Regular Meeting of the Proposition 39 Oversight Committee

Notes from

February 24, 2009 meeting

4 p.m.

California City Middle School (Multi-purpose Room

9736 Redwood Blvd

California City, CA 93505


A. Call to Order: at 4.05 p.m.

B. Roll Call: David Safford, Chair; Buford Land, Vice Chair; Ed Waldheim, Secretary; Members Bob Smith, Susan Meixer, and Becky Stafford. MUSD Staff: Larry Phelps, Keith Gainey, Scott McCracken.

C. Approval of Minutes from 8/26/2008.Approved without changes

D. Next Meeting for May 2009: Next meeting set for 5/26/2009

E. Public Business from Floor: No public present

F. Board Reports:

(1) Chair: David Stafford: David stated that he looks forward to reports and wants to be able to present information about our school building cost to City council and public.

(2) Vice Chair: Buford Land: No Comments

(3) Secretary: Ed Waldheim: No Comments

G. Staff Reports:

(1) Financial Report: Keith Gainey: Mr. Gainey passed out a comprehensive financial statement on dated 2/24/2009. He reviewed the % of completion of each school project. Chair Stafford thanked Mr. Gainey for this fine presentation and asked that this be posted on the Prop 39 web site.

Becky Stafford asked specific questions on the itemized regarding what is “Resilient Flooring, Specialties”. Ed Waldheim asked about residential equipment. Mr. McCracken said he would bring more specifics on these costs to the next meeting.

It was pointed out that the School Board has to approve all expenditures.

Motion: Ed Waldheim made motion to accept this financial report and it was seconded by Susan Meixer. Motion passed.

(2)  Construction Report: Scott McCracken: Mr. McCracken reviewed the % of completion and for Hacienda. It is 63 % done, and only 10 days behind schedule. High School is 58.88 % done on Gym, and Building A is ahead of schedule. Cost of each is detailed in Mr. Gainey’s report. It was suggested that this financial report be provided to the School Board to keep them posted of the progress. Again, Mr. Stafford thanked Mr. Gainey for putting this report together.

Motion: Buford Land made motion to accept Mr. McCracken’s report. This was seconded by Bob Smith. Motion passed.

(3)  Scheduling of Project: Larry Phelps: Mr. Phelps stated that everything will be completed by opening of school 8/19/2009. He thanked Mr. McCracken and Keith Gainey for the reports.

Motion: Buford Land made the motion to accept Mr. Phelps report. This was seconded by Susan Meixer. Motion approved.

(4) Committee Appointments: Larry Phelps: Mr. Phelps stated that only the position of Taxpayer Association representative is open. On advice of council he was told that if you do not fill the position… because there is no Association, it just stays open.

Mrs. Meixer asked why not appoint a person from the Citizen Special Tax Advisory committee. Bob Smith stated he is member and they meet on the 4th Thursday at 6 p.m. at Council Chambers. Mr. Phelps said he would check and see if he can appoint someone from that organization.

H. Old, New Business and General Information

(1) School Signs: Larry Phelps: Mr. Phelps stated that they have talked about signs. Ed Waldheim brought up the issue of need for signs at our new schools. It is not right to have such electronic technology available and for us to have manual signs in these new schools. Electronic Signs provides a way for staff to interact with parents on daily basis as they come to school as well as the output of important educational messages. Ed also stated that he had secured donation from Honda for $4,000 but when they checked with Mr. Phelps he said he could not do something just for one school. Therefore the $4,000 went to another organization.

Ed made a plea to this committee saying “In fact, this is part of Technology improvements in the budget. They can find money because of savings on other equipment that would not be purchased, such as smart boards in exchange for projectors which cost a lot less.

Mr. Stafford stated that you can not change or add things, but Mr. Waldheim pointed out that we made changes to the Football field as part of a complete school. This is no difference. Becky Stafford also stated that field electronic signs are part of entire school, just as score board for football field.

Mr. Stafford felt we should get the community behind this, but Ed Waldheim, felt this is premature. Feels that staff should look at the numbers and see what recommendations they can come up with so we can then go to the School Board.

It was agreed to bring this to the next meeting.

(2) Update on Technology Improvements: Waldheim: Ed Waldheim discussed the needs of today vs. what was asked for when the budget was put together. We discussed the example of Smart Board not being as popular as the projectors, which cost a lot less. Ms. Susan Meixer also stated that some teachers do like the Smart board, but there are many others who like the Projector. Mr. Phelps asked who is making these decisions. Both Ms. Meixer and Mr. Waldheim, who are on the School Site Council for RPU, stated that teachers at this site are asked what they need. School Principals then put the list together. It was agreed to continue discussion of this at the next meeting.

(3)  Audit protocol: Keith Gainey stated that there is a legal requirement to have a professional audit done on the Prop 39 fund which ended June 20, 2007. This still needs to be done. He has contacted Darrell Harris, who has done audits before, and was told he could do this for $5000.

Mr. Stafford asked if this has to be done now and Mr. Gainey stated “Yes... we should have already done this.”

Motion: Ed Waldheim made a motion to authorize Mr. Gainey to contract with Mr. Darrell Harris to audit the 2007 expenses for the amount and to not exceed the $5000. Motion was seconded by Buford Land.

Under discussion, Mr. Gainey wanted to not have the constraints to limit at $5000. All felt that if Mr. Harris does not want to do the job at that cost, then we would go out to bid.

After discussion, the Motion passed.

Motion: Ed Waldheim made a motion to authorize Mr. Gainey to put out for bids to do the audit for fiscal year 2008. Motion was seconded by Buford Land.

Discussion: Mr. Stafford stated this would be good for us to be ahead of the process since 2008 year ends June 30, 2008.

After discussion, Motion passed.

(4) Web Site update: Before the meeting started, Mr. Waldheim had reviewed all the documents on the web site. Many things are not completed or current. Mr. Gainey said he would take care of this and post everything on the web site including financials, next meetings, agenda, and minutes.

I. Committee statements:

Mr. Susan Meixer asked if the public can ask for items just like signs. Mr. Phelps answered that the public can always address this committee and the School Board.

Mr. Larry Phelps thanked everyone for taking the time to come today.

Mr. Keith Gainey was happy we are having meetings on regular basis and will bring the web site current.

Mr. Bob Smith informed the committee that he is resigning his position as member of the committee because of conflicts in time. Mr. Phelps thanked Mr. Smith for this time as did Mr. Stafford.

Mrs. Becky Stafford stated that she feels there should be a parent who has a child in school on this board. Her children are now not in school and feels another parent should take her position. Mr. Phelps said he would consider this, but until a replacement is found Mrs. Stafford would continue to service. Mr. Waldheim expressed concerns as Mrs. Stafford is the link on e-mail for Mr. Stafford.

Mr. Buford Land thanked everyone for coming.

Mr. Stafford again thanked staff for the good reports and said he looks forward to the next meeting.

Everyone had a chance to say any last words before adjournment.

Adjournment: 5:16 p.m.