer Faculty Fellowship, PI

2009$6,000, American Psychological Foundation Randy Gerson Memorial Research Grant, P.I.,

2009$1,000, American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award, P.I.

2008 – 2009Carl E. Seashore Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of Iowa Graduate College

2009$2,800, Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates Fellowship, Co-P.I.

2008$1,000, Executive Council of Graduate and Professional Students Research Grant, P.I.

2006 $1,000, Executive Council of Graduate and Professional Students Research Grant, P. I.

2008, 2005$500 (2 awards), University of Iowa Graduate and Professional

Student Government Travel Awards, P.I.

2006, 2005$500 (2 awards), University of Iowa Student Government

Travel Awards, P.I.

2005$250, University of Iowa Women in Science & Engineering Dr.

Eunice Schuytema Beam Travel Grant

Ph.D. Students

Jennifer Nail, Spring 2012, Committee Member, UMBC

Preston Greene, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Elizabeth Thompson, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Laura Rose, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Sean Logie, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Michael Early, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Tatiana McDougall Weise, in progress, Co-Chair, UMBC

Jill Scheiber, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Brian Jobe, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Gina Pool, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Galina Portnoy, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Master’s Students

Gina Pool, Spring, 2012, Committee Member, UMBC

Angela Peterson, Fall 2012, Committee Member, UMBC

Jessica Hoenn in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Sara Buckingham, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Thomas Tsjui, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

George (Adam) Hanna, in progress, Chair, UMBC

Faren Grant, in progress, Committee Member, UMBC

Chandra Edwards, in progress Chair, UMBC

Honors Psychology Undergraduate Students

Karah Kuczarski, Spring 2013

Sam Kott

Independent Research Projects Undergraduate Students

Whitney Barton

Kathryn Benson

Casey Dubac

Caitlin Rush

Interdisciplinary Studies Undergraduate Students

Vivian Chioma, in progress, Mentor, UMBC


Peer-Reviewed Works

  • Articles

Barry, R. A.& Lawrence, E. (2013). “Don’t stand so close to me”: An attachment perspective of disengagement and avoidance in marriage.Journal of Family Psychology, 27, 484-494.doi: 10.1037/a0032867

Brock, R. L., Barry, R. A., Lawrence, E., Dey, J., Rolffs, J. (2012). Internet administration of paper-and-pencil questionnaires used in couple research: Assessing psychometric equivalence.Assessment, 19, 226-242.

Veenstra, A. L., Lakey, B., Cohen, J. L., Neely, L. C., Orehek, E., Barry, R. A. & Abeare, C.A. (2011). Forecasting the specific providers that recipients will perceive as uniquely supportive. Personal Relationships, 14, 677-696.

Erbes, C. R., Arbisi, P. A., Kehle, S. M., Ferrier-Auerbach, A. G., Barry, R. A., & Polusny, M. A. (2011). The distinctiveness of hardiness, positive emotionality, and negative emotionality in National Guard soldiers. Journal of Research in Personality.45, 508–512.

Lawrence, E., Barry, R. A., Brock, R. L., Bunde, M., Langer, A., Ro, E., Fazio, E., Mulryan, L., Hunt, S., Madsen, L., & Dzankovic, S. (2011). The Relationship Quality Interview: Evidence for reliability, convergent and divergent validity, and incremental validity. Psychological Assessment, 23, 44-63.

Kochanska, G., Sanghag, K., Barry, R. A., & Philibert, R. A. (2011). Children’s genotypes interact with maternal responsive care in predicting competence: Diathesis-stress or differential susceptibility? Development and Psychopathology, 23, 605-616.

Meis, L. A., Barry, R. A., Kehle, S. M., Erbes, C. R., & Polusny, M. A. (2010). Relationship adjustment, PTSD symptoms, and treatment utilization among coupled National Guard soldiers deployed to Iraq. Journal of Family Psychology, 24, 560-567.

Kochanska, G., Koenig, J. L., Barry, R. A., Yoon, J. E. & Kim, S. (2010).Children’s
conscience during toddler and preschool years, moral self, and a competent adaptive trajectory. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1320-1332.

Barry, R. A. & Kochanska, G. (2010). A longitudinal investigation of the affective environment in families with young children: Frominfancy to early school age. Emotion, 10, 237-249.

Koenig, J. L., Barry, R. A., Kochanska, G. (2010). Rearing difficult children: Parents’ personality and children’s proneness to anger as predictors of future parenting. Parenting: Science and Practice, 10, 258-273.

Kochanska, G., Woodard, J., Kim, S., Koenig, J. L., Yoon, J. E., & Barry, R. A. (2010). Positive socialization mechanisms in secure and insecure parent-child dyads: Two longitudinal studies. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51, 998-1009.

Barry, R. A., Bunde, M., Brock, R. L., & Lawrence, E. (2009). Validity and utility of a multidimensional model of received support in intimate relationships. Journal of Family Psychology, 1, 48-57.

Kochanska, G., Philibert, R. A., & Barry, R. A.(2009). Interplay of genes and relationships in the development of self-regulation: Attachment organization moderates the effect of 5-HTTLPR status. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50(11), 1331-1338.

Kochanska, G., Barry, R. A., Stellern, S. A., O’Bleness, J. J. (2009). Early attachment organization moderates the parent-child mutually coercive pathway to children’s antisocial conduct. Child Development, 80, 1297-1309.

Kochanska, G., Barry, R. A., Jimenez, N. B.,Hollatz, A. L., & Woodard, J. (2009).Guilt and effortful control:Two mechanisms that prevent disruptive developmental trajectories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,97, 322-333.

Barry, R. A., Lawrence, E., & Langer, A. (2008). Conceptualization and assessment of disengagement in romantic relationships. Personal Relationships, 15, 297-315.

Barry, R. A.,Kochanska, G., & Philibert, R.A. (2008). G x E interaction in the organization of attachment: Mothers’ responsiveness as a moderator of children’s genotypes. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 12, 1313-1320.

Kochanska, G., Barry, R. A., Aksan, N., & Boldt, L. J. (2008). A developmental model of maternal and child contributions to disruptive conduct: The first six years. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 11, 1220-1227.

Lawrence, E., Bunde, M., Barry, R. A., Brock, R. L., Sullivan, K. T., Pasch, L. A., White, G. A., Dowd, C. E., & Adams, E. E. (2008). Partner support and marital satisfaction: Support amount, adequacy, provision and solicitation. Personal Relationships, 15, 445-463.

Langer, A., Lawrence, E., & Barry, R. A. (2008). Using a vulnerability-stress-adaptation framework to predict physical aggression trajectories in newlywed marriage. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76, 756-768.

Lawrence, E., Pederson, A., Bunde, M., Barry, R. A. et al. (2008). Objective ratings of relationship skills across multiple domains as predictors of marital satisfaction trajectories. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 25, 445-466.

Barry, R. A., Lakey, B. & Oreheck, E. (2007). Links among attachment dimensions, affect and the self for attachment styles and specific bonds. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 340–353.

Neely, L. C., Lakey, B., Cohen, J. L., Barry, R. A., Oreheck, E., Abeare, C. A., & Meyer,

W. (2006). Trait and social processes in the Link between social support and affect: An experimental laboratory investigation, Journal of Personality,74, 1015-1046.

  • Chapters in Books

Lawrence, E., Brock, R. L., Barry, R. A.,Langer, A. & Bunde, M. (2009). Assessing relationship quality: Development of an interview and implications for couple assessment and intervention. In E. Cuyler & M. Ackhart (Eds.), Psychology of Relationships. NY: Nova Science.

Lawrence, E., Ro, E., Barry, R. A., & Bunde, M. (2006). Mechanisms of distress and dissolution in physically aggressive romantic relationships. In M. Fine and J. Harvey (Eds.), Handbook of divorce and relationship dissolution (pp. 263-288). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.

  • Encyclopedia Entries

Lawrence, E., Barry, R. A., Brock, R. L., & Langer, A. (2009). Assessment of marital satisfaction. In H. Reis & S. Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Relationships. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

WorksSubmitted or In Preparation

  • Articles

Barry, R. A.& Lawrence, E. (2012). How conflict avoidance contributes to marital decline: Drawing on attachment and coping perspectives. (In preparation).

Barry, R. A.& Lawrence, E. (2012). The process of romantic disengagement: How and why couples grow apart. (In preparation).


  • Conference/Paper Presentations (Refereed)

Meis, L. A., Barry, R. A., Kehle, S. M., Erbes, C., & Polusny, M. Relationship Distress, PTSD, and Treatment Seeking among Post-Deployment OIF Soldiers. In S. L. Sayers (Chair), Family members and combat veterans: Innovations in engagement and care. Symposium accepted for the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, California.(August, 2010).

Barry, R. A. & Kochanska, G. Positive affect reciprocity in parent-child interactions in early childhood predicts children's lower social anxiety. Presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.(April, 2009).

Lawrence, E., Langer, A., Brock, R. L., & Barry, R. A. Explaining how intimate partner violence against women leads to clinical depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. In E. Lawrence (Chair), Intimate violence. Symposium presented at XVIII World Meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression, Budapest, Hungary.(July, 2008).

Lawrence, E., Langer, A., Barry, R. A., & Brock, R. L. Intrapersonal and interpersonal predictors of intimate partner violence across multiple dating relationships. In M. Ehrensaft & E. Lawrence (Co-Chairs), Current models of risk for dyadic conflict and violence: Empirical models and steps toward prevention. Symposium presented at the 42nd Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Convention, Orlando, FL.(November, 2008).

Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. Conceptualizing romantic disengagement: Behaviors, cognitions and emotions indicative of a lack of intimacy. In R. A. Barry, & E. Lawrence, (Co-Chairs), Intimacy in couples: Conceptualization and measurement of intimacy development, maintenance and deterioration. Symposium presented at the 41st ABCT Convention, Philadelphia, PA.(November, 2007).

Lawrence, E., Barry, R. A., Bunde, M., Brock, R. L., Langer, A., & White, G. A. Emotional intimacy as a predictor of trajectories of marital adjustment: Development and validation of a semi-structured, objectively coded interview. In R. A. Barry & E. Lawrence (Co-Chairs), Intimacy in couples: Conceptualization and measurement of intimacy development, maintenance and deterioration. Presented at the 41st ABCT Convention, Philadelphia, PA.(November, 2007).

Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. Cross-validation of a measure of romantic disengagement. Paper presented at the 8th Annual James F. Jakobsen Graduate Forum, Iowa City, IA. (April, 2006).

Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. Non-hostile withdrawal during marital conflict in newlywed marriage. Paper presented at the 7th Annual James F. Jakobsen Graduate Forum, Iowa City, IA. (April, 2005).

Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. Non-hostile withdrawal during marital conflict in newlywed marriage. Paper presented at the Department of Psychology, Iowa City, IA.(January, 2005).

Barry, R. A., & Lakey, B. Trait and social influences in attachment. Paper presented at the 2nd International Association for Relationship Researchers (IARR) Conference, Madison, WI.(July, 2004).

  • Conference Poster Presentations (Refereed)

Edwards, C. E., Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. Maintaining connection despite marital conflict: The relative influences of couples daily conflict and intimate interactions on marital satisfaction. Presented at the 45th ABCT Convention, Toronto, CA. (November, 2011).

Koenig, J., & Barry, R. A. Raising difficult children: Parents’ personality and children’s temperament as predictors of future parenting and developmental outcomes. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.(January, 2010).

Barry, R. A. & Kochanska, G. Marital quality influences emotional tone in parent-child relationships: A growth curve examination of the spillover hypothesis. Presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.(April, 2009).

Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. Predicting trajectories of change in spouses’ disengagement from marital problem-solving: An attachment theory perspective. Presented at the 42nd ABCT Convention, Orlando, FL. (November, 2008).

Barry, R. A., Kochanska, G., & Philibert, R. A. G x E interactions in the organization of attachment: Mothers’ responsiveness as a moderator of children’s genotypes. Presented at the 20th Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. (May, 2008).

Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. Examining romantic engagement and disengagement over time: Effects on individual and relationship functioning. Presented at the 41st ABCT Convention, Philadelphia, PA.(November, 2007).

Barry, R. A., & Bowers, W. Investigating weekly change in depressive symptoms and eating attitudes in individuals undergoing inpatient weight restoration using multilevel modeling. Presented at the 14th Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA.(October, 2007).

Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. Longitudinal stability in disengagement from marital problem solving and marital satisfaction. Presented at 40th ABCT Convention, Chicago, IL.(November, 2006).

Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. An affect regulation model of disengagement from aggressive relationships: Romantic partners’ perceptions of benefit. Presented at the 40th ABCT Convention, Chicago, IL.(November, 2006).

Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. Assessing disengagement in romantic relationships. Presented at 7th Society for Personality & Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Palm Springs, CA.(January, 2006).

Lakey, B., Cohen, J. L., Orehek, E., Neely, L. C., & Barry, R. A. Forecasting the relational aspect of perceived support. Presented at the 7th SPSP Conference, Palm Springs, CA.(January, 2006).

Barry R. A., & Lawrence, E. Validation of a measure of emotional disengagement in romantic relationships. Presented at the 39th ABCT Convention, Washington, DC. (November, 2005).

Barry, R. A., Lakey, B., & Orehek, E. The links between attachment and the self: Trait influences and specific relationships. Presented at the 6th SPSP Conference, New Orleans, LA.(January, 2005).

Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. Disengagement in marital conflict. Presented at the 38th ABCT Convention, New Orleans, LA. (November, 2004).

Lumley, M. A., Gustavson, B., Partridge, R. T., Simon, T., Barry, R. A., Davis, M., & Labouvie-Vief, G. A multimethod assessment of alexithymia and other emotional abilities: Relationships among measures. In O. Luminet (Chair), New developments in alexithymia research. Symposium presented at the 3rd International Meeting on The (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease Conference, Tilburg, The Netherlands.(October, 2003).

  • ConferencePoster Presentations (Non-Refereed)

Add This year’s URCAD

Wharton, B. & Barry, R. A. Investigating the effects of different aspects of couple conflict. Presented at Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day, Baltimore, MD.

(April, 2012).

Riesberg, K., Harms, A., Hall, D., Barry, R. A., Lawrence, E., & Bacon, C. A behavioral measure of romantic disengagement. Presented at the Summer Undergraduate Research Conference, Iowa City, IA.(July, 2009).

Raglin, W., Barry, R. A., & Kochanska, G. Parents’ Supportive co-parenting behavior predicts children’s lower behavioral problems. Presented at the Summer Undergraduate Research Conference, Iowa City, IA.(July, 2008).

  • Other Professional Presentations(Non-Refereed)

Barry, R. A. Romantic disengagement and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Research and clinical implications. Presented at Mental Health Grand Rounds, Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN.(July, 2010).

Barry, R. A., & Lawrence, E. Conceptualizing romantic disengagement: Behaviors, cognitions and emotions indicative of a lack of intimacy. Presented at the University of Iowa Psychology Department, Iowa City, IA.(April, 2008).


Service to the Department

2010 - PresentHSP Program Meetings

2011Committee member, HSP Curriculum Review Committee

Practicum committee

Post-hoc committee 331/332

Service to the Profession

2011 – PresentPresident, Couples Research and Therapy Special

Interest Group, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive


2013Program Committee Member, Association for Behavioral and

Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention

2013 – PresentAd hoc Manuscript Reviewer, American Journal of Community


2013 – PresentAd hoc Manuscript Reviewer, Family Relations

2012Ad hoc Poster Reviewer, Special Interest Group (SIG) Poster

Exposition, Couples Research and Therapy SIG, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Association for Behavior

2012 – PresentAd hoc Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Marriage and the Family

2011 – PresentAd hoc Manuscript Reviewer, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

2010 - PresentAd hoc Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Child Psychology and


2009 - PresentAd hoc Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Family Psychology

2008 – PresentAd hoc Manuscript Reviewer, Clinical Psychology &


2008 - PresentAd hoc Manuscript Reviewer,Journal of Cross Cultural


2008 - PresentAd hoc Manuscript ReviewerJournal of Loss and Trauma

2008 - PresentAd hoc Manuscript ReviewerJournal of Social and Clinical


2008 - PresentAd hoc Manuscript ReviewerJournal of Social and Personal


2008 - 2010Newsletter Editor, Couples Research and Therapy Special

Interest Group, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive


2012Invited lecture, Stevenson University Psychology Speaks Event